Golden Greenery

Vol 4 Chapter 6: Back to the bottom of Zhongnan Mountain

Kou Kou's declaration of loyalty and love, even his attitude of martyrdom, shocked the men and women in this impetuous and utilitarian world. What was said in front of the whole world was not what two people vowed to each other in private.

Looking at Kou Kou's statement from a realistic point of view, this undoubtedly cuts off her future. From then on, only Zhuo Yang can live up to her life to live up to her life. Otherwise, once something goes wrong, it will be difficult to find another destination even if it doesn't die.

If she chooses any other choice, and then has feelings with anyone else, she will instantly be overwhelmed by the saliva of hundreds of millions of people watching the excitement. This is the cruel reality of this world.

Doesn't Koko understand this? She is a daughter of a prominent noble family. She is also 25 years old this year and has a deeper understanding of the world than ordinary people.

But she still made the most decisive decision for herself!

Except for love, no other explanation can be used;

Apart from conviction, there is no other reason.

Kou Kou’s firm belief also infected Zhuo Yang’s family. Zhuo Tongtong, Yang Hong and Zhuo Qiuqiu also believed from this day that Zhuo Yang would wake up.

Zhuo Tongtong said: "Yes, our whole family firmly believes, and we will never give up, not a single bit."

He also said: "Zhuo Yang must have not given up. We also believe in this."

And Zhuo Yang's brothers, Grandpa Mo, Shi Xiaozhu, Meng Er, Dao Scar, De Tu, they all began to believe that Zhuo Yang would definitely come back.

"Brother, we are waiting for you and waiting for the return of your king. Brother, come on!"


Both the Zhuo family and the Six Musketeers openly opposed using the term'killed' to describe the incident because Zhuo Yang was not dead at all. Therefore, under their protest and insistence, the media has gradually changed to "attack".

The biggest thing in football during this time is naturally the attack on Zhuo Yang, but there are still other people and things that can cause concern.

In the Club World Cup at the end of the year, Real Madrid first defeated the Mexican Blue Cross Club 4-0 in the semi-finals, and then defeated San Lorenzo, Argentina 2-0 in the final. He got his wish as the 2014 sixth crown Wang Weiye ended. No longer let Barcelona be beautiful.

At the award ceremony, all Real Madrid players and officials wore Zhuo Yang's No. 18 jersey. They gathered together and shouted ‘Zhuo Yang! Zhuo Yang! ’, dedicated this champion to him.

After twelve years in football, Zhuo Yang still missed the Club World Cup again. Won the Champions League five times, but only participated in the Club World Cup once, in 2007 with AC Milan won in Yokohama.

The 2014 Club World Cup was held in Morocco, a small country in North Africa. Originally, this match would be Zhuo Yang's farewell game in Real Madrid, but now there is no need to say goodbye.

The Club World Cup is also Real Madrid's last game in 2014. Since Zhuo Yang was suspended and missed, Real Madrid has won 18 consecutive games. In addition to the previous games, Real Madrid has lost 1:2 to Atletico in the third round of La Liga. In the next three fronts, a terrible 22-game winning streak was achieved.

The Champions League group stage victory ranked first in advancement, La Liga 15 wins and 13 wins and 2 losses accumulated 39 points, a short round still beat Barcelona and Atletico Madrid as the winter champions. With such a proud record, it really doesn't matter if Real Madrid leaves Zhuo Yang if the politics are incorrect at this time.

But some people have so-called.

Sir Ferguson was discharged from the hospital in mid-December, out of London Bridge Hospital. The old man suffered a heart attack at the Emirates Stadium more than two weeks ago and was sent here.

Before leaving the hospital, Sir Alex Ferguson came to Zhuo Yang's intensive care unit and sat for a long time, but he didn't say a word, and finally left with a long sigh and his cane.

After returning to Manchester, Ferguson first notified the Manchester United club and then issued an official statement: due to physical reasons, he could no longer continue to work and retired.

Zhuo Yang's 12-year career, Ferguson has chased him for 11 years. If he was not rare, Sir Alex Ferguson would have retired a year and a half ago.

After two years of negotiations between Real Madrid and Manchester United, they finally reached a transfer agreement with Zhuo Yang, everything was ready, and the wind was also there, but the flying misfortunes turned them into nothingness.

Some people and things are still missed after all, and the old Sir confessed his fate.

The 73-year-old Shenxian finally retired, and the Manchester United club urgently sought the head coach. No one dared to pick up Ferguson's class easily. The 28-year-old leader of the Red Devil, every brick and every grass in Old Trafford has a vaguely word ‘F’.

The temporary agent Giggs has too little coaching qualifications. Although the Red Devils fans support him and hope that Giggs can become Manchester United's Guardiola, to be honest, he feels that he is not ready yet.

The most important thing is that Ferguson did not speak out to support Giggs, making him feel unsure. Ferguson didn't look down on Giggs, of course he wasn't optimistic about him, the old man didn't look at him at all.

The frustrated Ferguson didn't comment on this. He was so bored that he didn't want to worry about anything anymore, and love someone.

There is no winter break in the Premier League. Just as everyone speculated, Manchester United suddenly announced on Christmas that the famous coach Van Gaal, who led the Dutch team to the third place in the Brazil World Cup, took office and became the new head of the Red Devils.

Van Gaal left after the World Cup, in fact, he is currently the only famous coach left at home. The Manchester United executives were not rushed. They contacted Van Gaal as soon as Ferguson fell ill.

Santoko also contacted Mourinho, Moyes, and the Chinese coach Rijkaard at the same time, but the timing was really inappropriate. All three of them couldn't help themselves because of contracts.

Rooney jumped up and cursed the street in Manchester, and then continued to curse in a roll.

It's not like you, it's not enough to shave people once, two times is not enough, three times is not enough, are you trying to shabu me into a scumbag?

Being teased over and over again, Rooney wanted to go to Real Madrid and was almost crazy. Now as long as you can go, you can do anything.

When Zhuo Yang had this incident, his package of rent-and-transfer agreements was naturally no longer enforceable and invalid. Rooney begged his agent Strafford to continue to negotiate with the two sides to discuss his transfer individually, or on loan.

At this point, Manchester United don't want to stay forcibly. Adults are good, but without Zhuo Yang, Rooney can't be an addition. Whether on loan or transfer, his worth is not low.

Real Madrid don’t want to spend big money anymore, because here they have to raise Zhuo Yang with a high salary, and the team’s record is smooth, much more ideal than originally expected. Xiaopang is no longer a new force to strengthen combat power, if it is not because of commercial factors, to be honest , Chubby has become dispensable for Real Madrid.

Both sides of Xiaopang kept begging grandpa to tell grandma: You need less, you spend more.

There is no grace of England's top card, only the helplessness of Zhuo Yang a few months ago.

Van Gaal took office: I think Rooney is a great talent, UU reading will leave it to me.

The first face must be given, so Santoko stopped the nonsense with Real Madrid about Rooney, but only loaned the Mexican pea Hernandez, who had also been shaved three times, to Real Madrid.

Rooney cried and grabbed the ground, but went to greet Van Gaal the next day.


The chartered plane converted into an air hospital took off from London Heathrow, flew east for eight hours, and landed at Xi'an Xianyang International Airport.

The special medical ambulance was seamlessly connected, and the people of his hometown greeted him along the road.

The Shanxia Shuixie Small Hospital has been converted into a life support and intensive care unit, and medical professionals are needed.

On New Year's Day in 2015, on the Ding Chou Day of the Bingzi month of the Jiawu Year of the Lunar Calendar, Zhuo Yang returned to Zhongnan Mountain.

Under the clear sky with white snow, Dao Chang Ye Wu hurried up to the huge rock platform on the top of the Five Sacred Mountain and stared at the Zhuo family courtyard below the mountain.

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