Golden Greenery

: Mongolian brother 2 big wedding by the lake

Ricardo Montolivo, a 29-year-old brother, is a strange person. The second brother is the nickname of his famous car Yunxiao. In football, especially Apennine, he has several other nicknames, such as'literary art' and ' Meng Xianren'.

  No paper art or immortal, all explain the impression that the second brother Meng left to the outside world, everyone has always believed that Montolivo is not a tacky person at first.

   But the most unscrupulous Mongolian brother in football has been fierce and vulgar today, he held a super vulgar wedding in the media.

   Lake Mareggio is in the northeast of the city of Milan. Like Lake Como, it is a tourist attraction around Milan, but Lake Marreggio is much larger than Lake Como.

   Lake Como is a poetic symbol, and its label is tranquility and idyllic fishing village, while Lake Mareggio is more romantic, more romantic and more popular with young and fashionable tourists.

   Of course, every love will not be vulgar. The wedding of Meng Erge, in the eyes of ordinary people, is absolutely inseparable from vulgarity, and will only envy the luxury and complexity of the wedding. It's just that the luxury and liveliness are naturally tacky compared to the media's design for the second brother's "Xianqi force".

And Meng Er's wife-now the brothers have called Ersao, Cristina De Ping (Cristina     De     Pin) is also five years older than the second brother, originally the second brother is the most reverse growth among the six swordsman brothers One, from the looks of it, it doesn’t look like a 29-year-old man at all. But women, no matter how they are maintained, 34 and 5 years old will be slightly older than men of the same age, not to mention the lush Mongolian brother.

Among the six Musketeers, the two ugly goods like De Tu and Scars have looked like this since they were three years old. When they were ten years old, they were like thirty, and when they were thirty, they were like thirty. .

   Piglet Schweinsteiger is the opposite of the second brother. The second brother is the reverse growth, and the piglet is the time to age. When I was laughing and playing on the peninsula, the piggy was a baby face, the appearance of the youngest child in the six. But since leaving Fort Maddie, the pig's face is aging at a rate that is visible to the naked eye, and the two temples are stained with frost and face gullies, and now look as old as fifty years old.

   The brothers stand with him are shameful, but many women like the tone of the premature aging piglet.

   Zhuo Yang and Grandpa Mo are the kind of people among the brothers, and have a long face at any age. They are neither rebellious nor nonchalant, just like his two characters.

  Meng Er and De Ping are genuine sister-in-law loves both externally and essentially.

De Ping is also an Italian. Born in Florence, he set foot in the entertainment circle when he was 20 years old. He has been ranked in some beauty contests and model contests. He has also played movies in "Playboy" and is now the host of Sky TV Italy. .

   Deping is the kind of entertainment star among the most common model, the most ordinary among movie stars, the unremarkable among the presenters, and the sea of ​​beauty in the hostess. Italy is a kingdom of entertainment. A star like Deping in appearance and appearance should not be too much.

   Put it this way, moving the second sister-in-law De Ping to the football circle is similar to the status of Udinese team Danilo Lalangra and Getafe captain Jaime Gavilan. It is indeed a star, but it can be said how big the star is and how famous it is.

  She starred in a film named "Cenci   in  Cina" in 2008, but the story of the film is not much related to China, and Deping is not the protagonist.

It’s not that Deping can’t be worthy of the second Mongolian brother, whether it’s Lang Cai’s female appearance or female talent’s male appearance. Not reliable.


  The second brother of Mongolia is now a well-deserved leader in Italian football, and even big men like Totti, Pirlo and Buffon have to be behind him.

   In football, the second brother is an extremely magical person, with his own Serie A champion attributes.

After leaving Maddie in 2004, from the 04-05 season to the present, for ten years, the second brother has won nine Serie A championships, only interrupted by AC Milan of Zhuo Yang in the 08-09 season. In the rest of the year, the second brother took the Serie A championship trophy wherever he went.

  Juventus, Inter Milan, AC Milan, Naples, today the second brother took the championship back to Juventus after being relegated to the trophy for seven years after being relegated due to ‘Phone Gate’.

   If this goes on, sooner or later the Serie A trophy ‘Bertoni Trophy’ will be renamed ‘Montolivo Cup’.

  The best player in Serie A in 2013-14 is his second brother, and this is his fourth consecutive election. The previous SVP of the second Serie A MVP is Zhuo Yang, which shows that Meng Er's dominance over Serie A.

   In fact, as long as the second brother nodded, Serie A could not keep him at all, but the second brother had already vowed to be the "sen" of Apennine, here is his one-acre three-point land.

   can also be said that Montolivo is the last watchdog of Serie A.

  Meng Er is not a shooter, otherwise he will play the "Zhuo Yangjianghuling" himself. This year's top scorer in Serie A is Turin's 24-year-old Chiro Immobili, who scored 22 goals.

The top scorers in the top five league leagues this season are low, with 20 Bundesliga Lewandowski, 26 Ligue 1 Ibrahimovic and La Liga scored 31. It looks like a lot, but he and his own Judging from the environmental attack power, it is obviously not enough.

   Only Uruguay Surez of the Premier League Liverpool scored 31 relatively decent, he is also a transfer target chased by Real Madrid and Barcelona this summer.

The Premier League's single-season goal record is 34, which is jointly maintained by Alan Shearer and Andy as the holder of the single-season goal record in the three leagues of Bundesliga, Serie A and La Liga After going to Manchester United next season, Zhuo Yang's first task is to rewrite the Premier League record.

Of course the brothers know his whereabouts next season. If Zhuo Yang went to Milan eight years ago and Barcelona five years ago, the brothers would be a little surprised, then when they went to Real Madrid three years ago, everyone was just politely surprised a bit. Going to Manchester United this time is even more numb. It will make them feel strange if they do not move their nest after three years.

   The only interest of the brothers is to guess how high the transfer fee will be for this year.

  The big brother of the second brother is not like a grandfather like Grandpa Mo. It is the so-called inviting guests and friends, and the brothers naturally come to support it. Zhuo Yang and Ko Koo, the little pig and the pink Sarah, the scars of the old wife and wife and Vasiba, three pairs of dogs and men came to Lake Mareggio holding hands.

Grandma Moulike also went hand in hand with Grandma Mo, she is now as happy as a cat, but she still opened her mouth and closed her mouth to like to be a "your father". It’s up to her.

  Detu takes his new girlfriend Winona. Winona is a coffee-colored black beauty, petite and exquisite but also lacks a weapon. Don’t look at her being 25 years old this year, but she is already a decent editor of a serious sports magazine and a woman who relies on talent.

  Taking advantage of the gap before the start of the World Cup, the brothers dragged their mouths to the second brother's wedding, and Zhuo Yang also wanted to ask about the second brother's question that he hadn't figured out-what is love?

  :. :

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