Golden Greenery

Vol 3 Chapter 828: Helplessness

  Xiaotong is a man of firm conviction. He has a lofty and ordinary ideal, as is every fangs soldier. In order to believe, Xiao Tong can withstand the hardships and hardships that ordinary people cannot imagine, including both physical and mental aspects.

Among the people like Xiaotong, the dragons and phoenixes were originally extremely proud, but it was precisely because of the conviction in his heart that he could endure grievances and misunderstandings, seeing white eyes and ridicule as nothing.

  Before coming to Zhuo Yang to perform his task, Xiao Tong was actually mentally prepared because his colleagues in the second game had similar experiences.

   Zhuo Yang is not an exception here. The second inning has also sent personnel to perform guard missions for other important figures, just like the movie "Bodyguard in Zhongnanhai" starring Jet Li.

  Important people are also very proud. Treating bodyguards is similar to that of service workers such as part-time workers. Talks and behaviors always reveal contempt for Wufu, only some people hide it.

  Xiaotong thought Zhuo Yang was the same before he came. There are few young and frivolous successful people in the world who he can afford. And Zhuo Yang's move to offer him a salary from the beginning reinforces Xiaotong's view.

   sent by Jia Jia, of course, don't need to pay for it. Zhuo Yang insisted so. In Xiaotong's opinion, he just made it clear that he didn't want to be favored, and he was public. And Zhuo Yang's salary is very high, surpassing the outside market several times.

  Xiaotong is stubborn, but had to report for instructions, the leader said to you and you will stay. Xiaotong still decided to wait until the task was over and return it to Zhuo Yang. If he didn't take it, he would turn it in. That money has remained immobile in the Swiss bank account.

   But when Xiaotong came to Spain, he quickly felt Zhuo Yang's respect for him. This kind of respect comes from the fact that he was in the same army as Jiushan, and he respected his identity from the heart.

   Zhuo Yang does not respect the bodyguard leader Brent Wilder, the former French special soldier. It's time to hang and open your mouth, and really glared at him.

   But all this did not happen to Xiaotong. Zhuo Yang's respect for him was not a politeness, but a closeness like friends, elders and even elders.

   In short, this task was unexpectedly easy for Xiao Tong.


   "Brother Tong, how can love be a luxury? Shouldn't love have nothing to do with money?"

   "Luxury is not just about money. At least for me, love is a luxury, but it has nothing to do with money."

   "I still don't understand. Brother Tong, please tell me carefully."

  Xiaotong said that in his youth, he felt grievances for Finn out of justice, which was pure. Even if Finn was an ugly girl or a boy who was bullied, he would do that. But it is undeniable that even out of inner justice, it is inevitable that a feeling of savior will be produced in his young heart, so he and Fen were not equal psychologically from the beginning.

   And in the tearful eyes of Fen Biao, impulsively promised to marry you, Xiao Tong is frank because she looks beautiful, and the beautiful girl at that moment will make any boy tempted. If you try it with a black tooth and fat black sister who is crying and crying, is that picture unbearable? Xiaotong would 'marry you' or 'beat you'?

  Don’t complain about the cruelty of the facts, the world is very unfair.

Zhuo Yang will never be morally critical here, because at the Hanover Canal twelve years ago, Coco’s shocking glance left an indelible mark in his heart, and the deep feelings were rooted in her rebellion. Heavenly face.

   Xiaotong and Fen did not really fall in love before they got married, nor did they have a day. After ten years of waiting, how much of it is gratitude and morality, and how much is affection, cannot be divided at all.

  Xiaotong's "luxury theory" is also because he is a soldier, and he is not an ordinary soldier.

   25-year-old Xiao Tong made it clear to Finn that if he marries him, it means separation between the two places all year round, and there is always the possibility of becoming a widow at any time. This is not alarmist, but a cold fact, Xiao Tong let Fen choose.

   But does she have a choice? The obsession in her heart has already been cast, she has already chosen, and the rest can only be handed to fate.

   "Zhuo Yang, do you think I am love?" Xiao Tong said: "For people like me, love is a luxury."

  Xiaotong said that he really had a feeling of love for his wife Fen after the birth of her daughter, but Xiaotong was not sure whether it was more like love or more like affection.

   "Zhuo Yang, do you think I am love?" Xiao Tong asked again: "Or, this is what love really looks like, but we have not noticed it."

   Zhuo Yang couldn't answer at all. In front of Xiao Tong's in-depth questions, he was an eggplant.

   Xiaotong himself also has no answer, but he is an extremely powerful person and a wise man who is very good at thinking. Xiaotong did not struggle with the answer, but took life itself seriously.

   This may be the answer, and it is the ultimate answer.

  Xiaotong's mission is confidential this time. His family doesn't know where he is doing, and he is used to it. Xiaotong will not carry anything that might reveal his true identity, including photos of his family.

   He only occasionally was able to contact Finn at home to ensure his wife and daughter's current situation while ensuring no exposure. The recent news has made Xiao Tong a little helpless.

   Shibalipu is a town with a slow time, and there is almost no difference from it more than ten years ago. The pace of urban development has not yet affected it.

   In order to give her daughter a better education, Xiao Tong and Fen, like other couples, bought a new house in the new development zone in the urban area, and the location environment is quite good. But the problem lies in this very noble The mountains and rivers are beautiful and integrated with the north and the south. Hanzhong is a place for beautiful women. Today's society is very flashy. Many wealthy locals and foreigners who first got rich have raised outside rooms, that is, mistresses.

   This phenomenon exists in every city, and Hanzhong is no exception.

With a house, a car, and excellent monthly living expenses, many women are content to be wild canaries, and the communities where Xiaotong and Fen live now are the most popular places for the rich and the canary, but they It is not clear before buying a house.

   There are many such wild canaries in the community. They have the same characteristics: they are very beautiful, they have a car of 100,000, and they don’t have to go to work. The men in the family rarely appear, and they carry a child by themselves.

  Fen meets all these conditions. She is a military sister-in-law, but everyone in the community thinks that she is also a mistress.

  Fen cannot always explain to others all day, and even the explanation is useless, because people like to listen to other people's rumors instead of the parties themselves. The white eyes and fingers behind her reminded her of the grievances she encountered while attending school.

   In fact, the method to eliminate misunderstandings and prejudices is also very simple. As long as Xiaotong wears military uniforms and takes his wife and children in and out of the community for a few days, the long-tongued women shut up immediately. Ke Xiaotong's mission has not been completed, and he cannot leave now.

   This matter, Xiao Tong did not tell Zhuo Yang.

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