Golden Greenery

Vol 3 Chapter 958: Real Madrid did not sell me

"Zhuo Yang, I regret that we have not reached a transfer agreement with Manchester United and the negotiations have broken down."

"Uncle Fu, you have worked hard. I really appreciate your preference for me over the past three years. When I went to Manchester United, I would never forget these years at Real Madrid...what? Uncle Fu, what did you say?"

"The negotiations have failed. Real Madrid and Manchester United have announced the conclusion of your transfer negotiations."

" could this be?"

Galeries Lafayette explained a lot, and chattered for a long time, but Zhuo Yang didn't listen to anything. He just held his mobile phone in a daze, only knowing that his transfer to Manchester United was yellow.

For more than two months, vigorously tossed the transfer drama for nearly half a year. The world was waiting to see Zhuo Yang moving to England, waiting for the strong sun to shine on Manchester, but suddenly ended up at the last minute.

Ashley Young wore the Red Devils No. 18 jersey for three years and was picked off by Lord Ferguson this summer. The hard plug gave him a No. 22 like a substitute goalkeeper. No. 18 looked at Zhuo Yang.

All of a sudden, everything rips.

Zhuo Yang was at a loss. He never thought that the transfer would fail. Which of the last three transfers was not just a transfer, but also nonsense, but the result was never in doubt.

Even if this time was dragged to the last day, Zhuo Yang never thought that he would not be able to go. There were buzzer transfers in any year. Last summer, Bell and Scar were the last moments to complete the negotiations, so he has no mentality about the transfer failure ready.

The new season in Europe has already begun. During this time, Zhuo Yang paid more attention to Manchester United than Real Madrid. He figured out the tactical problems Manchester United has today, and also figured out where to lead the team to solve. The deposit of the luxury house in Cheshire has been paid. Royal Northern Music has been urging him to go to class these two days, and the students' eyes are eager for bleeding.

In contrast to Real Madrid, Zhuo Yang doesn't even know what kind of thinking is the midfield match in the new season, nor does he care about the division of labor and differences in the tactical system of several new aids. He is clear to Manchester United and has become blurred to Real Madrid.

Kokoo hugged Zhuo Yang from the back and stroked his strong chest with his hand. "My dear, what's wrong?"

Zhuo Yang then put down his cell phone that had been hung up, and came out of the coercion. "We...can't go to Manchester, Real Madrid didn't sell me."


It wasn't until Lord Ferguson called the phone to explain that Zhuo Yang understood what was going on. He didn't take the initiative to call the grandfather, because he was angry with the old man: See what you do? You can flash your waist all over the world.

The problem was with Ed Woodward, Manchester United's chief financial officer, and Lord Ferguson used his mouth to plan the ancestral grave of Sandeko directly on the phone.

Sandezi was not born in football, he used to play finance. After graduating from college, he has been discussing life on Wall Street, and later served as an investment manager in the famous Morgan Consortium, also known as a banker.

When the US Glazers used financial leverage to acquire Manchester United in 2005, Sandezi was their chief banking advisor, and he was very successful for the Glazers' successful acquisition of Manchester United. He also followed the Glazers into Manchester United management that year. Floor.

Sandezi knows financial operations very well, but he does not understand sports or football. This ‘understand’ does not mean that he has to stop and shoot or arrange troops, but that he does not understand the professional characteristics of modern football and the special characteristics of his operation that are different from other industries.

In other European leagues, the team’s head coach is called ‘Coach’, but in the Premier League, the head coach is called ‘Manager’, which literally means ‘manager’.

The power of the Premier League coach is traditionally not limited to commanding the team, but will control all aspects of the club. Players transferring a pen are all basic rights, and some can even decide the business operation of the club.

However, with the high degree of commercialization of professional football, the funds involved in building teams and transfers are becoming more and more exaggerated. It is no longer a thing that can be done in the past 1.8 million. The Premier League's'Manager' system gradually seems out of date.

After all, it is the most reliable method to let professional people do professional things.

The capital predators gradually stripped off the transfer rights in the hands of the head coaches, allowing them to learn the coaching of the Continental Club, from ‘Manager’ to ‘Coach’. But this is a game process. It is human nature to chase rights and control. Many old gods in football do not want to surrender their seals. Among them, Ferguson and Wenger are the most confident.

Sir Alex Ferguson coached all his life, bought players transfer rebates, bought the racecourse and raised a number of expensive horse races, and he was willing to let go. You know, pure-blooded horse racing is much more valuable than the players, and even the price of one pull is enough to buy half of the main guard.

Zhuo Yang and Grandpa Mo have visited the racecourse of Grandpa Lord once, and have seen the grand occasion of the love of famous horses. Grandpa Mo lamented: Ma sóng is more valuable than human sóng.

The words are not rough.

It doesn't matter whether money is money or not, Lord Ferguson mainly likes to feel in control of everything. Due to his huge influence in the football circle and British society, if he had to hand it over, the Glazer family really did not make a difference with him, and could only cut the meat a little bit with a knife.

Last year, the financial director David Gill, who has worked with the Lord for half his life, left, and Sande went to the front desk, which is actually a move to integrate the rights of Manchester United's senior management. But if it wasn’t for Zhuo Yang, Ferguson had originally planned to retire, and the general will..., so Dolly’s heart was much lighter. He just wanted to pay La Zhuo Yang’s wish, and then play a good game that won the Champions League. , Then returned to the Yinshan Forest to go to the horse farm to concentrate on the horse selling Ma Pian.

The Glazers wanted to regain power, so the old man opened his eyes and closed his eyes. In the past two years, the transfer market was actually San Dezi running errands.

Last summer, Grandpa had little control over the transfer, and Sandezi went tossing. As a result, none of the originally planned transfers were successful. UU Reading www. just got Fellaini. Lord Lord just cleaned up the team's redundant personnel inventory to prepare for this year.

This year is the highlight. Lord Ye personally delineated the heavyweight goal he met, and stared at Sandezi to make a military order for him, but the main process was still to let Sandezi control, and Lord Yee just led the way.

The first few transfers are still smooth, there are twists and premiums but they are finally completed, but it is precisely the most crucial Zhuo Yang transfer. Sandezi is keen to use financial means and ignore the players in place is the most fundamental game rule He just turned the transfer talk that had already become yellow.

Real Madrid lowered the price from 300 million pounds to 300 million euros. In fact, it is very sincere and does not mean to blackmail Manchester United. At this time, the price given by Manchester United has also reached 200 million pounds, and it seems that the gap is still very large, but the confident Lord Ferguson finally throws out the killer.

The money is not enough, and football has always been like this.

The gap between 200 million pounds + Rooney + Hernandez and Real Madrid’s requirement of 300 million euros is almost negligible, and Real Madrid is also very satisfied with this transaction.

But at the last minute, the three neurons with sudden neuropathy collapsed with Real Madrid because of the payment method.

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