Golden Greenery

Vol 4 Chapter 15: Zuiyunlou waste to save beauty

"...I don't know where the face is going, Taohua still smiles at the spring breeze." Qi Yuxuanang's young talent shook his head and finished his poem.

There was cheers at the Baliu Garden Party, and Li Bai also slapped his slap.

Only Mu Yue looked calm and thoughtful, as if still muttering words in his mouth.

"Brother Mu, do you feel something in your heart?" Li Bai asked him.

"Brother, why do I listen to him like a curse?" Mu Yue said, "Listen, I don't know where the human face is going. Doesn't this mean ‘shameless’?"

"Puff--" The grape wine in Li Bai's mouth sprayed on the back of Meng Haoran's neck.

He hurriedly wiped Meng Haoran's clothes twice before Li Bai took the inexplicable Mu Yue aside.

"Brother Mu, you can just tell me these things, the'shameless'..." Li Baichao said in a nutshell, "But the Cui family in Qinghe has a bad temper and is not easy to provoke."

"Oh? Are the family members very unreasonable?"

"If you make sense, is it still called a family?"

"That's right."


Li Bai can become friends because of Zhang Guo. He often visited Zhang Guo and asked. It was actually out of the vanity of a studious young man, but since Zhang Guo's junior, Mu Yue, appeared in Zhang Zhenren’s mansion, he actually felt that he was about the same age as Mu Yuegen who didn’t understand anything. Can talk.

Mu Yue has nine out of twenty and Li Bai twenty-five.

Mu Yue was purely out of admiration. He admired Li Bai in a five-body manner.

Nowadays, the three martial artists recognized by Datang as the strongest, Li Bai ranked third, known as the Sword Immortal, his sword was learned from the sword sage Pei Min. But Li Bai is also known as the "Poem Immortal", and his "Poem Immortal" is louder than the "Sword Immortal".

The third in the sword, the first in the poem, the two immortals, no one can accept it.

Nowadays, there are the sayings of Tang Sanjue: Li Bai's poems, Zhang Xu's crazy grass, Pei Min's swordsmanship.

Mu Yue said it was twenty-nine. In fact, he was already over a hundred years old, but Li Bai was actually twenty-five. In terms of literary talent, Mu Yue is only literate, and Li Bai is a poetry fairy.

Let's talk about martial arts. Mu Yue has been practicing in the mountains for seventy-nine years, and Li Bai has studied under Pei Min for seven years. It hasn't been learned every day, or even every three days. It's basically a month to ask questions.

However, the two played against each other twice, and Mu Yue made eight moves under Li Bai's hands for the first time, and six moves for the second time. Mu Yue didn't compete for the third time because he felt that Li Bai was deliberately letting him.

This makes people lose their temper. People are better than others, and they can really be compared to adults.

Mu Yue really admired him, and Li Bai was a junior who really liked living gods, and he really admired him, and the two became friends once and again.

Zhang Guo introduced Mu Yue to people outside: "This is my little brother." Turning around, he said to Mu Yue: "We are in the same generation. I want to say that you are a brother. I am afraid that others will ask questions. If the brother is too foolish, I will on."

"It's easy to talk."

At home, Muyue called Zhang Guo Lao Zhangtou, and also called Senior Brother outside.

The point is that this'junior brother' is also very weird. The age difference is not a problem. The main reason is that as a junior fellow of a living **** and a real person through the Xuan, Mu Yue actually doesn't understand other than a talented person.

Old Zhang said with a calm expression: "You don't know, my junior has a fairy root, and he will surely gain a great road in the future."

You think, he said that he was three thousand years old and everyone else believed in him.

From Chang'an: "Oh—" It suddenly dawned on me.

Therefore, Mu Yue ate and drank smoothly in Chang'an City, wherever he went to be a guest. After just mixing for four years, he felt that he was the living **** in these four years, but the old Zhangtou was a fake and serious.

Emperor Li Longji had a younger sister named Yuzhen Princess Li Chiying, who was a sincere and obsessed monk, and said that she would marry Lao Zhangtou and cultivate together. What a great thing, Mu Yue is happy for him.

But the old man flushed with anger, beat a fish drum to hide his panic and refused. This was the only time Mu Yue saw him gaffe. Also, Li Chiying happens to be a man in his 30s and 80s who is not afraid of this.

Mu Yue only intends to stay in Chang'an City for a maximum of ten years, because within ten years he can conceal the secret of his "being immortal", and he will definitely not be able to grow longer. In fact, he and Lao Zhang said that they left Chang'an together in the ninth year, and Mu Yue followed Lao Zhang to Wufeng Mountain in Xingzhou.

The emperor has given Wufeng Mountain to True Person Tongxuan, and that is his mountain.

Then I spent ten years in Wufeng Mountain, let's talk about it.

It is now when Mu Yue enjoys the most in Chang'an City, and it is very popular wherever he goes in and out. But not everyone gave him face, such as the "family" in Li Bai's mouth.

After the founding feats withered, Datang returned to the dominion of aristocratic families. In fact, the Li Tang royal family itself came from the Li family in Longxi.

However, Li Bai's "Li" is not Longxi Li, he is a miscellaneous Li from his hometown of Shuzhong, and he has no relationship with the aristocracy.



"Langjun save me!" The woman in the indigo coarse cloth skirt and hairpin crawled on Mu Yue's feet, hugged his legs, raised her head and begged.

The woman's tearful face was distorted because of panic and eagerness, but she could still vaguely see the beauty of the three points. The woman is young, wearing a two-cornered snail bun, and obviously still an underachiever.

Mu Yue and Li Bai were confused. They had just arrived at the Zuiyun Building in Xishi. Before they could walk up to the second floor to listen to the music, the stairs rolled down such a little lady.

Everyone has the heart to protect flowers, not to mention that although the little lady in front of her is poorly dressed, she looks really good.

"Girl...little lady, what's the panic?" Mu Yue preempted Li Bai to bend down to help.

Li Bai was not hugged by anyone, so he moved a little farther away, and curled his lips without snatching Mu Yue, the soil bun. He is a talented person, and it is suspected that Wenquxing is descending from the earth, and a sentence immediately emerges in his back: if you don't know each other in the spring breeze, what's the matter of entering the Luowei.

Before the little lady had time to answer, she listened to the messy footsteps on the stairs. Someone followed him cursingly. It was still a group of people.

"Bad maid, who would give your dog the courage to insult me?"

The visitor was a man in Chinese clothes, and stretched out his hand to pull the woman's hair.

Mu Yue didn't want to: He was lying halfway in my arms anyway, wouldn't he give me any face? Don’t know I’m the younger brother of the Living God?

He stretched out his hand to open the man's paw. "Hey, hey, hey, hey!"

The man in Chinese clothes only noticed Mu Yue, the clothes rack of Yu Xuanang, a man of high quality, and immediately made him a little frustrated.

The person behind hurriedly moved to Hua Fu Nan's ear and muttered. Mu Yue looked at this person a little familiar, he must have met him, he should also know himself. As a result, Mu Yue became proud. He patted the little lady in his arms lightly, and said softly, "Not afraid."

After listening to the whispered introduction from a friend behind him, the man in Chinese clothes showed an extremely strange expression on his face, and then twisted and smiled.

"I thought who was so bold as a bird, it turned out to be the most famous **** in Chang'an City!"

Mu Yue was unhappy: I was my fault for trash, but if you said it in front of so many people, it was your fault.

"Be careful when you speak, I'm scared when I get angry." Mu Yue's face was dark.

"Ahahahaha~~" Huafu Nan and his Hupengou friends laughed staggeringly.

"Langjun, help me..." The little lady in her arms begged again, softly speaking, at this moment Mu Yue had to carry it on even though she was a complete waste.

The man in Chinese clothes smiled so much that he could see the overnight meal: "He is the biggest trash in Chang'an City, would you let him save you? Hahaha~~"

His face instantly became cold: "Able maid, I have to sell you to Jiaofang Si today. No matter who dares to stop him, this son will hit him until his senior brother can't recognize it."

After talking, you have to do it.

Li Bai couldn't stand it anymore and turned out from behind Mu Yue: "Brother, please forgive others and forgive others."

First in the poem, third in the sword, there are not many people who don't know Li Bai in Chang'an City, and no one who knows him dares to be presumptuous in front of him. Where did you think Mu Yue, who was afraid of death, got his confidence just now? The idiom "Fox Fake Huwei" "Warring States Policy" is there.

But brother?

The man in Chinese clothes was stunned when he saw Li Bai, and then he suddenly became the first absurdity of Chang'an City: The biggest genius and the biggest waste are as good as a person.

"Li Bai,...are you going to stand up for this cheap maid?"

"Brother, what the **** is going on."

The man in the Chinese clothes didn't make a fight, but he obviously gave Li Bai a lot of face and said angrily.

He was listening to music upstairs to watch Hu Nv dance. This coarse-clothed girl sold dye and deliberately splashed him black.

The man in Huafu wears real Huafu. This satin texture and fine workmanship is obviously a tailor-made version of Deyun Huafuju. It will definitely not come without forty. Although Mu Yue's blue silk robe is only five, he knows the goods.

In fact, Wuguan is very extravagant, and it is always equal to one thousand words. Bawen can buy a bucket of rice in the West Market.

In other words, this brocade suit of the man of China clothing is worth five hundred stone meters. It's just that now these five hundred stones have been poured with black dye that can't be washed away, and they can only be thrown away or cut and changed into swearing pants.

"I... accidentally... I can't afford to pay,... Lang Jun, save me..."

"Can't afford to pay? Sell it to Jiaofang Secretary to solve my hatred."

According to the Tang law, the little lady should indeed compensate others, and she would be sentenced if she couldn't. After being sentenced, the woman will be sold to the Jiaofang Division, and the proceeds from the sale will be paid to the victim.

Jiaofangsi is an official prostitute of Datang.

"Brother, this woman is not in time, so she can handle a good girl, and she will be ruined for life by a small mistake... Senior brother, for you dozens of times... bypass her."

Selling to Jiaofang Division is not worth forty, far from it.

The little lady hugged Mu Yue tightly. "Langjun, save me..."

Five hundred stones is not good enough to be mad at Li Bai, and he continues to point his finger at Mu Yue: "Trash, you call such a kiss, or do you pay Grandpa?"

"Langjun, save me..."

Mu Yue was furious: "Can I pay in installments?"

In exchange for another ridicule and ‘trash’.

However, with Li Bai here, it is impossible to fight, and his face is indeed big enough. In the end, Li Bai promised to pay in installments with Mu Yue, and did not say how many installments, but this was considered a step up to 500 shi. He let go of the little lady, took off forty pens, held it in his hand, and left angrily.

Before I left, I didn't forget to sip at Mu Yue and then yelled ‘trash’.

At that time, the scene was very embarrassing, and people from No.100 Zuiyun Building were onlookers.

Li Bai quickly compensated Mu Yue, let him have a lot of it.

"Is that your brother?"

"Well, my master's only son, Pei Zhong."

"Son of Juggernaut?"

"Well, Wenxi Pei's son."

"How is his swordsmanship? Are you good at it?"

"Shit~" Li Bai's nostrils let out a disdain. "He can't do ten tricks under my hand, so he has a hassle."

Mu Yue: "..."

I only took six moves under your hand, I'm not as good as a straw bag.

One is a talented civilian disciple taught by the old man, and the other is an aristocratic son with mediocre ability but with a golden key. The relationship between Li Bai and Pei Zhong can't be good, but they both care about the face of Sword Saint Pei Min. Avoid falling out.

Li Bai was born in a poor family, so although he was a peerless talent and both civil and military, he is now only a court dedicated to the Hanlin. To put it bluntly, it is Emperor Li Longji’s imperial entertainment tool. .

Pei Zhong’s talents and Li Tiantian went underground, but because they were Wenxi’s sons of Pei’s family, they chose to teach the Dali Temple Cheng and serve as a servant in the palace.

Can someone like Li Bai be convinced? Can you be willing? And such contrasts are everywhere in Datang.

That's why he asked his teacher Pei Min, then asked Zhang Guo, and only ingratiated with Yang Yuhuan, all of this was to increase his status.

It is precisely because of this that Li Bai's bones looked down on any descendants of the aristocracy and rejected him in his heart.

Mu Yue and Shijiajun are two extremes that are diametrically opposite. It is not difficult to understand that Li Bai and Mu Yue, who is like a waste but sincere and friendly, became Mo Ni's friend.


The little lady's tears filled with gratitude to Mu Yue and Li Bai, her appearance was really pitiful.

The little lady claimed to be a villager outside the Kaiyuan Gate of Chang'an City, whose surname was Niu named Xiaoqing. The father in the family is sick all year round, and a few acres of Susukino are cultivated by his mother and younger brother. The family barely makes ends meet.

Niu Xiaoqing often relied on picking plant rhizomes to make dyes, and then went to the Zhongxi City of Chang'an City in exchange for Jiwentongbao to subsidize his family. I never thought I would encounter such a disaster today, but fortunately I met two princes.


When Mu Yue and Li Bai were together, they were both upright gentlemen, and they each gave out a hundred dollars to Niu Xiaoqing.

Then there are many thanks. When he left, Niu Xiaoqing still looked back three steps with the rain.

Mu Yue is stupid, Li Bai is smart but lacks social experience.

How come the barren farmhouse is such a beautiful woman? How can you sell dyes to the West Market instead of dyeing workshops? Why does a poor woman who sells dyes walk up to the second floor of Zuiyun Building where only celebrities go?

The two of them were unaware of this, and Mu Yue was still immersed in the comfort of the hero saving the beauty.

That night, a major event happened in Chang'an City.

The only son of Wenxi Pei's Patriarch Pei Min and Sword Saint Pei Min was killed while staying overnight at the Drunken Red Mansion in Pingkangfang. Many people saw Xiao Muyue's murderer who looked so cool and fled through the window.

The **** Longquan sword was left on the scene.

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