Golden Greenery

Vol 4 Chapter 34: To disrupt the fate of the world

Yang Yi returned to Zhongnan Mountain. Although he didn't care much about Morihei's insistence on leaving, he still hoped that he would return one day.

From Yang Yi’s point of view, Morihei came to this world for a short period of time. It was only sixty or seventy years after he had been in the world. And he really started to look for it after Wu Huiqing, a village by the Broken Leaf River, died. It's been 135 years since I came here.

Therefore, as soon as the sheep planned to settle down in the mountains, waiting for Morihei to return.

From the perspective of personal relationships, Morihei actually ranks very low in the life span of more than one hundred to three hundred years old, not to mention far inferior to Lao Yuan, Lao Zhangtou, Wu Huiqing, Luo Ji, Li Bai, Wu Daniu, and even Compared with Cheng Zhijie and others, Morihei is far from each other.

But he is the only known ‘dead’ besides himself. However, that's all.

Although Morihei's martial arts were taught by Yangyi, he never considered Morihei to be an apprentice, which is psychologically different from the old Wu Daniu. In Morihei's heart, I am afraid that there has never been a concept of "master".

Morihei is a fellow traveler, but not a fellow traveler.

As soon as the sheep was isolated from the world in the mountains, he waited leisurely for Morihei's return. Time was a factor that could be ignored for him. However, this wait is ten years, and the person waiting is not Morihei, but the younger brother Chen Tuan.

From the outside, Yang Yi and Senior Brother Chen Tuan screamed so funny, because Fuyao son Chen Tuan is 88 years old this year, and Yang Yi, who is a senior, will always be 29 years old.

After Chen Tuan came, there was no need to wait for Morihei, and never to wait.

he died.

She was isolated from the world for ten years, and didn't know the years outside the mountain. Chen Tuan told him that Morihe died in Tongguan more than eight years ago, that is, more than a year after he separated from the sheep.

Morihei entered Zhao Chongtao's army, and then in the battle with Zhou Xuanhua slashed two generals with axe, and was immediately named the palace capital Yuhou by the Shu Emperor Meng Chang.

A year later, Zhou Jun quickly attacked Tongguan and set up a nine-character series before the pass. At this time, Morihei had been appointed to General Youniu Qianwei, Qingzhou Jiedu Shi, and Tongguan Pioneer General of the Shu Army.

Zhou Emperor Guo Wei's military might be exhausted this time, and Morihei fell into a bitter battle after breaking through two consecutive battles. He was about to exhaust himself and was about to retreat.

After fifty rounds, Morihei was smashed with a cooked copper rod this week.


"He... just...dead?" Yang Yi was confused.


"Just die? Then?"

"Perhaps Morihei went back like this, back to the world you were in. However, maybe completely dead."

The first half of Chen Tuan's sentence gave the sheep an excitement. "You can go back if you die?"

"Maybe, maybe not."

"Junior Brother, can you give me a word?"

"No. Brother, forgive me." Chen Tuan said: "I don't know how Morihei came, or why you came here. Maybe it was lost in the original world, maybe it was dead there, but strong The desire to survive makes you come here to find a way to rebirth."

"So I can't die?"

"Never die."

Chen Tuan said that after the death of Morihei, the Shu army was defeated. Zhou Jun broke through Tongguan, Chang'an, Fengzhou, and Liangzhou in one breath, and then continued to be like a broken bamboo, and took the Yinping Road to take Hanzhong and Hanyin.

Meng Shu is now like the Shu Han 700 years ago, completely shrunk in the Shu land, and its extinction can only happen day and night.

The Jianmen Gate, which was always high hoped by Shuzhong, has never blocked the footsteps of conquerors in history.


Yang Yi thought of another question. Even though Morihei was tired, he was not an ordinary martial arts expert who could defeat him in the 50th. It can be seen that the martial arts skills of the killer were not below him.

"Who killed Morihei?"

"In front of the temple, there are command envoys, Jiedu envoy of the fixed country army, and the first fierce general of the Zhou state, Zhao Kuangyin.

"Zhao Kuangyin..." Yang Yi smacked the name: "Well, I will kill him." He became a lonely ‘dead’ again, and he was a little sad.

"No! Brother, you must never kill him."

"Why? Are you afraid I can't beat him?"

"I have seen Zhao Kuangyin. This man has a really advanced martial arts realm. You should be between you and his brother." Chen Tuan said: "But this is not important. Zhao Kuangyin has a nine-five-five-five years respect. He wants to be an emperor. "

"Junior Brother, what's so strange about the emperor? Datang has only been dead for a few years, and there are so many emperors in the world that are worthless."

"But Zhao Kuangyin is different."

"what is the difference?"

"Senior brother, let's not lie to each other, the younger brother also had the desire to be the emperor ten years ago." Chen Tuan said: "I once wanted to lead my Taoists and believers to rise up and conquer this world."

"It's not that the younger brother is greedy for the emperor's business, but wants to calm the chaos of the world and give the world peace."

"But after I saw Zhao Kuangyin, I gave up this plan because he is the one who can calm the world, the emperor who calms the world. Brother, the world has been chaotic for too long. The people need to live and work in peace and work, and the common people need to rest. Brother, don't Kill him."

Fu Yaozi Chen Tuan is even more influential than Yuan and Zhang Guo in these troubled times. He lived more than eighty years old and made himself a great figure of the Taoist ancestor level of this era.

During the Liang, Tang, Jin, Han and Zhou Dynasties, as well as the two Shu, the Northern Han, and the Southern Tang successively, the emperors of these separatist countries had invited Chen Tuan, Xu Yi high-ranking officials and even the national teacher, hoping to use his influence for himself. The regime waved its flag.

Even if they were coldly rejected, they still respected and did not dare to offend. However, such a Chen Tuan highly respected Zhao Kuangyin.

"Brother, Zhao Kuangyin can't kill."

"Can't kill? Then let him kill me."

"You can't kill either."

"Chen Tuan, you can account for the good and the bad, and you can know the cross-section of people, but why can't you figure out where my path is? Why can't you figure out what I should look for?"


"Needless to say, Zhao Kuangyin, UU reading www.uukā, I will kill this person."

"I can't kill him. He's not dead yet. I'm afraid that you will be disadvantaged against you, brother.

Yang Yi closed his eyes wearily: "It doesn't matter. It has been 344 years since I have been here. I don't care whether the people here are well or not. Do you talk to a man who has watched the world kill and lived 344 years old?"

"I want to go home. Chen Tuan, brother, I really want to go home. I want to know if my parents are still waiting for me at home. I want to know if my wife is waiting for me. Chen Tuan, but I don’t even know what they look like. I don’t know, I don’t know if they are still well. But you told me that Zhao Kuangyin wants to be the emperor?"

"I can't wait any longer, I have to do something. Since Zhao Kuangyin is destined to be the emperor, then I will let him die and make him disregarded. It is up to me to disturb the fate of this world."

"Maybe this way, I will find my way home." Yang opened his eyes and said, "Zhao Kuangyin, he must die. Junior brother, you must never stop me."

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