Golden Greenery

Vol 3 Chapter 936: Give Zhuo Yang a face

The Chinese team was finally eliminated.

In addition to the Chinese, everyone else thinks that the Chinese team should have been eliminated long ago, but it hasn't really been eliminated until the quarterfinals.

At this moment, I don't know how many people were quietly relieved.

Zhuo Yang's number of goals in this World Cup is also fixed at 11, many people secretly relieved.

The Chinese team has become a wonderful flower in the World Cup, scoring 15 goals in five games and losing 15 goals. In the list so far, scoring and losing goals are at the top of the list.

From this point of view, the Chinese team perfectly realized the tactical thinking of coach Rijkaard's offensive and defensive goals.

Out of 15 goals, Zhuo Yang took 11 goals, other players scored 3, and there was an opponent Oolong. Amazingly, the Chinese team scored 3 goals in every game, without increasing or decreasing. This phenomenon is the first time in the 80-year history of the World Cup.

Football is not good to characterize this Chinese team. In the end, what kind of power class belongs to it, there is no way to analyze it, because there is no second team like this in the history of the World Cup.

However, the first quarter game of the Brazil World Cup in 2014, the German 5:3 China game, was recognized by everyone as the most exciting game of the World Cup so far, and there is no one.

Both sides played their own tactical intentions, the game was interrupted less, the process was smooth, and eight goals were remarkable. Many people even think that this is the most exciting battle in the history of the World Cup.

Unknown game since the ancient finals! This sentence is not to say that the final is not classic, but it is not exciting enough, and the technical and tactical confrontation is sound, but the ornamentality is debatable. More than the finals, the World Cup often reaches the semifinals, because only one step away can reach the peak, the game will always appear to suffer, and the main idea is conservative.

The wonderful scenes of the World Cup are often seen in the quarterfinals.

The most representative is the 1994 World Cup in the United States, four games and eight strong matches Brazil VS Netherlands, Italy VS Spain, Germany VS Bulgaria, Sweden VS Romania, four games are exciting.

Watching, storytelling, all kinds of elements are available, and the most exciting and even the most classic games in other sessions often take place in the quarterfinals.

This year is China VS Germany, and this game will be considered as one of the ten classic games in Maracana's history. In fact, it should be the German team that has the light of the Chinese team, because in the previous four games, the Chinese team played well regardless of winning or losing, but Germany is almost meaningless.

The **** stick of the Chinese team finally bid farewell to the World Cup. I don’t know if the Brazil team secretly breathed a sigh of relief, but the Brazilian media did not let Zhuo Yang pass.

What about revenge? Why did you leave first?

I'm sorry, we can't wait for you in Brazil, remember to buy discount air tickets.

Indeed, "Revenge for Brazil" is a topic that Zhuo Yang cannot avoid. He tried his best to drag the Chinese team into the quarter-finals this time. The stimulation of Brazil 8:0 before the game was due to "credit".

Zhuo Yang did not evade this question after the game. He said: "We Chinese say that gentlemen have revenge for ten years. I am afraid that they are not gentlemen, so I will definitely not wait for ten years. When that time comes, you will interview me again."

Brazilian media generally believe that Zhuo Yang is a dead duck, but Zhuo Yang is proud, but not a glass heart. He can be extremely skinny at the critical time, so the ridicule of Brazilian media at this time has little effect on him.

Pakistani media not only mocked Zhuo Yang, but also mocked Germany, which defeated the Chinese team 5:3.

In the view of the Brazilians, Germany's counterattack tactics in the second half of the Chinese team is incredible, and they think that the German counterattack quality is not high, and the results are very good because the Chinese team's two wing back speed is too poor. If you switch to two full-back defenders, the German counterattack is only worthy of self-esteem, but it has no effect.

The speed of the two sides of the Brazilian national team can now be regarded as the leader. The Brazilian media is helping the national team. It will be the semi-final of Germany and Brazil in four days. The Germans who have won the Chinese team are so strenuous.

The Brazilian media is arrogant and well-informed, but they have no way of knowing what Zhuo Yang and his German brothers have agreed.


After the game, Zhuo Yang vomited cleanly after his bitterness. He rinsed his mouth with the water that his teammates scrambled to send, and Grandpa Mo and Piggy gathered around.

"Brother, you have a good summer vacation first." Grandpa said: "Brazilian hatred, we will report it for you."

Piggy also said: "Trust us, I will tell you Zhuo Yang, I have seen the Brazilians have been unhappy for a long time."

Zhuo Yang was not hypocritical at this time, and he didn’t say anything about “Lao Tzu’s Qiu Lao Tzu’s own report” because the brothers were already fighting with the enemy, and everyone’s hatred was everyone’s hatred.

Zhuo Yang said: "Then thank you a few brothers first, and wait for you to win the championship, I will give you a blessing."

"I only have one request." Zhuo Yang said: "You can't enter Brazil with more than eight, and you have to keep one for me to come by myself later, so that everyone can give me a face."

A group of dog stuff collectively made a weird laughter. Grandpa Mo and Xiaozhu knew that this was Zhuo Yang blessing them, Erwa and Sanduo, Xiao Rocket, and He Face, UU reading is not too bad One after another: Zhuo Ge assured that we would enter seven Brazilians at most, and none of them would be itchy.

The German said: We will only enter seven, because Zhuo Yang is to be faced.

The Brazil World Cup tour of the Chinese team is over. Zhuo Yang and his teammates thanked the Chinese expedition fans and Chinese overseas Chinese for the last time. This time, no matter the players or the fans, no one shed tears, and everyone spread like flowers. With a smile.

Then Zhuo Yang and the German team came to the stand under the German wife group. The Germans were for their daughter-in-law and Zhuo Yang was because of Midel.

Before the game, Midale was going to watch the game, Zhuo Yang gave the matter to German captain Mo grandpa without thinking. When Midel was still young in those years, she had been playing around in the Madaba Peninsula all day long. She was the younger sister of the Six Musketeers and even all the Madaba.

At this time, Midel, who was particularly prominent in the red dress, was very excited, and kept jumping and beckoning to them.

Grandpa Mo said: "Zhuo Yang, time is passing so fast, Midel has grown so big."

Grandpa's words obviously have a deep meaning, and the pig secretly looked at Zhuo Yang's expression squinting.

Zhuo Yang knew that they were worried or curious, but there was no need to explain the matter, and now it is not the time to explain. He splayed shoulders with Erwa and said with a throat: "Which of your sister-in-law has my water spirit?"

Grandma Mo and the pig sighed with relief. Since she is still auntie, there is no big problem with Zhuo Yang.

The Chinese team is going to say goodbye to Brazil, and Midale has to return to Europe. She wouldn’t go back, even if the dead skin was clinging to Zhuo Yang and wanted to go to China together, because father Andrew came to Brazil to pick her up.

Old friend Andrew Swinburne also brought Zhuo Yang a not-so-good news.


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