Golden Greenery

Vol 3 Chapter 997: Who is this kitten

"Brother Zhuo Yang, do you know what love is?"

"This answer is too much, there seems to be no single standard."

"Love, like a cat, always likes to lick the palm of your hand. Licking and licking, even if you don't want it anymore."

"Koko, I am this little cat, don't you don't want me~"

"Brother Zhuo Yang, I am also this cat."



After Zhuo Yang tore up his marriage contract in the Merrill Lynch Palace in Vienna, he rushed into the rain and drove away. There was also a quarrel within the Habsburg family.

The overwhelming majority of the clan is angry that Zhuo Yang's arrogance and powerlessness demanded to part ways with Zhuo Yang. As the patriarch, Kou Dad should issue an official announcement to announce the termination of the marriage contract.

Zhuo Yang’s status as a commoner of the yellow race was originally a serious gulf. The majority of the tribe found it difficult to accept. In the glorious history of the Habsburg royal family, let alone the yellow race, the main branch of the relationship has never been married nor married. People of non-German descent.

They were only due to the identity of Dad Kou, and it was difficult to speak out against it. Zhuo Yang's ‘presumptuous’ allowed everyone to naturally find a reason for opposition.

Including Koma Matilda, she also agreed to do this. Zhuo Yang's ‘indiscreet’ to tear up the engagement really offended her as Kou’s mother, and she felt worthless for her daughter.

Almost all the people of the tribe are strongly asking for a break with Zhuo Yang from now on, and the passionate public opinion has also shaken the Grand Duke of Austria.

Dad Kou is the person who values ​​Zhuo Yang the most in the entire Habsburg, and is also the person who supports Zhuo Yang and Kou Kou the most to marry. But this time he was indeed angry, and when he was encouraged by the voice of the people, he could only sigh in the end.

But the heroine Kou Kou resolutely disagreed with the announcement of the dissolution of the marriage contract.

Kou Kou is suffering from pains and tears that have never been, or even thought of, in her life. She is a girl who grew up in a honeypot and has not experienced too much pressure. Such a huge mental suffering will almost completely require her Destroyed.

Although I feel that Zhuo Yang has changed, become negligent of her feelings, become arrogant, unreasonable, and even unprincipled to protect her "rival in love", Kou Kou has never thought of leaving Zhuo Yang.

Even if Zhuo Yang was really with Midale, she would desperately take him back instead of leaving him.

But now Zhuo Yang abandoned her, which is tantamount to killing her.

"Dad, don't dissolve my marriage contract, please."

"Christine, Zhuo Yang has abandoned you."

"The news has not been seen in the media, Brother Zhuo Yang... he has not announced it yet.

"If you let him announce it first, the Habsburgs will be passive and will be laughed at by all the nobles."

"No, Dad, I beg you, don't break my engagement."

"Christine, are you sensible? Mom and Dad love you."

"Dad, I beg you, don't."

"Christine, Dad has to do this."

"Dad, if you break the marriage contract, I will run away from home."

"Where can you go? He has abandoned you."

"I... go to Mayerling Abbey, I will be a nun."

Dad Kou: "..."

This is where running away from home, clearly a monk.

"Well then, I promise you. Christine, Zhuo Yang is a very strong person. People like him will be more extreme and cruel. Are you still expecting any hope from him? You see Well, in a few days, he will announce in the media that he will dissolve his engagement with you. At that time, it will be useless for you to say anything."

"Christine, what should you do?"

"I went to Mayerling Abbey as a nun."

Dad Kou: "..."

Dad Kou was threatened by his daughter, so he could only passively wait for Zhuo Yang to announce the news of the dissolution of the engagement, and Zhuo Yang waited for the news from Habsburg in order to give Kou Kou the last respect. As a result, almost a month has passed since the'marriage change', but no one has officially announced it.

This is not the only thing that makes Dad’s headaches. One of the closest in-laws of Habsburg Joseph’s family, the strongest ally ever, and the German aristocrat Swinburne sent an official letter in response to Habsburg’s request for an explanation. The relationship between Midale Swinburne and her foil coach Ged Schmolin.

The Swinburne family did not respond, but very strongly informed Habsburg to terminate all contacts and cooperation with Habsburg from now on.

The official letter was sent by Midale’s father Andrew himself. He said angrily: "You have accused Midale of the attack on the Pilgrimage Road for no reason without any evidence. You are framed. Frank, about this. Let's not finish."

"You're still his uncle! Frank, I tell you, as long as my father is still alive, no one should want to pour dirty water on my girl's head. Don't think about it!"

The Archduke of Austria, Frank Joseph, looked at his brother-in-law, who was exuding terrible anger, dumbfounded.

This is not the usual Andrew, who is a wolf protecting a calf.

But you were skeptical at first that day? What changed your attitude so much?

After Midel admitted publicly that everything was her own that day, she ran out of the heavy rain, and Andrew hurriedly chased it out. He suddenly realized when he held Midale in his arms, who was struggling and punching and kicking.

Zhuo Yang is an outsider and a victim of the attack on the Pilgrimage Road. He just treats Midale as his younger sister, and firmly believes that Midale is innocent. I am her father, am I not as good as Zhuo Yang?

"Midele, I will not allow anyone to slander you."

"Dad, do you believe me?"

"Of course, I don't believe who else you can trust? Midale, I am your father."

"Dad...ooh~~~oo~~~~ I love you, they are all bad people, only Dad is a good person,...and Brother Zhuo Yang...oh~~~"

The father and daughter rushed back to Munich from Vienna overnight. The next day the news of Zhuo Yang's repentance of marriage came from UU reading, Andrew immediately moved his mind.

"Midele, Dad will always believe in you and will always support you. Don't say it wasn't you who did it. Even if you are behind you, Dad will stand on your side unconditionally. You are my daughter, Mide. ."

"Dad, I love you."

"The marriage contract between Zhuo Yang and your cousin is cancelled, alas—"

"Brother Zhuo Yang is so pitiful, he is so good."

"Huh, Habsburg has always been unfeeling. If they preemptively announce the dissolution of the marriage contract, I would not be surprised at all. Midale, if so, do you want to marry Zhuo Yang?"

"miss you!"

As a result, Andrew, who has always been a fool, persuaded his father, Swinburne, to openly break with Habsburg.

If you don't break up, it will not be easy to hook Zhuo Yang in the future, it will be disgraceful.

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