Golden Greenery

Vol 4 Chapter 9: Yuan Tiangang emerges as a fairy

Yuan Tiangang died, in the arms of his junior brother Yang Yi.

But before he died, he killed Zhang Zhongjian, a bearded man with a Tiangang sword in his hand. The two martial artists with the highest attainments in swordsmanship in Datang had the only time they fought each other in their lives, and it became the last time.

Zhang Zhongjian died first, who is the best in the world, seems to have a conclusion, but the world has no way of knowing, because except Yang Yi, no one has seen their duel.

Top martial artists like Yuan Tiangang and Zhang Zhongjian, if not necessary, will definitely avoid conflicts and competitions. Zhang Zhongjian is not afraid of Yuan Tiangang, but he does not want to provoke him either.

Women are always very careful, and Zhang Hongfu noticed that Yang Yi's face was not old after 20 years.

Yang Yi spent 18 years in Chengfu and Yu Linwei, his life circle is fixed and small, and there are only so many people who are most familiar with him. Zhang Hongfu met Yang Yi twice, once when he had just left the mountain 20 years ago and followed Yuan Tiangang to Li Jing's house, and once when he was in the 17th year of Cheng's residence.

She told her husband Li Jing and her righteous brother Zhang Zhongjian about this discovery. Li Jing didn't care too much. There are always many strange people in this world. But Zhang Zhongjian cared. If Yang Yi is really immortal, it will be of great use to him.

Zhang Zhongjian has a secret, which even Li Jing and Zhang Hongfu don't know. They only knew that Zhang Zhongjian's martial arts master was a Kunlun slave, but they didn't know that it was not an ordinary Kunlun slave.

Zhang Zhongjian took aim at Yang Yi, the secret of immortality in him. But he didn't want to alarm Yuan Tiangang and Cheng Zhijie. Both of them were not easy to mess with. More importantly, he didn't want his actions to make Yuan Tiangang and Cheng Zhijie discover Yang Yi's secret.

It's dark under the light, this is Zhang Zhongjian's understanding of Lao Yuan and Lao Cheng.

Therefore, he asked Li Jing, his brother-in-law, to take action, first transfer Yang Yi from Cheng Zhijie, and then rush northward under his belt.

Li Jing will definitely help the brothers who are righteous. This is a small thing for him.

Before Lao Yuan returned to the middle of Shu, when he passed the Baohe plank road, suddenly the dark clouds pressed against the top and the violent wind was violent. So, Old Yuan Zhe went back to Chang'an to find Yang Yi, then chased to Hexi, and then to Fuyu, he knew Zhang Zhongjian's lair was in Fuyu.

Hurrying slowly, Lao Yuan robbed other people of 16 horses along the way, ten horses died one after another, four of them paralyzed, and finally arrived at the critical moment.

There is no need to talk nonsense at all, the two top martial artists directly launched a life-and-death duel, which is also the battle of the first martial artist in the Tang Dynasty.

The bruised Yang Yi shrank in the corner of the burning hall, fearfully in front of the only audience, he didn't even have the strength to escape.

Yuan Tiangang's swordsmanship is upright and fierce, while Zhang Zhongjian is weird and cunning, and obviously not the Central Plains martial arts routine.

Aunt Gongsun's judgment was correct. Yuan Tiangang gradually fell behind after 90 strokes, and after 120 strokes, he was already defeated.

But the two are only a few minutes apart. If Yuan Tiangang escapes at this time, or even retreats all over, it will not be difficult, but Yang Yi is dead.

Yuan Tiangang struggled to support, Zhang Zhongjian took his life. But Yang Yi couldn't understand, he felt so fierce, watching the two fighting each other intently.

The determination of Gangzheng people is often very strong. Yuan Tiangang exposed the flaw and let Zhang Zhongjian's Longquan sword pierced into the heart. Taking advantage of his surprise and surprise, the Tiangang sword cut off half of Zhang Zhongjian's neck, including the large blood vessels and throat.

The bad guys have never had the concept of ruining together, so Zhang Zhongjian never expected Yuan Tiangang to make such a choice.

Scarlet blood spurted out of Yuan Tiangang's chest a foot high, and Zhang Zhongjian, the bearded customer, died on the spot. His neck was like a fountain.

Yang Yi shouted like a lunatic: "Senior brother--" Climbing up to Old Yuan with his hands and feet, pressing his chest with his hands, but blood still kept pouring out from between his fingers.

"Brother, is there any medicine? Where is the medicine? Where is it?"

"Yang Yi, brother is dying."

"Don't die, brother, don't die."

"Yang Yi..."

"Brother, don't talk, don't talk, medicine, medicine, medicine..."

"Yang Yi..."

"Don't talk, medicine, medicine, don't talk, don't make trouble."

"Yang Yi..."

"Don't say..."

"Do you want to **** me off first?!"

"Brother, you say."

"Yang Yi, the death of a cultivator is called Shengxian, brother, I am going to be promoted."

"Brother, don't be a god, I want you to live."

"Yang Yi, do you know why I met you twenty years ago?"

"You said that you went to Chang'an from the middle of Shu, lost your way in the mountains, and bumped into me."

"It's also right or wrong." Yuan Tiangang said: "Daoists have fate and calamity. It was the fate that guided me to meet you. Yang Yi, you are my fate. When I see you, I will Knowing that you are my robbery."

"Brother, I don't understand, can I speak a little more plainly..."

"It doesn't matter if you don't understand, you will understand later."

"Brother, I'm stupid. I didn't learn any of the swordsmanship you taught before, and I can't understand what you say today."

"Yang Yi, the brother rescued you today, that is, you have completed your life and survived the catastrophe, so you can become an immortal."

"Brother, what do you should...thank me?"

Yuan Tiangang: "..."

"Yang Yi, brother is dying, you will have to rely on yourself in the future."


"You must...find out who you are, to find...the way go back. Junior brother, to go your world...there are still people...waiting for you there."

Yuan Tiangang is dead, dead in Yang Yi's arms.

He lay down on Lao Yuan's corpse and wailed, his heart-piercing pain exceeded the pain caused by his wounds.

At this moment, Yang Yi suddenly realized that after coming to this world, Yuan Tiangang was the only person who was really good to him. Twenty years out of Zhongnan Mountain, I met countless people, including Cheng Zhijie and Luo Ji, and only Yuan Tiangang was the best to him.

However, this person is now dead.

"Brother--" Yang Yi whispered up to the sky.


Yang Yi carried the ashes of Tiangang sword and Yuan Tiangang, UU Reading spent two years walking from Fuyu to Shuzhong, and buried Lao Yuan and his sword in Baihe Mountain. This is Old Yuan's hometown, and returning to his hometown is his last wish.

After spending a year with Old Yuan in Baihe Mountain, Yang Yi spent another year returning to Zhongnan Mountain from Shu. Because of his stupidity, he always goes the wrong way.

He did not go to Chang'an, but hid directly in the original thatched hut. The thatched hut had long collapsed, and Yang Yi built a new one. Then he still had one house, one spring and two ridges like before he met Lao Yuan, slowly. Live the day.

There is a niche on the wall of the thatched house, and on the wooden board it is written crookedly-Senior Brother Tiangangzi Yuan Tiangang's Immortal Position.

Every three to five, Yang Yi would always burn a stick of incense for Old Yuan, if he had incense.

As the days passed, month after month, year after year, time seemed to lose its meaning to him. Yang Yi hid in the mountain and didn't want to go out. He was afraid of the world outside the mountain.

Sometimes he would climb on the huge boulder on the top of the mountain bag next to him and take a look at the Chang'an City in the distance. That's it, he never wanted to walk in there again.

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