Golden Greenery

: 2 good news

The Chinese team lost, and lost with a sigh. Argentina won, thrilling.

After the game, many players on both sides were in tears, and the fans in the stands were crying. Chinese fans regret that a great draw is about to fly, and they are more distressed that a group of young men who work so hard have not been able to get the dignity they deserve.

The Argentine fans cried for the difficulty of the game. After a twists and turns, they were thankful that their heart had survived the ordeal. Frankly speaking, they were scared to cry.

The regretful tears of the Chinese are the most vivid appreciation of this game. In terms of strength, the Chinese team should not have had a chance to regret.

Argentina does not believe in tears, it is actually a great irony, this should have been a relaxed event for them.

Fortunately, it’s also a pity that the Chinese team lost. Football is a game of victory and defeat. Even if the media praises them after the game, the score is 3:4.

Argentina faced overwhelming criticism. In addition to Messi, Di Maria and Biglia, the rest of the team received different degrees of trial. The three most fierce targets were Mascherano and Rome. Luo and Higuain.

Mascherano scolded his mother directly: You have the ability to try Zhuo Yang yourself, so that you can stand and talk without backache.

The Argentine version is all you can do.

The responsibility for Romero is concentrated on the first ball thrown by Argentina, Zhuo Yang's zero angle. Of course, the outside world thinks that he did it intentionally, and no one knows it was a mistake.

But in any case, such a goal loss is a low-level mistake for the goalkeeper. Romero did not have to wash. Although he was perfect at other times, Zhuo Yang couldn’t keep the other two goals. . An ugly man covers Bai Jun, and he must be beaten upright.

Higuain is purely giving the striker a downturn. Argentina has 23 shots in the audience. Except Messi, the other four people have only three shots. This is really unreasonable.

Boss Mei shot 8 times alone, like a rogue. The Chinese team has only 8 times in total, Zhuo Yang alone has 5 times, and all three hits the door frame to score goals.

After this game, Argentina's odds for winning the championship fell to third place, and was overtaken by Germany in the first 4:0 victory over Portugal. Although the Chinese team was defeated, it not only won unanimous praise from the outside world, but the odds also returned to the top 20.

The Chinese team lost as if to win, and Argentina won but was pointed out. But as the star of the two teams, it is difficult for the two captains to win or lose in this game.

Zhuo Yang scored three goals, but the team always lost. Messi only scored one, but the weight of the lore ball was higher than the hat trick. Just looking at it, the two seem to have a tie.

However, the speech on social media by Li Jinyu, a famous football player in China and the first goal scorer of the China World Cup, can explain a little problem.

——Argentina 10 can be a little more diligent. You are the least person in the game. And our No. 18, our captain is the one who runs the most in the game. Like our forever captain! [Manual comparison]

Li Jinyu was wrong, he misunderstood Messi. In fact, the owner of Mei was not the person with the least running distance between the two starters. His 7136-meter data was higher than that of goalkeepers Romero and Wang Dale, as well as Gago and Aguero.

Messi's running figures are even lower than those of Meifang and Zheng Zhi who were replaced by the Chinese team in the second half of the 70 minutes.

However, Zhuo Yang is indeed the most capable person in the game. His distance of 14,494 meters is more than twice that of Messi, and he is the best in the game.

Such a captain, so that anyone who attempts to accuse them has nothing to say, the Chinese team stubbornly moves under his wings.


The Chinese team lost so regretfully. Zhuo Yang was in a bad mood, but these two days were not always bad news. Two things made him really happy.

News came from home, the phone call from my father. Sister Zhuo's pregnancy test confirmed that she was pregnant and she was twins.

Hahaha, I want to be an uncle! Zhuo Yang, who got the good news, could not hide his excitement. He simply asked the whole team and all the staff to have a luxurious meal together.

Zhuo Qiuqiu is 32 years old this year, and is 33 by the due date. Although she has not reached the age of an elderly pregnant woman, and she has been very good in sports and fitness since she was a child, after all, she is not too young. She can't escape the physiological laws of women.

So after the sign of pregnancy appeared a month ago, Zhuo Qiuqiang quit all work under the orders of his mother and mother-in-law. You can earn money whenever you want, and now the main character is raising a baby.

The elder sister's head is a new era, but she is also a very traditional Chinese woman in her bones. She loves life and loves her loved ones, and loves children is her deepest love for the world.

If it wasn’t for the younger brother’s broken things, it’s been delayed, the eldest sister gave birth to the child a long time ago, believe it or not.

Now the eldest sister doesn't care about anything. All day long, she is comfortable and comfortably lying in the waterside courtyard under the Zhongnan Mountain to raise her baby. The first three months are especially critical.

The second small news, Xiao Tong told Zhuo Yang: Dan Bardoji was dead and a heart attack occurred.

Dan Badogi is the third person in the **** organization headquartered in Paris, France. He called for revenge on Zhuo Yang because of the death of his only son, Sang Bazaar, and let Zhuo Yang die.

Many of the dangers that Zhuo Yang encountered since then, the intelligence eventually pointed to France, and France is the base camp of the **** organization, and all their operational energy comes from France.

Including the time when Zhuo Yang, Xiao Tong and Grandma Mo went to sweep the tomb of Xie Lier a few months ago, he suddenly encountered a provocation by socialist members on the way and was frustrated by Xiao Tong in the blink of an eye. Big SB has found the Harley Moto rider, a ground ruff named Gao Hans. Following the orders of Zhuo Yang and Grandma Mo, the big SB gave Gao Hans to the fat man Laiola.

So, Gao Hans took care of He was also bought by an underground broker from France, and the other party paid a high price for him to track and try the ability of the bodyguards around Zhuo Yang.

This clue also points to France, and also to Dambadoji. Therefore, after Xiaotong reported, the relevant parties no longer hesitated.

So, a few days ago, Tambadogi died of a heart attack in Paris, ending his wicked and filthy life, and he went out of business.

Dan Badogi is the third person in the **** organization. The rights he left behind are being scrambled by others. No one cares about his affairs, and no one remembers Sangbaza.

So Zhuo Yang is completely safe, and no bad guys will worry about him.

This good news made Zhuo Yang and Xiao Tong open two bottles of beer to celebrate. Zhuo Yang is safe, which means Xiao Tong has completed the task. However, according to the instructions of the second bureau, he still had to guard Zhuo Yang for several months, just in case.


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