Golden Greenery

Vol 3 Chapter 888: World's best central defender

   22-year-old Ahmed Musa is very impressed with Zhuo Yang, although Zhuo Yang has forgotten his number one.

   Three years ago, Musa, who had just moved from the Netherlands to the Moscow Central Army, quickly became the team's main right-winger. The speed is his magic weapon. The small and thin Musa is very good at incarnation of loach.

   In the first round of the 2011-12 UEFA Champions League, at the beginning, Musa tossed the elite Hedira. Her face deflated in front of Musa madness three times in a row and shocked Casillas. Her face changed to her, and her face disappeared.

   Forced Zhuo Yang to personally deal with Musa, and Ronaldo's photos that Musa almost squeezed into, the wind would blow away, and then Musa was replaced.

   However, Moussa is still very good, these years has been the main force of the Central Army's strike line, although the core of the team's offensive is Honda Keisuke behind him.

  Nigerian center Emmanuel Emenick is not as good as Moussa, although they are known as ‘Moscow Black Wind and Double Sha’, Emenick plays another Spartan team in Moscow.

In the 14th minute of the first half of the game, Moussa made a cross and got a good pass. The 182-height Emenick grabbed this point in the middle of Zhang Moss and Mei Fang. The header broke the goal of Wang Dalei, 1: 1. Nigeria equalized the score.

   The Chinese team is still the dominant team in height. It is very difficult to find a player under 180, which is quite strange in all the 32 strongest in the World Cup. But the Chinese team is empty, but the advantage in the header has long been lost, and the defensive positioning ball or cross is also very pitted.

   The Chinese team's last defender with a strong head in Asia was Li Weifeng.

   Now these defenders are generally free of the common problems of Li Weifeng and his predecessors, but they have also lost their distinctive features.

  Nigeria, in addition to Mikel and Emenike, who scored just now, did not exceed 180 in the frontcourt. The core of the organization is only 168. But Nigerian players do not lose when they compete with the Chinese team in the air, because empty height doesn't work, awareness and selection are the deciding factors.

  The weaknesses of the Chinese team are not the responsibility of Rijkaard. The national team has always been a place to use talents, not a place to train players. He can only get as many people as possible from the existing narrow selection.


   Nigerian centre-back Oboyabona is a man of great self-esteem and he does not allow himself to be suspected.

  Last year's Africa Cup, Oboyabona and goalkeeper Enyema were the only two people in the team to play all six games and contributed to Nigeria's state championship.

   After the African Cup, Oboyabona, who is still playing in the country, attracted great interest from Arsenal because of his excellent performance. Last summer, Professor Wenger extended an olive branch to Oboyabona. The only condition was that he wanted to give him two weeks of training.

   For a player who has never stepped on the Continental, the trial training is reasonable, especially in the face of giants.

   But Oboyabona's self-esteem was rampant, and he felt that Arsenal offended him.

   "Arsenal should respect African champions and Nigerians."

   Wenger and Arsenal's faces are stunned: which one should they follow?

   As a result, the Turkish Super League team Rize Sports took advantage of the situation, Arsenal was not over, Oboyabona put on the Turkish Super Jersey.

   In the quarter-final of the Africa Cup last year, Nigeria defeated Côte d’Ivoire 2-1, and Oboyabona defended Drogba to nothing. After the game, Drogba praised Oboyabona as "the best defender in football today".

   Drogba grumbled irresponsibly, but Oboyabona fluttered.

   Such a self-conceited person with strong self-esteem will give the Chinese team a penalty kick at the opening, which is worse than scolding his mother by pointing at his nose. To ruin everyone together, shameless and then brave Oboyabona held the Chinese team center C Hai in the next game so that the station was not stable.

  People who can prevent Drogba from defending Yu Hai are basically like playing.

   But Zhuo Yang does not play with Oboyabona, Yu Hai is pretending to be at the front, and is more pretending than Real Madrid's Benzema, the dogs know that the real attack point of the Chinese team is Zhuo Yang.

Oboyabona also wanted to defend Zhuo Yang into Yu Hai or Drogba, but Zhuo Yang's range of activities on the field is too large, not one of his central defenders should post. Zhuo Yang's shadow is the number one star in Nigeria and comes from Chelsea. Mikel.

   But in the 33rd minute, Oboyabona seized the opportunity.

   After getting the ball in the frontcourt, Zhuo Yang will habitually dribble a bit to lure his opponent's defense to move his center of gravity, and also try to see if he has the chance to go it alone.

Mikel is currently competing in the Chelsea midfield but Ramirez, Mourinho even refused to use him with a punk cameo, because Mikel's position is problematic, but his individual ability is not The ambiguity, especially in the midfield man-to-man defense, is still very good.

  The originator of the metaphysical department's coach, Di Marteau, who made a temporary fire for Chelsea in the 2011-12 season, he used Mikel in the midfield. In the two rounds of the Champions League semi-finals, Mikel blocked Messi, and in the final, Mikel restricted the pigs well.

  Mickel has a lot of speed, Zhuo Yang wants to get rid of him completely is not easy. So after taking two steps, seeing Mickel posted very firmly, Onachi also caught up from the wing, so he had to push it to Zhang Xizhe on the right first.

After    finished the ball, Zhuo Yang ran to Zhang Xizhe, but his right hand quietly gave a backward direction.

   Suddenly, Zhuo Yang turned and ran to the top of the arc, startled Mickel who was following him, and thus let Zhuo Yang leave him temporarily.

Zhang Xizhe posted the earth to Zhuo Yang with his instep, what he wanted was speed, but Mikel was not a mortal, he did not rush to chase Zhuo but chose to block Zhang Xizhe in place, passing intention It is indeed obvious.

  Mickel fell to the ground and shoveled. The football hit his toes and bounced high. The earth was turned into a parabola and the landing point was still on the top of the arc.

  Oboyabona has been observing Zhuo Yang's running position, but Mikel has not been washed away. Seeing that Zhuo Yang was going to take the landing point outside the top of the arc, Oboyabona, who had already prepared, threw the remaining sea and took off in two steps.

   Zhuo Yang has no time to avoid even if he has eyes behind his head. Every ball will not allow him to avoid, and he can only use the back to hardly hit the black man's impact.

  Oboyabona wanted to avenge his hatred for his own goal, so he did not lack elbows and knees, the purpose is to give the Chinese team top card Zhuo Yang some cruelty.

   Zhuo Yang simply did not take off, straight up and down not only can not jump but the opponent with a running, air power can not compare with others gliding.

   Zhuo Yang took another step back and took root after taking a more favorable position.

   Thunder-like thunderous sound, Zhuo Yang and Oboyabona seemed to eject a shock wave.

   Can't see the part of the football that Zhuo Yang used to hit the missed Yuhai, and then he and Oboyabona flew on the ground in a horizontal spin.

  Yuhai fired in the restricted area, Oyema could not save, the Chinese team led again 2:1.

   Zhuo Yang and Oboyabona both grinned on the ground.

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