Golden Greenery

Vol 3 Chapter 875: Childhood without taboos and jokes

The sudden questioning made everyone on the scene feel unbelievable. Everyone went to see Midel Swinburne biting her lips nervously and Zhuo Yang with an inexplicable expression.

  Coco's heart suddenly felt so painful that she couldn't breathe. She dared not go to see Midel, Zhuo Yang, or blink, because the tears were swirling in her eyes, and the blink would flow out.

   She instantly understood the root cause of the problem. Why did Midel have a strange attitude towards her and Zhuo Yang's love, and why the closer to marriage, Midel showed the resistance to herself.

  Coco believes that Midel did not lie, especially on such an occasion now, she will never be out of nothing. Coco does not know when the "Oath" resurrected in Midel's mouth is sooner or later? But the'Oath' must be real.

  No matter whether the ‘Oath’ was before or after 2008, it didn’t really matter. What mattered was that neither Zhuo Yang nor Midale had told Koko that she knew nothing about it.

  Coco is very sad, she doesn't know what to do, at this moment she just wants to breathe desperately.

   Zhuo Yang Zhang Er monk is still coercing.

  Cocoa gently put down the cup in his hand and whispered with his head down: "I'm sorry, I want to leave first." He said he would walk away.

   Zhuo Yang hurriedly took his hand. "Come..."

  Coco suddenly raised his head to look at him, and tears had burst out of his eyes.

   "...Don't cry..., wait a minute, let me make things clear."

   Zhuo Yang turned to Midel and asked her: "Midell, do you know what you are talking about? Is it a joke today? Why?"

   Everyone in the room was also refreshing at this time. Grandpa Duke Frank and his sister, Midel's mother, Mrs. Ophelia asked in unison, "Midall, what's going on?"

  Middle's hands on the dining table clasped her nails together, she was nervous, but still said in the gentlest possible tone: "Mr. Zhuo Yang......"

   This name alone makes Zhuo Yang feel very strange.

"...Do you remember that in Berlin, twelve years ago, at my eighth birthday party, I swore to God that I would marry you when I grew up. And you accepted my oath that day, And promise to wait for me. Do you still remember these?"

   Zhuo Yang stood as if thundered, and the memory valve was opened instantly.

   There is indeed such a thing! It was shortly after he arrived in Germany, a few months after'Midell fell into the water'. During the New Year's Day in 2003, Zhuo Yang was invited by Middel's father Andrew Swinburne to go to Chesterton Manor in Berlin with Li Xiaoqing. Midel's eighth birthday dinner.

   That day, the eight-year-old Midale made a birthday wish.


   "Brother Zhuo Yang, guess what I wish?"

   "What wish? I can't guess. Let's hear it."

   "I told God that I will marry you when I grow up!"

   "Thank you Midel, this is really my honor."

   "Will you wait for me to grow up?"

   "Of course, I will definitely wait for you."

   "Great. Let's pull the hook."


  The fragments of the years that Zhuo Yang had forgotten in the corner of memory, turned over again. But, Midalena, do you call this the "Swedish Alliance"? You were only eight years old. Do you know what it means to take this seriously?

  Middle, don't make trouble, please let go...

   "Honey..." Before the bitter smile, the voice was interrupted by Ko Dad.

   "Zhuo Yang, does this matter?"

   Zhuo Yang: "..." Father-in-law, did you take the wrong medicine?

   "There is such a thing, but..."

  Couple raised his hand to stop Zhuo Yang from continuing to say, he asked Midel again: "Midall, are you swearing in the name of God?"

   "...Yes, uncle."

   Then, everyone looked at Zhuo Yang very seriously, and Coco turned his head down and wept.

   Zhuo Yang feels very fantasy, is everyone here crazy? If you are an eight-year-old kid, take it seriously after twelve years.

   Zhuo Yang is not a believer, let alone devoted, he can't understand the weight of "in the name of God" in the words of Copa in the hearts of traditional Christians here.

   "Middle, are you joking with everyone, right? That's a joke on our birthday. It seems that you both made you cry. Sorry to my sister."

  Midall said nothing, or continued to buckle her nails unaware, and Koko said to everyone with her head down: "Sorry..."

   After she finished, she walked out of the banquet room. Zhuo Yang wanted to chase her, but was stopped by Koo's father.

   "Zhuo Yang, for this matter, you really need to give Midel an explanation, but also an explanation for those present."

   Zhuo Yang is anxious: you are neurotic!

"The joke made by an eight-year-old kid, what do you want me to explain? Who didn't make a wish when he was a kid? What the eight-year-old kid said was a picture of joy. Midale, any joke when he's eight Yes, but now that you’re grown up, you can’t use this thing to make a joke, it shouldn’t be.”

   "Midell, did you know what marriage is twelve years ago? Do you know how important it is to your sister Sister Kodak today? Midale, if you are still eight years old today, I will not blame you, but..."

   "Zhuo Yang, Midel was only eight years old when she took the oath." Cod interrupted Zhuo Yang's words again: "But you were already an adult at that time, and you should understand what it means to make an oath before God."

  Zhuo Yangdeng was on fire, and the grievances accumulated in these two days erupted.

   "His Grand Duke, what should you say?" There was a cold and hard layer in the tone.

   "Make a reasonable explanation, handle this matter well, don't let it turn into a scandal." Copa said.

   "His Grand Duke, or you teach me how to explain, you teach me how to deal with it."

  Mideel's brother Jeffrin Swinburn said: "Zhuo First of all, your attitude is wrong."

   Zhuo Yang Meng waved his hand: "Jefflin, you don’t have to mention my attitude. You should take care of your sister’s mouth first."

  Jefflin: "You..."

  Midaire had never seen Zhuo Yang so depressed, she felt terrified and shivered slightly.

Zhuo Yang went on to say: "My Excellency, I have said that it was just a joke to coax children. This is the explanation. What other explanation do you want? Do you want me to invalidate Christine's marriage contract and then come to marry me?" Is Midel Swinburne a wife? Should I do this to explain the joke made by an eight-year-old child?"

  Comema Matilda frowned and said, "The girls of the Habsburg family, how come you want to marry whoever you want?"

   Zhuo Yang sneered: "It's such a big Habsburg, hum! So great, why care about the explanation of mortals in my district?"

   Zhuo Yang's anger gave the air a strong smell of gunpowder.

   His Royal Highness Crown Prince Alois said: "My Excellency, Madam, I will say goodbye first. I believe that your Excellency and Madam can handle this matter properly."

   Count Shibacheu, Minister of the Interior of Monaco, also got up and said: "Please allow me to take a step first, and look forward to the results of the treatment of this matter by His Excellency and his wife."

  The crown prince and the minister obviously did not want to participate in the internal conflicts of the Joseph family. As two witnesses with special identities, they left together at this time, which means that today's engagement ceremony has not been established.

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