Golden Greenery

Vol 4 Chapter 11: 79 years of sword practice

Yang Yi lived in the mountains for a long, long time, until he finally wanted to go to Chang'an City again.

The thatched house has been converted into a wooden house by him, and it has been rebuilt three times, because the previous two were damaged. The plum tree in front of the door was dead and alive, then dead, and now alive.

Long ago when Yu Linwei was still in Chang'an City, Yang Yi learned to count and how to keep track of life. Although he learned very slowly because of his stupidity, he could still learn in more than ten years.

Yang Yi remembered the days on the mountain wall, remembering clearly.

It has been 79 years since I returned from the middle of Shu to Zhongnan Mountain, and it has been 103 years since I met Lao Yuan for the first time. If I count from the days I can remember clearly, I have been in this world for 113 years.

enough! It was enough for Yang Yi to confirm that he was indeed immortal, because he was the same as he was before 113 years, with no changes.

Yang Yi didn't know if there were any immortal people in this world, but former senior brother Yuan said no. Peng Zu and Ge Hong are just legends. And even in the legend, they just lived long enough, but they weren't not old, and when they were old, they still grew old into a handful of dry wood, which is called chicken skin crane hair in books.

Whether Yang Yi will live forever or not may not be known. After all, he may be in this world when he is over a hundred years old, but he has never heard of his appearance and body.

Therefore, Yang Yi is basically affirmed that if he is not an old turtle, he is definitely not a person in this world.

who am I? Where am i from What am i doing?

Because he was afraid of death, Yang Yi had never taken a step northward from Zhongnanshan in 79 years. He was afraid to run into an acquaintance in Chang'an who knew him. When he had to buy something, Yang Yi preferred to walk south from the mountains and buy enough at the market in Lantian County when it was getting dark. There is a river beside the market, the river is called Zhashui.

Yang Yi always goes several times a year because he is not short of money.

Eighty-three years ago, when he carried his senior brother Lao Yuan and his Tiangang sword back to Shu, he also carried away the gold of the dog thief Zhang Zhongjian. He didn't finish memorizing it all, because he couldn't memorize too much, and Yang Yi was not a greedy person.

Although not many, it is enough for Yang Yi to live a simple life for more than 100 years.

It's not easy to buy things directly with gold. When changing gold to copper coins, Yang Yi would go to the Hanyin Mansion further south, which was called Ankang during the Great Sui Dynasty.

Anyway, Yang Yi would never go north, because Chang'an is to the north.

Eighty-three years ago, not only did he take away the gold of the dead ghost Zhang Zhongjian, Yang Yi also took his Longquan sword.

Because he was afraid of death, because he regretted that he didn't know how to martial arts, and because of sadness, he couldn't help the senior brother Lao Yuan even with one trick, so Yang Yi would practice martial arts anyway and play swords.

He still remembered some of the sword moves used by the old Yuan Jiao back then, because there were not many things in his mind, just like a roll of white silk, but when he painted something, he would be very clear.

The most clear is the match between Old Yuan and the dog thief Zhang Zhongjian 83 years ago. It was the most memorable and deepest scene in Yang Yi's one hundred and thirteen years.

Yang Yi is too stupid, so stupid that he only needs half a cup of tea to learn the ‘front-hanging sword’ he hasn’t learned for a month, so Yang Yi practiced it for two months, and then he practiced it.

In the seventy-nine year of entering Zhongnan for the second time, Yang Yi also practiced the sword for seventy-nine years. Old Senior Brother Yuan said that he was playful and didn't work hard when he was a child, and it took three days to practice.

Yang Yi used it for twenty years. And he hasn't practiced it all because he hasn't remembered it all.

Then he began to practice the moves of old Yuan and the dog thief Zhang Zhongjian based on his memory. Year after year, he could practice wherever he thought of. He didn't know if there was any tactics. It was probably practiced at the blind chicken ba.

But practice is better than no practice.

For someone else, if you practice for 75 years, you will definitely be a great martial artist who can cross the world. After practicing for 75 years, Yang Yi finally killed an antelope.

When the antelope in the mountains is in heat, as long as it sees a living thing, it will be stunned, just like owing it money. If you don't knock you off the cliff, it will not spare you.

Four years ago, Yang Yi met such a antelope in heat on a narrow road. After there was no way to run, he stepped on the mountain wall and stabbed with a backhand.

The winter in the mountains is long, and Yang Yi has eaten more than 300 catties of dried antelope meat for the whole winter, and he almost vomits. However, now he can still run when he sees the antelope, runs when he sees the bear, and climbs the tree when he sees the wolf and the wild boar.

That antelope was the first time Yang Yi killed a living creature with swordsmanship. It is worth remembering, but it won't be remembered soon, because he killed two people with a sword again.

Three years ago, Yang Yi went to Hanyin Mansion and exchanged a golden cake for twenty Guanjingyuntongbao. He bought some cloth boots and salt by the way, and walked back in a bamboo basket. Two thieves watched him, but he didn't know.

In fact, there is no clear distinction between the culprits and the mountain people.

At the inaccessible pass, the two thieves drew short knives from their backs and asked Yang Yi to leave the bamboo basket.

Yang Yi was very obedient. After putting down the bamboo basket, he pulled out the Longquan sword silently.

He saw the two culprits swallow dry saliva.

He didn’t care about counting how many tricks he had used, that is, hanging, pumping, strapping, lifting, gridding, punching, stabbing, tapping, breaking..., he kept playing out, and in a short while, he would poke both culprits. died.

Yang Yi kicked the bodies of the two culprits from the mountain. It is estimated that they will be cleaned by wolves in a few days. Of course, before kicking down, he didn't forget to leave those two good short knives, nor did he forget to clean up the dozens of coins from them.

There is really no clear distinction between the culprits and the mountain people.

This was Yang Yi's first murder, and he didn't feel scared. Yang Yi was just afraid of death, not afraid of seeing others die.

After killing people, and with one enemy and two, Yang Yi felt that he was a little self-defense, and he also had the courage to step out of the mountain. But he still didn't dare to go north. He went to Shuzhong to visit his senior brother Yuan Tiangang.

After more than seventy years, he wanted to sweep the grave for Lao Yuan, and put the grave head on the first base. So he went to Baihe Mountain.

This time it didn’t take a year. I practiced martial arts for more than 70 years. Let’s not talk about anything else. The effect of physical training is first obvious. Not only does it fly like flying when walking, but it also takes a lot of distance every day.

In two months, he stayed overnight from Xiaoxing in Zhongnan Mountain to Baihe Mountain in Shuzhong.

Lao Yuan's tomb does not need to be rebuilt. His tomb was built very generously by the folks and tribesmen in his hometown, and it is often cleaned. Yang Yi discovered that Lao Yuan was more famous than when he was alive. Everyone said that Lao Yuan had become a **** in the sky.

Yang Yi looked up at the sky, he hoped that what they said was true.

After talking with Lao Yuan for a month, Yang Yi returned to Zhongnan Mountain. It took two months when I went there, but five months after he came back, because he was traveling with an old man, who walked too slowly.

The old man’s donkey is slower than the old man.

Yang Yi and the old man met at Lao Yuan, and he also saw Lao Yuan from a long distance, so Yang Yi thought the old man was a good person at first glance.

The old man asked: "Who are you?"

"Can't are you from?"

"I can't remember it either."

The old man was obviously satisfied with his answer and nodded with a smile.

"So, are you a senior?" the old man asked him again.

Yang Yi felt that he should be. After all, the age was here, but he touched his tender face, and then looked at the old man whose white beard was about to be dragged to the ground, and felt that he was giving such a walking antique to the senior. Very inappropriate.

"No, you are the predecessor. I don't want to show off and say that I have nine out of twenty this year."

The antique old man with a white beard laughed and waved his hand: "Don't dare to be, don't dare to be. What's more, how is the relationship between you and me?"

Yang Yi believes that the old man is definitely a good person.

The old man said he was going to Chang'an, but Li Longji and Yang Yuhuan invited him to go. Yang Yi didn't know who these two people were. He didn't seem to be very powerful from the name.

The old man didn't go directly to Chang'an. After walking slowly with Yang Yi for five months, he came to Yang Yi's wooden house in the mountain and settled in.

Therefore, Yang Yi cooks for him every day and feeds the donkey. After feeding for two months, the old man rode away on a reluctant donkey and went to Chang'an City.

Before leaving, the old man said to Yang Yi: "Don't forget that Yuan Tiangang is dying...Bah, what I said to you before flying, don't forget that you are not from this mountain. When you think about it, go to Chang'an City to find me. ,I wait for you."

After the old man left, Yang Yi spent another year in the mountains before finally deciding to go to Chang'an. It has been more than eighty years since I left Chang'an. Everyone who knew him in Chang'an City should be dead. If there are still alive, Yang Yi thinks he can discuss with him: Are you also a good turtle?

In this way, he walked out of Zhongnanshan North for the second time and walked into Chang'an City for the second time.

He went to the old head Zhang.

The old man said that his name was Zhang Guo, and he said that the name should be easy to find.

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