Golden Greenery

: Whose character is it?

At four o'clock in the morning, Zhuo Yang, who was watching the replay in China, saw the German center Klose in his own half, and the Brazilian central defender Peng Peng, who led the defensive player to the ball, was then turned by Peng Peng. The game is not that simple.

After 0:1, the Brazilian defense team did have a bit of reflection. They sum up that four people can't be so shameless. They always have to leave one behind, but it is clear that there is no agreement on who to stay.

The German's middle road is very strong, and the combination of piggy and face is simply unreasonably hard. Coupled with the fact that everyone in Brazil has their own sidecar racing properties from the mother's womb, it is impossible to remove goalkeeper Cesar. In addition, eight of the remaining ten are all wingers.

Marcelo broke into the penalty area from the left, Hu Mei tackled the ball without touching the person, Marcelo touched the porcelain fake, and the grandmother could not see it anymore, so he shoved him when he was in the chest.

Marcelo didn't admonish, and immediately pushed back, but the tower-like silent grandmother didn't move. Marcelo himself was staggering backwards, and Zhuo Yang laughed out in the middle of the night.

In fact, the second goal of the German team was not a counter-attack, but a standard position battle. After the piggy pulled the ball off the front and Fernandinho, who was shoveling, was suddenly bright, and gave the second child to the slope. Straight plug was sent out.

Erwa kicked the ball in the heel of the penalty area, Klose made two combos, and the score was changed to 2:0.

Up to now, it has hit the Brazilians very well. Erva Muller stepped into the'Ten Ball Hall of Fame' on them, becoming the 14th celebrity in the world and the fifth German on the list.

With this ball, Klose surpassed Brazil's demigod Ronaldo, enjoying the second place under Zhuo Yang with 16 goals.

Klose scored 2:0 goals in the 23rd minute, and in the 29th minute after 6 minutes, the score became 5:0.

The German scored four goals in six minutes. What is depraved and which is called charcoal. At this moment, there was already a cry in the stands of Mineiro Stadium.

Rame made a cross and Mu Erwa missed a false shot in the middle. Akuan Kroos shot the ball volley, 3:0.

Suddenly the piglet robbed the fee-bearing bird, and in a blink of an eye the pig face wide appeared in the Brazilian penalty area, Akuan scored twice, 4:0

Grandpa Moo intercepted Peng Peng's long pass in the backcourt, demonstrating the advanced ability of the free man to advance. Before the Brazilians understood what was happening, Herface changed the score to 5:0.

Zhuo Yang laughed out of breath in front of the TV: The Chinese team was really not miserable to lose three goals in the second half of the German counterattack. You can see Brazil lost 4 in 6 minutes.

Once there is a miserable object, people will always feel happy.

In fact, the score between the Chinese team and Germany in the second half is 3:3, which is a tie in the bright side.

Only half an hour to 5:0, according to this trend score will go straight to double digits. Brazil's last big score loss was in the distant 1920. They lost to Uruguay 0:6 in a friendly match. That year the chief designer just went to France to work and study.

Perhaps it was the Brazilians who felt the big things, it was more likely that they had been beaten into a mess, and no one dared to act rashly anymore.

Looking at the last 15 minutes of the first half, it turns out that this period of ignorance has just become the key to the final score.

It is said that during the halftime break in the dressing room, a group of joyous Germans roared to play five more Brazilians in the second half, and the two captains of Grandma Mo and Piggy teamed up to suppress it. Grandma Mo even clenched her fists and said cruelly: Who dares to be presumptuous, first ask yourself whether you can carry it or not.

Loof dug his nostrils with satisfaction, and he was extremely satisfied with Captain Mo.

Piggy said: It's not that I underestimate Brazil. Let's leave a character for the finals. You know.

Loew changed his nostril and continued to dig, and he was extremely satisfied with the vice team.

On the other side, Scolari is very dissatisfied. If the rules allow, he will definitely replace 11 people, but in fact he does not have so many people on hand now. I don't know if Scolari, who pulls his hair, remembers Ronaldinho and Kaka at this time.

Zhuo Yang believes that if one of Ronaldinho and Kaka is on the field today, Brazil will never be so rash in the first half, nor will it suddenly fail. Brazilians are all immortals, but they lack a leader who can convince the crowd, not even Neymar.

Zhuo Yang didn't think of Ronaldinho and Kaka for nothing. He saw the roaring figure of Ronaldo in the VIP VIP box window in the TV, and he felt emotional. Ronaldo is a guest on the scene. He and Klose are the only people who have participated in the 2002 World Cup finals at Mineiro Stadium today.

Scolari replaced Hulk with Ramirez, strengthened the imaginary middle lane in the first half, and replaced the biggest two-five-five Fernandinho in the first half with Paulinho. The violent bird changed for the fee bird, and the best performance of the Brazilian team in the second half was the violent bird.

Brazil has returned to normal, especially Paulinho’s organization in the midfield is very effective. In addition, the back line has been restored to Qingming, and Brazil is finally like Brazil.

But Germany has always been Germany, and their orderly offense and defense kept the score at until the third of Maddie will appear.

In the 58th minute, Loew replaced Klose with three Dollers;

In the 63rd minute, ‘small plane’ Draxler came on to replace Aquan Cross;

In the 68th minute, "Niu Niu" Jule replaced Humels.

The victory has been decided, Loew is reserving power for the finals, and also used the opportunity to let the newcomers feel the atmosphere of the World Cup.

From back to front, grandpa, Niu Niu, Xiaozhu, He Face, small plane, small rocket, two baby, three more, this year the German team has up to nine players of the Fort Maddie series, at this time remove the third goalkeeper special ability The other eight are on the court.

Loew's move to turn the game into **** time to train newcomers once again stimulated the Brazilians. They couldn't control their inner anxiety and anger, and rushed towards the opponents who were entrenched in the backcourt.

Blessed Xuerle!

In the 69th and 79th minutes, three or more goals scored in the counterattack made the score 7-0.

It's really not the Germans who are ruthless, otherwise there will be more than seven, but the opportunity given by the Brazilians is too good.

In the last ten minutes, many people from the German team remembered what Zhuo Yang said ‘not more than eight’ a few days ago, so they completely stopped.

At the last moment, the Germans were always worried, fearing that they would go in again if they didn't pay attention. Zhuo Yang had a good explanation, and if he lost the character of the finals again, he would have no regrets.

So in the 90th minute, when Oscar pulled back a little face for the Brazilians and fixed the tragedy score at 7:1, all Germans were actually relieved.

After the game, half of the Brazilian players who played today announced their withdrawal from the national team, and soon afterwards, half of them expressed their hope to return.


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