Golden Greenery

Vol 3 Chapter 933: Really should score a goal

"Captain, do you want to take it off and see?"

The robe is very affectionate, and the anxious teammates should check Zhang Mosi's injury and care about whether Moss is fine.

Although Zhuo Yang was also curious, he did not agree to slap Moss' pants on the spot. Good guys, there are 80,000 people on the scene. I’m afraid that there are hundreds of millions of people watching the live broadcast all over the world. When so many people pick it up, let’s not say anything else. Everyone can be as shameless as Brother Meng.

Everyone broke open Moss' legs with all his hands and feet, letting him and the goal post take off, and put him flatly in an open place.

"How do you feel...?" Zhuo Yang asked cautiously.

"He doesn't think about it!" Zhang Mosi inexplicably held back this sentence, the forbearing voice was slightly pointed, and it seemed to have a taste of court drama.


Zhang Mosi stubbornly found Klose, who was eating melons not far from the cracks, and raised his voice an octave: "You do not think!"

Understand, this is still competing with Klose. Zhuo Yang reluctantly said: "Moss, the game is important, but you can't really commit to change your life. In case of you..., I can't explain it to my brother and sister."

"Team, I know. I can't let Klose enter who can enter."

Zhuo Yang scratched his head: I haven’t heard that you had a holiday with Klose before. I’m afraid I’ll see you for the first time.

"Moss, actually... Klose is not bad. He is a friend with me. How come he offended you?"

Grandpa Zhang's voice was raised again: "That won't work either. Zhuo team, he will enter another one and he will catch up with you. I will never let him succeed. He will stop thinking!"

Zhuo Yang: "..."

This kid is a caring person! Zhuo Yang couldn't help but moved, but he still advised him: "Actually let him enter without being intimidated, he was 36 for the last term, I will get back sooner or later."

"I can't control anything else, but today he doesn't want to catch up with you. Brother Zhuo, you are our captain. I can never give him the opportunity to catch up with you face to face."

Zhuo Yangqiang endured tears or something else and said, "Erhuo, it doesn't matter. I'll enter one in a while. He wants to catch up with me. Brother ate this post."

When Zhang Mosi was carried down by the stretcher, Zhuo Yang and his teammates were automatically arranged in a row to watch. There were a few second-hand goods such as Wang Dalei, Ren Hang, etc., and they almost couldn't hold back the marching ceremony for the stretcher going away.


Anyone is popular!

Zhang Moss became a household name with Maracana's shocking crotch, and the foreigner mentioned Chinese football, except Zhuo Yang. Especially in today's rival Germany, Zhang Mosi has become a sought-after object, many Bundesliga teams lined up to pursue him after the World Cup.

Of course, his future nickname is no longer ‘Zhang Mosi’, this ordinary name is obviously not worthy of him.

Since then, Zhang Linpeng has a ringing bandit called Zhang Tiegang.

The heroic Zhang Tie egg made Zhuo Yang feel very moved. He was so strong in striking the column with an egg that was not enough to sing. Teammates watched Zhang Tiedan disappear at the entrance of the tunnel, and then looked back at the cold and hard goal post, everyone was moved.

Zhuo Yang said, "Brothers, three balls, don’t think about anything. Everyone will have a good time at the World Cup and play open. I’m going to go ahead and score a goal, and I won’t worry about it later, It’s all yours."

Everyone patted his chest banging, and said that the captain is at ease.

Mei Fang said tragically: "Zhang Mosi fell down, and the rest was left to me. I want Klose to know that there is not only Zhang Mosi in the world, but also one surnamed Mei."

He also screamed at Klose's back, "You don't think about it!"

Klose was disappointed. He couldn't catch Zhuo Yang's small goal today, but it wasn't Meifang, but Loew that stopped him.

The German team adjusted the substitutions, and three more Xuerle replaced Klose. After Zhang Tietang of the Chinese team went down, it was Feng Xiaoting.

Klose was undoubtedly a versatile striker during his peak period, and now that he is old, the speed of loss is normal. Loew used him as a starter to fight the Chinese team. Klose is undoubtedly the best option.

With less than half an hour left in the three-ball lead game, the German team will be determined to fight back defensively. At this time, Xu Sanduo, who can run and jump, is due.

Andre Schüller, who is under the age of 23, is also quite hanged in the selection of the German team for the World Cup. His performance after the transfer to Chelsea last year was acceptable, but it is not good to say that he has been outstanding. Germany now has a large number of frontline talents, and Schüller was finally favored by Lough because his advantages covered so much.

Xuerle's greatest advantage is by no means his "three more". In fact, he is not the most outstanding in any respect, but this kid can play as a winger and can play a center. If necessary, the frontier is also unambiguous, and he has both head and foot. Grabbing points will surprise, and the speed is not cold.

The key is that he is very versatile, no matter if it is a single forward, a double forward, or even a trident, it is okay to put him anywhere and cooperate with anyone. However, this is not his greatest advantage.

Sanduo is a hot type, enter the game directly into the state, plug and play, born to be the first substitute for the striker. But this is still not his greatest strength.

He is a blessing!

As long as he scored or had an assist, the German team all won, not even a draw. In this metaphysical football world, the advantage of three or more can be regarded as a big bug. It was this that made Loew determined to bring more than three.


Zhuo Yang said, "Let's play," UU reading books www. let Chinese players immediately relieve a lot of pressure. In fact, everyone understands that scoring into the quarterfinals is already the supreme honor of Chinese football. Not only did everyone redeem the crime of warming up to Brazil before the start of the match to warm up 0:8, but everyone is a hero.

This should have been a stress-free game.

Human psychology is so strange, the opposite is still a powerful Germany, but at this time Chinese players no longer look dignified at their opponents. This change can also be called ‘seeing the world’.

Zhuo Yangguoran said that as he said, he no longer cares about the torrential floods behind him, he also put his mind straight and put the goal first.

To be able to stand up to Zhang Tie's egg and go to justice, the embarrassment of other "hero orders" is no longer comparable to Zhang Tie's egg, shocking egg.

Teammates also regard Zhuo Yang's goal as the only pursuit in the rest of the time. There are three thousand nails to break the ship. Is it really the Chinese team?

In the 73rd minute, Zhuo Yang blocked the pig in front of the penalty area and was blocked by Ram. He then gave the ball to Wu Lei who was standing on the side of Ram and waiting for the gap.

Lei Zi is also unambiguous. He directly wiped the ball to make a posture to cut into the restricted area, and his eyes were all staring.

Ram and Royce flew back at the same time, Wu Lei stopped and gave Huang Bowen, and then came to Zhuo Yang's feet again. At this time, the piglet was separated by Zhuo Yang, and his feet had stepped on the big restricted area line.

No one knows Zhuo Yang's chicken thief better than Xiaozhu. It is clear that he dares to move a bit more from behind at this time. Zhuo Yang Tieding will fall to his death.

In such a stunned time, Zhuo Yang took a step in the penalty area and grabbed before Grandma Mo.

Neuer was slightly blocked by Grandma Murder's robbing, and Zhuo Yang's angle was very difficult to find. This matter is not human.

3:1, the game seems to have changed again.


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