Golden Greenery

Vol 3 Chapter 944: Ready to move to England

After playing the World Cup in South Africa four years ago, Zhuo Yang and Koko immediately came to an unforgettable walking tour of the San Diego Pilgrimage Road. The two of them had many warm and sweet stories on the journey, and of course there were thrills of being attacked. The three gangsters have not yet been found.

What's important is that Zhuo Yang just finished playing the World Cup at the time, but he didn't feel tired at all. After half a month of continuous trekking, he still felt unstoppable.

After this year’s World Cup in Brazil, Zhuo Yang didn’t want to go anywhere at all. He just wanted to nest in the courtyard of Xia Nan Xie Nan all day long. Don't go to visit relatives and friends, not to mention travel and vacation, if possible, Zhuo Yang doesn't even want to see anyone.

Compared with four years ago, Zhuo Yang felt endless fatigue after the World Cup. His sister said he was playing football too hard.

Zhuo Yang is the player with the longest running distance per game in this World Cup. Especially in the quarter-finals with Germany, he ran 17,973 meters, setting a new record for the running distance in the international football arena.

But Zhuo Yang thinks that he is mentally tired, physically. Because of his superb recovery ability, he has never been regarded as a major event. Four years ago, he was also the most able to run in the World Cup.

From Jing Jing's deliberate planning of Real Madrid's Triple Crown, to the ‘engagement storm’ experienced in Vaduz, and then the World Cup, Zhuo Yang did not relax mentally during this half year.

At the age of the human flesh and blood, most of the difficulties come from the spiritual level.

The World Cup finals ended in mid-July, only one week after this, Real Madrid will refocus and start preparing for the new season, and Manchester United are at the same time, because both teams will go to the United States to participate in the International Champions Cup (Guinness Cup) at the end of the month. ), this is their most important pre-season warm-up.

But Zhuo Yang does not have to be so early. He has received a notice from Real Madrid's Athletic Department that he can return to Madrid on August 10 after the team returns from the United States and prepare for the European Super Cup on the 13th. Of course, the premise is that Zhuo Yang was still a Real Madrid player.

He and Zhuo Yang were notified of the same time to return to the team. They also participated in the finals of the face of the brother, Hedira, Angel Di Maria, and the butcher De Jong, who participated in the three or four competition. The internationals of the other teams, no matter what stage they play in the World Cup, will return to the team on July 23.

In fact, Ronaldo, Pepe, Coentron, Cassie, and Water Master all returned home early after the group stage, and they didn't dislike anyone.

Spain has returned from a disastrous defeat at the World Cup, and is now being criticized by Western domestic media. The boss Bosque has a hard time. This time, Real Madrid, the only player in the Triple Crown, was selected as the World Cup squad.

Real Madrid has always occupied half of the national team, fighting against Barcelona, ​​never looked shabby. Counting the former Real Madrid players hot dance Albiol and Longo Alonso, Real Madrid only has four people.

On the other hand, Barcelona has just won nothing in the past season, but there are still 5 people selected. Habaibu, Xiaojie Alba, plus Huluwa, Xiaofa, Sabre, Barcelona have up to 8 players.

Many people don’t understand, even if Aveloa and Nacho are good, but they are both young and perform well last season. Why are Carvajal, Isco, and Morata unworthy of the chance to go out?

Bosque is still a superstitious veteran, and the national team often does not have the club to dare to take the initiative to metabolize.


Zhuo Yang and Angel Di didn't actually plan to return to Real Madrid anymore. The Manchester United of Lord Ferguson had already raised the offer to Real Madrid to 110 million and 55 million. From Zhuo Yang's point of view, it was obviously almost the same.

Three years ago, I moved from Barcelona to Real Madrid. Although the total price reached 100 million, everyone knows that it is a special price for special operations. And three years later, Zhuo Yang is already a 29-year-old veteran, and he can’t afford it. Then it is the same as the 26-year-old most valuable time.

Although it is still quite far from the price requirements that Real Madrid expects, but this is the case for the transfer of football. Looking at the ridiculous price of the price, sometimes all of a sudden it can be done overnight.

Zhuo Yang has already agreed with Lord Ferguson that as long as Manchester United and Real Madrid reach an agreement, he will immediately meet with the team. No matter in the United States or Manchester, Zhuo Yang will rush to report in the first time.

In fact, fat man Laiola has reached a preliminary agreement with Zhuo Ye on the contract of Zhuo Yang, Zhuo Yang will sign a contract with Manchester United for six years, of which Zhuo Yang has personal options in the next two years. Zhuo Yang's will receive the highest weekly salary of 325,000 pounds in Manchester United, equivalent to an annual salary of 20.3 million euros.

And £235,000 is just the starting weekly salary. The contract stipulates that Zhuo Yang will automatically increase his salary by 18% every two years. In other words, if Zhuo Yang can play for Manchester United for six years, he will get an incredible annual salary of 28.3 million in the last two years.

As for why it is an optional contract for 4+2, because Lord Ferguson will retire in four years, he hopes that Zhuo Yang will **** Manchester United for another two years after his retirement, but Zhuo Yang must look at Manchester United at that time. Prospects, whether UU reads or whether the new coach has appetite.

This will be the last major contract in Zhuo Yang's career plan. Six years later, he will be 35 years old. It is time to go back to Madipu to make a successful reincarnation of his football career. Returning to Madipu is of course not for money. At that time, Zhuo Yang will only receive a symbolic salary. A few million per year is enough.

More than that, Zhuo Yang is a cross-border person, wherever he kicks the football, he plays the piano. Zhuo Yang has gone through the separation procedures at the Royal Conservatoire of Madrid, but has accepted the appointment of the ‘Honorary Professor of Life’ and the ‘Visiting Guest Professor of the Piano Department’.

His next music tour will be the third-ranked Manchester Royal Conservatory of Music in the UK, also known as the Royal Northern Conservatory of Music (RNCM), or ‘Royal Northern Sound’ for short.

The Crystal Palace rented in Madrid's La Finca, Zhuo Yang rents to September 10th, he has informed the La Finca Real Estate Group, the landlord, will not renew the lease.

The people arranged by the fat man have already found Zhuo Yang's new residence in Alderley Point, Cheshire, south of Manchester. Grandpa Mo lived there in the past. Zhuo Yang has visited many times and the living environment is very satisfactory. Many players from Manchester United and Manchester City live nearby, and Aguero is the same as Ronaldo before.

Everything is proceeding step by step, Zhuo Yang's entire team is ready to move to the UK at any time, and the transfer of Real Madrid and Manchester United has also been moving forward.

Almost on the same day, Real Madrid announced the successful signing of the 27-year-old Costa Rica goalkeeper Kelor Navas, who was outstanding in the World Cup, and Manchester United signed Mathieu De Bihe, a 29-year-old French all-rounder from Fort Maddie.

The sun rises every day from the east, but you never know that tomorrow or the unexpected one will come first.

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