Golden Greenery

Vol 3 Chapter 881: Watch out for the vengeance declaration

Brazil is a super strong team, and it is also a favorite to win this World Cup. I don't have much to say about the 0:8 score. If you lose, you lose. If you say nothing, you won't say the game won, and you won't talk about losing the ball from eight to seven. "

"Now it is meaningless to assume that I am on the field. I am not on the field. This is the Chinese team, and it is my team. I lost eight goals, that is, Zhuo Yang lost eight. This makes no difference. "

"If Brazil can become a world champion in a month, I would not be surprised. And my Chinese team, there is no such possibility."

"However, I hope to meet Brazil again in the next World Cup. This is my biggest wish at the World Cup. We will wait and see."

The whole Brazil was in an uproar, Zhuo Yang nakedly challenged the Brazilian national team for revenge.

After the disastrous defeat of the century, out of respect for Zhuo Yang, all Brazilian players in the interview after the game more or less helped the Chinese team to find objective reasons, some shamelessly digging a trace of advantages Come to praise the Chinese team.

Kaka said: "This score obviously does not represent the true strength of the Chinese team. I still understand that the Chinese team not only has Zhuo Yang who is not playing today, but also some other very good players, but this is football, what an accident Can happen."

"Lauton and jet lag caused this accident. Of course, Zhuo Yang's absence is the biggest factor. I believe that the Chinese team can achieve good results in the World Cup because Zhuo Yang is the one who can create miracles."

A similarly high-sounding appearance appeared in the mouth of every Brazilian player interviewed, but it was one thing in the mouth, and it was one thing in my heart.

Peng Peng, Neymar, Marcelo and several of them whispered in the locker room, they all felt that the Chinese team was too good. Rijkaard claims that the flow of pass control technology, even if it is false, can control the ball rate of 78.8% and 21.2% of the whole game, how can there be a little shadow of pass control? Even a team with a bus can hardly have such a low possession rate.

Dish is the original sin, and dish is the root. In the final analysis, the player's personal ability is too bad. Once Zhuo Yang loses the core of his heart, he will immediately return to second-rate in Asia.

Peng Peng said: "To be honest, I have a bit of a pain for Lao Zhuo, so **** miserable."

Then he told Neymar and Marcelo: "Don't tell me this to Lao Zhuo, otherwise he will beat me back and I will beat you both."

Neymar chuckled and said, "It's your turn to feel distressed. You are Lao Zhuo's brother. Kaka is always in good company. It is also a matter of two people to feel distressed."

Kaka really distressed Zhuo Yang, and inexplicably carried his team's "worst ever" pot. The shameful record stands here. Many years later, people talked about this game. They would not say that Zhuo Yang did not play, but would say "Chinese team of Zhuo Yang era".

A person so proud of Zhuo Yang left a shame that will never be erased on this day. Kaka was very distressed. At this moment, he even temporarily forgot his own difficulties because he distressed Zhuo Yang.

Without moral kidnapping or malicious speculation, Kaka chose to come to the stadium to open a high-profile expedition. Visiting Zhuo Yang and his old teammates is of course the main purpose, but there must also be exposure factors.

Failed to be selected for the Brazilian national team, lost the opportunity to participate in the World Cup, and it is likely to be the last, but Kaka is difficult to willingly become a marginalist. Therefore, from time to time to take advantage of suitable opportunities to show up and show people with a new image, in fact, Kaka is the last stubborn.

But a disastrous 0:8 directly took away all the media’s attention. No reporters came to explore the psychological history of Kaka’s loss after the game. No reporter wanted to blame Kaka, and everyone smiled happily. Zhuo Yang and the Chinese team were deflated.

Even for the Brazil team, the eight-ball victory is not common.

The planned trip to the class was neglected, but Kaka couldn’t care about it. He had said that he would be the host after the game and asked Zhuo Yang and Brazil’s friends to gather together, but look at Zhuo Yang’s Face, no one mentioned this stubble again, the party turned yellow.

Then, what Zhuo Yang said was seen in the newspaper. Although it was not clear, the meaning of anger and revenge in the words could not be concealed.

The Brazilian team was speechless and there was an uproar in Brazil.

The Chinese team declared war on the Brazil team! This hatred is not reported, and vowed not to be human.

If the Brazilians understand the idiom, their first reaction must be ‘squirting the car as a car’ or the mayfly shaking the tree.

Even though the Chinese team has become a rising star in the world football because of Zhuo Yang, it is still far away from Brazil's physique, which is as ridiculous as the Brazilian table tennis team threatened to destroy the national table tennis.

Zhuo Yang has set up a strong enemy for the Chinese team. The host of this World Cup, the Kingdom of Football, is the number one favorite in the ever contest.

And it also incidentally provokes the whole of Brazil and all Brazilian media.

Brazilian media collectively ridiculed Zhuo Yang and the Chinese team that it was a trend before the opening of the World Cup. At this time, Zhuo Yang announced a ``mute order'' in the national team. Everyone, including himself, no longer ignored the media.

Zhuo Yang didn't lose his temper in the team. In fact, he would lose his temper if he used it. Zhuo Yang just said: This time the bottom line is no longer a group qualifying. I will play another game with Brazil in the World Cup. No matter where I go, the whole team aims to find Brazil.

The Chinese team and Brazil are not in a group. It is basically difficult to meet.


Half a month ago, the World Cup winning odds, the Chinese team ranked 17th among all 32. After 0:8 in this game, the ranking is like taking an elevator and dropping directly to the 29th, the fourth to last.

Four years ago, before the World Cup in South Africa, the Chinese team's final warm-up match defeated France 1:0 on Reunion Island, and the Chinese team's morale set foot on South Africa's land. Four years later, the bleak 0:8 made the Chinese team silent. Only Zhuo Yang's whispering revenge echoed over the Amazon rainforest.

Zhuo Yang became more silent after finishing this cruel remark, and the depression from Vaduz almost condensed into substance at this moment.

Eating, sleeping, In addition, Zhuo Yang has no other activities and no unnecessary nonsense.

He is waiting for the World Cup to begin.

The Brazilian is laughing at him, and the Brazilian national team also generally believes that Zhuo Yang has made a careful eye. Only Dan Erweis, the second grandfather, issued a warning to his teammates.

"Do we have any hatred against the Chinese team before?"

"Of course not." In fact, the Chinese team is simply not qualified to make a feud with Brazil.

"Now." Alves said: "Actually, I wanted to remind everyone to take some kicks that day. That is not an official game, and the Chinese team is not Argentina. They are all people in this circle. On the eight balls, it's over."

"Even if it's not Zhuo Yang, our winning method is also somewhat hurtful. I think everyone should be careful this year, don't get retaliated because of this thing or because of carelessness."

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