Golden Greenery

Vol 3 Chapter 7: Mediocrity in mediocrity

Zhuo Yang has rarely performed in the club since the autobiography, self-running, and self-progress. Throughout the game, Zhuo Yang has rarely performed in the club, but it will come out from time to time in the national team. The reason is self-evident, everyone It was forced out, but thankfully he will.

There are thousands of roads, and it’s natural to meet on the court very well, but one trick is also very useful, such as headers.

Among the top 32 in the World Cup in Brazil, the German team ranked first in average height, with 185.7 ordinary people like Lin, and the Chinese team ranked fifth with 184.1, which is also a considerable presence. China’s opponent Bosnia and Herzegovina followed Germany, with an average height of 184.9 ranking second.

The height gap is less than one centimeter, and it is still average. It is completely negligible on the football field, but the gap between the Chinese team and Bosnia and Herzegovina in the header is obvious.

During sports battles, Jieshuai's tactics will allow the position of the back line to be pushed down to the area of ​​the large restricted area, which will offset Bosnia's advantage in this regard to the greatest extent. But in the offensive and defensive positioning ball, it can only be hard.

In the 68th minute, Susic's cross was broken by Mei Fang and Bosnia and Herzegovina won the corner.

There are several big men in Bosnia and Herzegovina who are more than one meter nine. The best header of the Chinese team, Zhuo Yang, can only stare at the most threatening Zheke in the header of the Bosnia and Herzegovina. The rest are all based on the ambitions of Wang Dale and his teammates. Too.

The first wave came out, Ibisher was thrown after the front point, the football was subconsciously pushed by Wu Lei who was guarding the back post;

In the second wave, Spasic pushed up and down under the interference of Ren Hang, and then there was a group of jumping tigers in the penalty area. Some people jumped and fell, and the football was finally hit by Huang Bowen.

The third wave came out, Zhuo Yang took two, and grabbed a point between Djeco and Pianic, but his relief ball went to the sideline, and was counter-robbed by Susic Jr., forming a cross again. Zheng Zhi smashed the football to the bottom line in the fight with Ibisher;

In the fourth wave, Sang Jiqi's summit in the middle was lifted by Wang Dalei with a single palm;

The fifth wave opened, the Chinese team finally missed, and Ibisevich was directly thrown into the goal near the corner.

2:1, Bosnia and Herzegovina took the lead again, and Ibisher also scored his second goal in the World Cup.

Such corner kicks are hard to eat continuously, and this is not the first time in this game, and it is often staged in all three games. Jie Shuai has subdivided the tactical positioning defense to the extreme, but the Chinese team will always expose all the deficiencies in this ability at this moment.

Behind again, there is nothing hypocritical, continue to chase it. The rain keeps falling, which is bigger than Shancai left Daoming Temple.

Zhuo Yang does not represent truth. He believes that rainy days are the best match for volley, but in fact, everyone knows that long-range operations in rainy days are the best choice.

The rain started at noon, and it stopped in the afternoon, and it was normal to visit again in the second half. The eastern part of Brazil digs into the Atlantic Ocean where there was a lot of rain, not to mention the rainy season.

The drainage system of the new water source stadium finally began to be overwhelmed. The turf became slippery and muddy in many places. The football fell down and still rebounded, barely meeting the requirements of the football game, but some ground has also started to show scattered water.

The Chinese team wore a white jersey at home and had collectively changed to clean ones during the intermission, but at this time they were still all like mud monkeys. Fortunately, China has a vast territory, a complex climate, and everything is different. The Super League team's stadium is also uneven. These factors make Chinese players adaptable to the climate and the venue.

Within a week, I had just experienced plum rain in Hangzhou, and my face would be taken off by the sun in Jinan. I was waiting for the steamer in Wuhan. Raining is not a problem at all.

To be honest, European players have little meaning in this respect, where a country is basically a province of China, and the climate encountered in the league is basically a type, such as Spain has less sunny and rainy days, Italy has more rainy days but less heavy rains, and England’s The strong wind blew people up.

Many players in Bosnia and Herzegovina don’t even wear long spikes, and the Chinese team has collectively replaced the spiked shoes that are more suitable for rainy days during the intermission. Not to mention the level, the logistics support of the Chinese team really can't be chosen. The shoes are customized according to each player's feet, and the spares are too much to wear and throw every day.

After the subtle changes in the venue conditions, the Chinese team began to frequently use long-range attacks to launch attacks, anyway, it is difficult to score. And Bosnia and Herzegovina players began to appear unstable on the court, slick and slick.

In the 76th minute of the game, less than ten minutes from the time the ball was dropped, the Chinese team had already hit a four-foot shot from outside the penalty area, including Zhuo Yang twice, but no qualitative change had yet taken place.

In fact, this time it has become a situation where the Chinese team is attacking arrogantly, and Bosnia and Herzegovina is fighting back. This situation is very dangerous, but the score is behind the Chinese team can only take this risk, there is no other way.

A small victory is also not enough for Bosnia and Herzegovina, they also want to continue the offensive, but the Chinese team put their death to the ground and the attack was hard and forced to fight back.

Wu Lei pulled a long shot, the strength was good but the angle was too positive, the road was slippery in the rain, Bosnia and Herzegovina goalkeeper Begovic did not dare to carelessly, his fists slammed the football out of the dangerous zone, and Salihović got the ball on the left.

After the adjustment, the long pass was transferred directly. Zheke on the right side of the frontcourt was going down quickly. When the ball arrived, the Chinese team became his single-handed half. With his shooting, it was definitely a goal in the penalty area.

If it is replaced by Zhuo Yang, it is just a few big steps at this time, but Zecco's speed flaws are exposed at the moment, and the slippery venue in the heavy rain also makes him very uncomfortable.

The overall Chinese team players are relatively mediocre, with skill hexagons and rules. There is no absolute fast horse like the former peak and Xie Feng, nor the slapstick blame of Li Jinyu.

The distinctive features are lost, but mediocrity means that there is no absolute weakness. There is no fast horse, but the Chinese team also has no slow horse.

Zhang Mosi was deflated in front of Zheke throughout the game. His speed was definitely a scum in front of Bell, but it was faster than Zheke, and he was soaked in rainy days since he was a child. The pouring pot did not affect him, let alone Now this little water.

As a result, Zhang Mos finally showed his face. His backtracking was in the exclamation of more than 20,000 Chinese fans in the audience. He was getting closer and closer to Zheke, and finally he was enough when the Bosnia and Herzegovina shooter just entered the 20-meter range. Step by step Without hesitation, a tilted rear flying shovel, perfectly assisted by the addition of wet grass, Zhang Mosi cut the foot of Zheke accurately and very clearly.

Zhang Mosi made achievements, at this moment he is not fighting alone, Xu Hong, Fan Zhiyi, Sun Jihai, Happy birthday of Milu.

Also outstanding was goalkeeper Wang Dalei. After he shot outside the penalty area, he also used a sliding shovel to shovel Zhang Mosi's side ball back to the frontcourt.

Zhuo Yang volleyed the chest to stop the transition, stopping very big, the football parabola went straight forward, just over Becic.

Zhuo Yang caught up in two steps, lifted his right foot and fired at the limit of 40 meters.

Long shot? Long enough to call long shot, you know?


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