Golden Greenery

Vol 4 Chapter 13: Zhang Guo is always a liar

Mu Yue found out that Zhang Guo, Zhang Tou, was a liar and a super liar.

Mu Yue is Yang Yi.

Being cautious, he decided to change his name when he came out of Zhongnan Mountain. Anyway, his name was just a name, and so was ‘Yang Yi’. No matter what he called, he was not what he was looking for.

But you have to be careful about what you want to replace. The surname'Yang' is inappropriate. When he was in Habayashi more than 80 years ago, someone asked him if he was born in the Hongnong Yang family, and the Hongnong Yang family was also true. Someone asked him. After learning that there was no connection, he warned him not to do anything under the banner of "Hong Nong Yang".

Some people even jokingly asked him if he was the remnant of the former Sui clan, which made him nervous. He walked out of the mountain without a father or mother, the origin is unknown, he himself suspected it was.

Therefore, the surname must not be Yang again, nor any family name, lest the owner of the family comes to make trouble. Li, Cui, Wei, Wang, Zheng, Xiao, Lu, Pei... none of these can be touched.

As a result, he was as stupid as a stone and decided to take apart the "Yang" of "Yang Yi" and his new name was "Mu Yi".

He was stunned by his wit.

After arriving in Chang'an City, Lao Zhang looked at him smugly and dumbfounded.

"If a person with the surname Yang wants to remain anonymous, 12 out of ten will be called Mu Yi. If you call this name, you might as well tell others that your surname is Yang, and others won’t remember it. You must be called Mu if you die. Yi, others will immediately remember your surname Yang."

Although he didn't understand why ten people would come out with twelve, he still felt that the old head Zhang made a lot of sense.

"Then...Old Zhang, you look very knowledgeable, help me get one."

"I don't just look...huh!" Zhang Guo stroked the white beard that was quickly dragged to the ground. "Wood is not as good as Mu, but when wood meets water, it will be born. There are dozens of households with the surname Mu living scattered in the countryside of Xingzhou County, all descendants of the Duanmu clan of the former Han. It is reasonable for people with the surname Mu to vote for me."

Zhang Guo is from Xingzhou, and his donkey is also Xingzhou donkey. He and the donkey live in Hengshan all year round. There is a local special food in Xingzhou, which was invented by Lao Zhang Tou, called Huoshao.

"You came from the mountains, so you are named as "Yue", okay?"

"Okay." He felt that Old Zhang Tou was indeed very knowledgeable.

Thus, a brand-new Mu Yue appeared in Datang Chang'an City.

When Lao Zhangtou left the wooden cabin in the mountain and came to Chang'an a year ago, he said to Mu Yue: "After you enter the city, it should be easy to find my name."

To be honest, Mu Yue would be suspicious when he entered the city a year later, but he never expected that the name'Zhang Guo' was really well-known in Chang'an City in just one year.

The emperor gave him the title of "Dr. Yinqing Guanglu". This was a third-ranked official, and he was given the title of "Mr. Tongxuan". So now Changan people call Zhang Guo "Tongxuan True Person".

A real person is a Taoist immortal, at least a half-immortal, is this okay? So as soon as Mu Yue mentioned Zhang Guo, he was immediately led by the enthusiastic people of Chang'an City to the mansion of the old Zhangtou in Qinrenfang, which was also rewarded by the emperor.

"Go to tell Zhang Zhenren, and old friends in the mountains will vote."

Lao Zhangtou was Mu Yue who came to pick him up at the door himself, trotting all the way from the top.

Although 80 years have passed, there have been some reconstructions and repairs, but Mu Yue still knows this place. He had been here 80 years ago and it was the home of Lu Guo Gong Hou Junji at that time.

The city of Chang'an has become bigger and there are more people, and there are densely packed people living outside the city. Almost all the people in the mountains have moved out these years because the world is peaceful. The name of the Tang Dynasty changed from Zhenguan to Kaiyuan eighty years ago.

Women in Zhenguan Chang'an wear clothes with collars, and women in Kaiyuan wear clothes too, but they all have their **** exposed. Mu Yue's eyes are dizzy when the white flowers are not bottomless.

Mu Yue missed Luo Ji a little.

Hu people and Hu women are everywhere in Fangshi. Eighty years ago, Kunlun slaves were still rare things. Now they are running all over the streets. Some Kunlun slaves speak Chang'an Mandarin more authentically than Muyue.

People must have changed too. The current emperor is the great-grandson of the previous one, and the current officials are basically the grandsons and great-grandsons of that time.

Hou Jun’s family was gone. I heard that his head was chopped off for rebellion, and the rest of the family were driven to the south of Miaoling.

Li Jing did not rebel, but his eldest son Li Dejian, who did not resemble him, made a fuss with the rebels. His head was not chopped off, but the whole family also went to Miaoling. The other descendants of Li Jing's family have basically fallen, and they are not in Chang'an now.

Mu Yuechang breathed a sigh of relief.

Mu Yue felt that Hou Junji must have eaten something unclean. Otherwise, he had such a good relationship with the old emperor, why would he want to make the old emperor oppose him?

Li Ji had a very good relationship with the old emperor. His surname was given by the old emperor, so he did not rebel. However, Li Ji’s grandson later rebelled against the female emperor, and their family was completely killed. Even Miaoling was killed. Did not go. It can be seen that women are much more ruthless than men.

Li Ji was originally named Xu, Xu Shiji, also called Xu Maogong. I heard that his grand-nephew ran away before being beheaded and ran to Tuyuhun.

What made Mu Yue gratified was that Cheng Zhijie's family did not revolt, and now Lao Cheng's descendants are doing well. Although they are not as beautiful as they were 80 years ago, they are a thousand miles better than going to Miaoling as a savage.

Old Cheng's grandson, Cheng Boxian, is very capable. This grandson is now a righteous brother with General Huqi and Gao Lishi of the State of Qi. Gao Lishi's father died that year, and Cheng Boxian cried and fainted several times while yelling "Daddy~" in his mouth.

When his grandfather Cheng Zhijie and his father Cheng Chubi died, Cheng Boxian just screamed.

After waking up from crying, Gao Lishi bowed to Cheng Bo, and then he developed.

Although Gao Lishi's ‘General Hussar’ was only a casual official and his level was not very high, he was a close **** of Emperor Li Longji, which was more powerful than any official position.

Moreover, Gao Lishi is one of the top three martial artists in Datang.

Eighty years ago, the most powerful martial artist in Datang was Lao Yuan and the dog thief Zhang Zhongjian. Eighty years later, no one remembers the dog thief anymore, but Lao Yuan's reputation is a few days greater than that of 80 years ago.

It's not because of his martial arts skills, everyone says he has ascended to heaven as a god. Is there anything better than a fairy?

Lao Yuan and his good friend Li Chunfeng are now gods of the Tang Dynasty. Old Yuan came to Chang'an more than 80 years ago to visit Mu Yue incidentally, mainly to find Li Chunfeng.

Datang now has two semi-fairies. Except for Lao Yuan and Li Chunfeng, the other half is Lao Zhangtou Zhang Guo. He is a living fairy, so he is so famous.

Mu Yue admired Lao Zhang's head so much, because he heard that when he came to Chang'an City, he said to Li Longji and Yang Yuhuan in a serious manner: "You are not human beings, but the gods descended from the sky. I see you in the fairy palace in the sky. Pass you guys."

As a result, Lao Zhangtou had a mansion and a real person Tongxuan, and also had a doctor Yinqing Guanglu.

Of course, if someone else went to tell Li Longji and Yang Yuhuan, he was probably chopped off on the spot. But Mr. Zhang said that it was fine, because he was a living god.

The old head Zhang said that he had served as a guard for Emperor Yao, that is, Emperor Yao Shunyu, who lived to be more than 3,000 years old now.

If others say this, it is estimated that the head will be cut off on the spot, but the old head Zhang said it would be fine, because he can spell.

"Boom", the water in the empty bowl is full, and there is a blistered goldfish floating on it;

With a "puff", the paper man stood up and danced, and with a "puff", the paper man caught fire again, and the flame was one foot high;

With a ‘swish’, the white silk handkerchief in his hand turned into a white dove, and with a ‘swish’, the dove turned into a fire and burnt nothing left.

If it's not a god, how could it be such a magical spell?

Lao Zhang also took out from his arms the black pottery bowl used for eating when riding a donkey, and introduced to the emperor and ministers of civil and military affairs: "Although my bowl looks ordinary, it can hold one hundred thousand soldiers and generals, as well as food and soup."

The emperor asked him: "Have you ever pretended to be a heavenly soldier?"

Old Zhang replied very confidently: "Not yet."

Thunderous applause erupted from the Jinluan Temple, and everyone was deeply impressed by the boundless power of the old Zhang's head.

But before Mu Yue had time to admire him, he knew that Old Zhang was a liar, and he had confessed himself.

Zhang Guo said: "Three thousand years old? That is to coax them to play, I am seventy out of seven this year."

Mu Yue entered Zhongnan for the second seventy-nine years.

Then Old Zhang Tou showed Mu Yue over and over again what kind of hand-painted tricks those spells were, and explained the proportions of materials required for burning.

Sure enough, he is a super liar.

But Mu Yue didn't hate this old liar at all. On the contrary, he was very moved, because he only told him the secrets that he relied on for food. Mu Yue has determined that Lao Zhang Tou is the second person who is really good to him besides his senior brother Lao Yuan.

More than a year ago, Mu Yue and Zhang Guo traveled all the way from Shuzhong to Zhongnan Mountain and lived in a wooden house for two months. Mu Yue didn't hide anything from Zhang Guo. He told Zhang Guo that he and Lao Yuan were.

"Mu Yue, do you think people in the Daming Palace are all fools? The emperor, noble concubines, and ministers of civil and military affairs, who can walk into the Daming Palace, are all top men in the human spirit, not a fool."

"They know what I'm talking about is false, and they also know that my things are not spells. But this peaceful and prosperous age needs a god, the emperor needs, and these smart people need a **** like me. Without Zhang Guo, there would be Chen Guo and Wang Guo. , Maybe it's Hugo, at least I look the most like a fairy."

Mu Yue didn't understand, but he knew that these two sentences were called pushing his heart.

But the old Zhangtou is true. He often preached to Chang'an people. Every time he came to listen to it, he was full of people. And he has written more than a dozen books on monasticism, which is absolutely impossible to fake. Senior Brother Yuan is so good that he has only written five books. The most famous "Push Back Picture" was drawn in partnership with Li Chunfeng. UU Reading

But Lao Yuan was a great martial artist, and he carried the Tiangang sword wherever he went, which Zhang Guo couldn't compare. The old man doesn't know how to play swords, he just carries the flute and fishing drum wherever he goes. The old man is a music player.

Kaiyuan is not only more popular than Zhenguan, but also piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, as well as martial arts.

But because they don’t fight much, the martial artist on horseback is not as famous as Zhenguan at that time, and nowadays, when it comes to martial arts masters, they are generally referred to as sword-players.

There are many martial artists with superb swordsmanship in the Tang Dynasty, but according to Mu Yue's understanding, there are now three people who are recognized as the most accomplished. They are called "Sword Sect", "Sword Saint" and "Sword Fairy".

Sword Sect is Gao Lishi, Sword Master is called Pei Min, who belongs to Wenxi Pei. Gao Lishi and Pei Min have not discussed each other, but everyone agrees that Pei Min is the most powerful of the three, because the sword immortal of the three is Pei Min's apprentice.

Mu Yue entered Chang'an for the second time, and the first friend he met was Jian Xian.

"I have seen Brother Mu, and I'm under Li Bai."

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