Golden Greenery

Vol 3 Chapter 973: Everyone looks up at the handjob

People in China's three age groups after the sixties, the seventies, and the eighties have slightly different personalities, but there is not much difference in essence. It looks different because of age. Even for the same person, the focus of thinking at the age of 20 and 50 will be very different.

If you compare the same age group, the way of thinking is very similar. This is because the family environment of these three age groups in childhood is basically the same, with food and clothing as the first element, and stocking is the main factor.

Childhood and native families have a crucial role in life.

But after 90, it is different. In their childhood, Chinese society has started to develop at a high speed, and the material conditions are rich. Parents have more energy to pay attention to the education of their children and pay more attention to the relationship between parents and children.

After 90s, when they entered their youth, China exploded into development. They were exposed to a lot of information at the age of learning. Therefore, after ninety, it is more self-confident and more eloquent than after six, seven, and eighty. It is full of creativity and imagination, and dares to express itself.

One by one, all guts are thieves.

Chen Jingxi is such a post-90s, he was born in 1998 and is 16 years old this year. Jing Xi's family is in good condition. His father resigned in the early years to do business in the sea. Although he is not too rich and expensive, there are still tens of millions now.

The world needs to talk about the importance of education. Since ancient times, the number one Chinese has been second to none. Normal parents, no matter how rich or poor, will give their children as much education as possible. This is also true of Chen Jingxi’s father and mother. He was sent by his family to Edinburgh, England, where he attended high school in an international school.

Nowadays, such an intermediary industry for studying abroad has been scaled up. From elementary school to doctorate level, studying at any level is just a matter of paying money. It is said that the revenue of China's overseas study industry is as high as tens of billions per year.

Chen Jingxi is now in his second year of high school. Today he came to Seville, Spain, wearing Real Madrid's No. 18 away jersey alone, and sat in Pis Juan Stadium with a large group of Real Madrid fans.

Real Madrid fans have already blamed each other for the appearance of a Chinese-faced fellow in their own group. It is strange to not have one. Chen Jingxi, like them, is today Meilinger who came to cheer on Real Madrid.


From the very beginning, it showed that this is a game with Zhuo Yang as the protagonist.

The whistle rang, and the roar of the plane over Pisjuan Stadium attracted everyone's attention.

Among the fans of Manchester United is a global fan organization called United Reel. They used the £4,000 raised today to hire an old-fashioned single-wing twin-engine propeller plane and pull a long banner. , Flying over the English Channel, flying over Seville, passing over Pisjuan Stadium.

"Come to Manchester United, Zhuo Yang.-Manchester United Scrolls"

The live video camera quickly raised and aimed at the banner. The Seville fans at the scene saw the excitement and it was not a big deal. Meilinger initially booed and booed the plane against the sky, but soon stopped, they were worried Being misunderstood by others is boo Zhuo Yang.

Chen Jingxi just looked at the banner and found it fun, but also deeply proud of Zhuo Yang. He doesn't care whether he is a Real Madrid fan. Like all Chinese teenagers, he is just a fan of Zhuo Yang.

Harvey Navarro looked at the banner that was going away. He was dissatisfied with Zhuo Yang's infinite scenery, and he could clearly see the hostility in the corner of his eyes.

Pis Juan security Pia Bruno also looked at the sky at the scene. He was very sure that this plane flew this time, and at such a low altitude, he certainly did not obtain an air flight license in advance. In other words, this plane is illegal.

Bruno looks at the problem from this angle because he is a policeman.

When a football match is held, many on-site security personnel are required, some of which are responsible for handling emergencies. But football clubs or stadiums obviously do not have many security guards on a daily basis. All are idle when there is no game, and Spanish labor is expensive.

Basically, they have signed a long-term cooperation agreement with the city's security company, and they will be the winners on the competition day. And these security guards who work with money follow the dual command of the police and the stadium.

For the convenience of work, some policemen will also wear security casual clothes, and once there is a situation, they can come forward to deal with emergencies.

Pia Bruno is today such a policeman in a security suit and a very old criminal policeman.

Zhuo Yang looked up without making any expression. He was very clear in his heart that the plane pulling banners was more like a kind of performance art. It is hard to say whether the purpose of the fan organization is to express his voice or to brush his sense of existence.

The transfer window is closed, is it interesting? I really want to love me so much. Why don’t you go to block the doors of Manchester United in July and August? . Pulling a banner afterwards is just like playing a house, boring.

Lord Ferguson is not harmful, he has been clamoring for a winter transfer, and he will not stop for a day. It is estimated that this dedication has inspired these fan organizations to create.

Lord Ferguson also indirectly harmed J Luo.

Zhuo Yang now dominates J Ronald’s house in La Finca, making J Ro up and down. Although 30,000 yuan is given to him every month, the extra rent is 4,000 yuan, but this 4,000 is not enough for J Luo’s family for a month. The money for private rooms in five-star hotels is a loss-making business. But Zhuo Yang doesn't care about you.

No matter how luxurious the hotel is, it is not the place where people living at home live for a long time. There is no room for La Finca, J Luo is willing to rent a villa in Moralega in the north of the city, but he really likes the crystal palace where Zhuo Yang lives now. Second, Lord Lord Fu once again vowed so that J Luo thought What if Zhuo Yangzhen left in winter?

Forget it, let's drag the family to take care of it in the hotel until the New Year. Ugh--

When J Luo just started looking at the house in La Finca, there were actually two buildings to choose from. One is Zhuo Yang’s Crystal Palace, but people haven’t moved away yet. They need to wait until mid-September to stay. There is another empty building that can be moved in immediately. The original tenant Huluwa Villa transferred to the United States and has checked out. The building of Huluwa was where the card got stuck earlier.

In fact, apart from the colors of one white and one light gray, the two mansions are similar in terms of architectural form and geographical location. They are the same tall, and the rents are all the same. J Luo originally wanted to choose Huluwa's old house, but he blamed him for raising his head.

At that time, Zhuo Yang was still in China for the summer vacation. Kou Koo thought of him and was angry with him. He really thought so badly, he ran to Madrid and held Zhuo Yang's pillow in the Crystal Palace for a night.

The two houses are less than 300 meters apart, and the straight line is closer.

As soon as J Luo looked up, he saw the setting sun in the afternoon, and Koko walked out of the crystal palace like a fairy.

The green under the golden sunlight, the air as clean as washed, the white fairy fluttering under the skirt, a beautiful picture reflected in J Luo's eyes.

Seeing that he was shocked, the house seller proudly teased: "She is Mr. Zhuo Yang's fiancee, Her Royal Highness Princess Christine Habsburg. I was personally received when His Royal Highness came when they came three years ago."

J Luoxin said: I bought the Karma, there used to be the place where the fairy lived, the fairy was fluttering, I bought the Karma...

Looking back at the old house of gourd, it is basically a grass shack.

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