Golden Greenery

Vol 3 Chapter 912: Ronaldinho finally turned forward

The successful promotion to the quarter-finals did not make Zhuo Yang forget the **** revenge of 0:8. At the same time, the local media have not forgotten to use this matter for more than half a month to continue to ridicule. In the three games that the Chinese team has played, some opponent fans have been inconvenient from time to time. A slogan of 0:8 will be played to humiliate, which is also mixed with local Brazilian fans who should be neutral to watch the lively Brazil.

In fact, the slaughter of the strong team against the weak team is not uncommon in football. It is staged almost every day. The gap of eight **** is not terrifying, not to mention that it is not an official game. But it was precisely because of Zhuo Yang's threatened "vengeance" that this matter became an unbearable hurdle.

But can this blame Zhuo Yang? He was upset in Vaduz. He came to Brazil to play the World Cup in order to relax. As a result, he was given such a shot when he got off the plane. I would like to ask which of the world's most careful eyes can not be angry?

In other words, Zhuo Yang was wronged in Vaduz, but he couldn't turn his face with Coco. Brazil just jumped out and bullied him, so this face turned.

It can also be understood that a man was tempered by his wife at home, and was neither cursed nor beaten. He had to escape from the door to smoke a dull smoke. He did not expect to be bitten by the dog running on the street just after going downstairs. At this moment, even if he chased out of half a city, he had to stick this dog with short eyes to relieve his hatred.

What's more, Zhuo Yang has the deepest sense of responsibility for the national team.

"Zhuo Yang, do you really want to get this revenge in Brazil at the World Cup?" Ronaldinho asked him.

"Why, are you here to match?"

Ronaldinho rolled a strange and ugly eye: "I'm too busy to match you, and I'm curious."

"I'll just say that Brazil has nothing to do with you." Zhuo Yang cocked Erlang proudly.

Ronaldinho: "..."

The curse is not short, but this statement is not applicable between Zhuo Yang and Ronaldinho, so Ronaldinho after the stoppage is also welcome.

"It sounds like you really have the ability to reach the semi-finals. Let's talk about your brother first."

Zhuo Yang laughed more proudly.

After the group stage, the situation of the semi-final match came out. The Chinese team and Brazil were in a half zone, but according to the schedule, the two teams had to reach the semifinals, that is, the semi-finals.

So after the group came out, Zhuo Yang once again reiterated "Hope to meet Brazil", everyone was very curious about where he came from. What's more, Zhuo Yang's discourse is full of respect for 1/8 of his opponent France, and he has no meaning to look down on at all.

Not to mention 1/8 and 1/4, according to Zhuo Yang’s arrogance, to find revenge for Brazil in the World Cup, it means to kill Brazil in the semi-finals. Is this going to the final? Are you crazy?

Zhuo Yang opened the small wine cabinet near the wall of the meeting room, took a few bottles in turn from underneath, and finally picked a bottle of Devassa beer. After opening it, I didn't drink it myself, and turned back to the sofa and handed it to Ronaldinho.

Ronaldinho came to the hotel to visit this time, not by himself, but by taking his private propaganda team with several cameras. So Zhuo Yang noticed this posture and notified the CCTV reporters and Cheng Hao of the team that they were together, and everyone was promoting it together.

It wasn't until the hugs of fake and fake hugs were finished, all the shots came to a close, the scene in the small meeting room was cleared, and the two people began to be pure nonsense.

"Ronnie, don't I think it's wrong to find a revenge in Brazil, they have three heads and six arms? After playing my team eight and want to run away, it's not so cheap, Brazil will not work." Zhuo Yang said: "Even if Brazil, where you and Kaka are both, will not work either."

‘Uh—’ Ronaldinho took a wine hiccup after pulling out the bottle from his mouth. Zhuo Yang looked at his big buck teeth and felt that opening the bottle cap just for him was superfluous. Others were born with their own bottle opening tools.

"Have you won eight others? I remember a dozen of them."

"I didn't stop others from looking for revenge on me." Zhuo Yang said: "On the contrary, I'm very welcome, so you Brazilian media are just making a fuss, do you really think you are amazing?"

Zhuo Yang moved his gaze away from Ronaldinho’s teeth and continued to say: "Won 8:0, see you guys are as happy as the New Year. I said I would step on the tail if I wanted to hit it back? Play. You Brazilian football always think that Lao Tzu is the best in the world and can’t be scolded. I’ll tell you that it’s in front of you.

Ronaldinho could understand that Zhuo Yang didn't think he was shorter than Brazil. He didn't see Brazil differently from other teams.

To be honest, Zhuo Yang's attitude is a bit stimulating to Ronaldinho's Brazilian heart. The Brazilian's pride in football is innate.

Since Zhuo Yang left Milan five years ago in the summer, although Ronaldinho and Ronaldinho are still in constant contact, they are not always together. From Zhuo Yang's talk today, Ronaldinho feels that Zhuo Yang has become very strong compared to five years ago, and has a more aggressive personality.

The starting point for the Six Musketeers to be truly shocked in football is that in the 03-04 season, Grade B Maddie won the UEFA Cup miraculously. That way, I walked on the corpses including Barcelona, ​​and Ronaldinho witnessed Zhuo Yang walk to the present step by step.

Ronaldinho, who was drinking beer, was very sighed. At that time, the little **** boy who had been out of the house now does not take Brazilian football into his eyes. This is the fuck.

After Ronaldinho returned to Brazil from Europe, the reason why he changed his previous mild and joyful habits and became overbearing and violent was caused by the anxiety of becoming the front wave, and as his age grew older, his anxiety also became More and more serious.

In essence, it is the grief and indignation of not wanting to withdraw from the central stage.

But today in Zhuo Yangman's careless but aggressive tone, Ronaldinho finally feels that he is old, so old that he doesn't want to subdue Zhuo Yang in his subconscious, and even almost echoes Zhuo Yang's mocking of Brazil.

I was worried that Zhuo Yang was angry. It turned out that I no longer had the ambition to be a long-term hero.

So, Ronaldinho continued to drink a small number of Devassa beer in Brazil.

Zhuo Yang didn't realize that his words gave his friend Ronald a strong sense of oppression. He is not a dull person. If Kaka is here today, Zhuo Yang will certainly not be like this.

As for Ronaldinho's Zhuo Yang was not actually surprised. He had already shown it when he was in Milan, and he was not distressed when he was not accidental. Zhuo Yang was distressed by Kaka.

Ronaldinho drank, went to nightclubs, stayed up late, avoided training, and was also infatuated. At that time, Jana Ina, who gave him a son, was eventually abandoned by him. Now he is in lawsuits to find Ronaldinho to maintain. But he is a good player.

Kaka doesn't drink, nightclubs or self-discipline. He likes to think for his friends, not only a good player but also a good man.

However, Kaka, like Ronaldinho, missed the local World Cup, so this world is unfair. This kind of injustice also lies in injuries. Ronaldinho wasted his talents so much, but he didn't encounter fatal injuries in his career, otherwise he was cooler than Ronaldinho.

All of Kaka's efforts were destroyed by injuries, Milan's peerless arrogance should have soared to the day of retirement.

Zhuo Yang's concern for Brazil's national team, why not distress Kaka's factors. However, these Kaka did not know, Ronaldinho did not know, Zhuo Yang did not know.

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