Golden Greenery

Vol 3 Chapter 969: 2 small enemies

Simone personally waited, Zhuo Yang and Signorie started to eat, and the mouth was full of oil. The three of them started the wine pool and woods trip between the men on the early autumn night of Lagoonka Tianyuelang.

Zhuo Yang was born in the mid-1980s. Theoretically speaking, from the 1970s onwards, the former footballers are his predecessors. However, the players of the 1970s played against Zhuo Yangduo on the court, and Zhuo Yang almost defeated them one by one, so although there are many good friends at this age, the lack of mystery naturally makes it impossible to say respect or disrespect. .

In the first half of the 1960s and the predecessors of the 1950s, there was almost no intersection with Zhuo Yang on the court, and because of the age difference is too large, daily will not take the initiative to join together, overall Zhuo Yang to these people It is far away.

Only these people in the second half of the 1960s, Zhuo Yang and Zhuo Yang will be able to catch up on the court but they do not overlap much, but most of them are far away from the stadium soon, the generation gap between them is not obvious, Zhuo Yang has dealt with them most, Many of them have supported Zhuo Yang in all aspects.

So among all the seniors in football, Zhuo Yangwei has the most respect for this group of people and is also the closest to him psychologically. Hasler, Sforza, Maldini, Lombardo, Summer, Baggio, Igna, including today's Simone and Signori, they are all people of this age.

Because of some good interaction and cooperation, Zhuo Yang has always treated this group of people as a worthy and respectable elder brother. He is not polite in front of them, but never lacks respect.

Simone is a brave man who can be a knight, but it is impossible to rely on the straight-hearted bravery to be a coach, let alone a good one. As a social person, he also has the proper city and smoothness, such as today.

Simone never mentioned the scene in the Champions League final, as if it had never happened, in fact, this is the most appropriate treatment. The two people did not advertise their best, and a barbecue actually represented his apology. When he said it specifically, both people would reappear embarrassment.

Then the signing of the arrival of Signori was all in silence. Zhuo Yang appreciated this point.

If the matter is changed to Signori, who is also a bold and righteous man, he will not deal with it like this. Signori must have spoken in the clear, and whoever did not care about the tip of the needle would not stop. When he is wrong, he grabs the ground with his head. If he gets you right, he must bleed his head.

In the world of Signori, there is no black or white, and there is no middle ground.

Such a person, living too much steel and a tendon, on the surface will appear to be the embodiment of justice, but in fact it is easy to drill the horns and easy to be used by others.

After the food tycoon Sergio Cranioti squandered money, Lazio finally collapsed because of the inability of the successor, leaving many stars untouched. Signorie, who has been away from Lazio for many years and has no relationship with the Blue Eagles, is the first to jump out and scold Cranio.

He thinks he is righteous to make a speech, seeing the road shoveling everyone, but how can the world of capital be so simple, Signori is actually fooled by the old Lazio foxes as the leading bird.

As a result, there were many people who scolded, but Cranioti only hated Signori, and he also hated many bosses in the Serie A capital circle. Caused him such a Serie A merit, and he is still in his old career, still unable to end his career in Serie A, and can only go far to Greece to ask for life.

Serie A superstars are generally long-lived, especially in the post-60s wave, but Signori later wanted to find a place to play soy sauce at a low level. No one wanted him.

The good and bad in the character are only a line, and the boundary between strong and stunned is not obvious at all. Signori loved impulsively, and listened to the wind and the rain, which hurt him badly.

In 2010, the Italian football broke the famous'gambling nest case', involving 18 teams and 26 footballers at several league levels. Among them, the real behind-the-scenes trader is Atlanta captain Cristiano Doni, but it was Giuseppe Signori, who was the first to bear the brunt.

Doni took advantage of Signori's contacts and prestige in the Italian football field, allowing him to help himself everywhere. Signori, who has no mind but likes to fight blindly, thought that he was helping low-level league players, making him still very enthusiastic, unknowingly such a nasty thing behind him.

After the East Window incident, Duny was suspended for three and a half years, which had no effect on the 37-year-old and directly announced his retirement. Not only did Signori eat the jail, he was also sentenced by the Italian Football Court to ban football for five years in 2011.

For Signori, who just got his football coach license, it was a blow to the bottom of the kettle. Moreover, such things as gambling are completely subverting his image of uprightness in life, and the impact of it can be imagined.

poor person must have something mean. Signorie is Ke Zhenxie in football. He dares to be right with anyone. He pretends to be the incarnation of human chivalry, but is used by others to exploit his weaknesses in personality.

The difference is that Ke Zhenxie almost killed Huang Laoxie and Huang Rong, and almost brought his apprentice Guo Jing into the ditch. He harmed others, but Signori hurt himself.

This summer, the court lifted Signori’s ‘foot restraint’. He has nothing, his life is a problem, and people like him have no face to stay in Italy. Thinking about going, he contacted his old friend Simone to see if there was any way for him to go to South America to discuss his life. The farther away from the mainstream rivers and lakes, the better.


"Brother Zhuo Yang, come to smoke root."

"No brother, you smoke."

"Hua Zi~"

"I know, I'm coughing on this stuff."

This group of predecessors, after retiring, half of the tobacco and alcohol are separated, as is the case with Signori. Zhuo Yang doesn't smoke, and he doesn't drink beer as much as Signory. UU reads and watched him flip over himself after a while, revealing a half box of Chinese seeds on the ground.

Signori had already heard about the kidnappers Columbado and Baggio, and the pettyness was clearly known. Although the "gambling nest case" originated from his stupidity, legally he could not escape the relationship, and he was not wronged by others.

However, Signori's character is not bad. Is Ke Zhen evil a bad person?

After Signori got drunk himself, the uncontrollable Simone showed Zhuo Yang another secret story about him. This was the first time Zhuo Yang heard.

In Italian football, Signori and Gian Franco Zola, who are of similar age, are in a confrontation. The two have fought all their lives, not only on the court.

The two once fell in love with the same girl, and the two little men struggled to die for the tall and beautiful beauty, and even fought.

Later, the accidental death of the girl caused them to die unexpectedly.

Because of this sad thing, Signori left Lazio twenty years ago, and Zola went to Chelsea, and there was no longer a deadly feud between them.

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