Golden Greenery

Vol 3 Chapter 826: Bell's speed violence

  Garez Bell did not feel that today is different from other days. After getting up in the morning, Emma fried the steak as usual. At noon at the airport, I still chose to board the plane from the left gate. Even today's sunshine is as bright as yesterday.

   Football games are actually no different. From the age of five to the present, I am afraid that there are hundreds of games. Football is still football. Except for the replacement of teammates and opponents, the game is the game.

   To say where there is a difference, this is Bell's first game in Mestalla.

   Tottenham is not a team that often appears in the European arena. Bell did not play against Valencia in the British timeout. At the end of last year's last La Liga game, Real Madrid won the game 3:2, Bell did not play.

   Even today's game is a bit uneasy, and it is very similar to the past. In short, everything is no different.

  After that goal was invalidated, Bell did not argue. He did raise his elbow and pressed the Barcelona goalkeeper Pinto during the fight. There is nothing to lift the bar, because this is La Liga. But if this action is placed in the Premier League, it is a good shot. Bell, who came to Real Madrid, is still adapting to these details.

   In the 73rd minute of the King's Cup final, Bell's old teammate Magic Flute Modric took a left corner kick. At the same time Pinto punched the football, he was also turned over by the elbow of Bell.

  However, the football didn't make it far. Zhuo Yang pushed back in the penalty area. Bell took off again, crushing Mascherano and heading the ball, but the referee's whistle blew.

  Barça quickly chased the score to a 2:2 draw. After Ancelotti did not dare to be frivolous, he quickly replaced Di Maria with the magic flute. Together Zhuo Tumo, Real Madrid's midfielder can finally start to control.

   But Barcelona, ​​who had gone crazy, still had the advantage, and the scars transmitted his crazy madness to Barcelona. Before Bell broke, Sanchez's shot was thrilled by Casillas.

The 26-year-old Alexis Sanchez now regrets that he didn't escape Barcelona last summer. At the time, he didn't walk away. He didn't look down on the scar and Neymar, but after the Sabre and Xiaofa left, the team's four main forwards Evenly divide the trident, no one should have fewer opportunities. I used to have one more Villa, but I didn't see anyone playing less.

   But he didn't expect that the new head coach Martino is a fool, that is, with a determined eye to see Mei Mei, the posture is obviously that he will not change the starter without a sudden death.

   Sanchez made 24 appearances this season, but only 6 games in the starting lineup. Looking at the statistics, he wanted to cry.

   Yesterday at the training ground of Gamble Sports City, after Martino announced today's starting list, Sanchez was finally unable to hold back and quarreled with him. Because the dog can see that the three men in May Scar are not well due to fatigue, and now the best forward in the team is his Sanchez.

   He also knew that Martino was determined to have the talent to have the courage to fight this fight.

  Now Sanchez is no longer in a hurry to leave Barcelona, ​​because he does not believe that Enrique is also ironic, Sanchez decided to make the decision after playing the World Cup first.


  Garez Bell's eyes did not stay on Sanchez, because he was just an ordinary opponent, strong, but still an ordinary opponent.

  Bell doesn't think he has anything to do with Sanchez today, because today it seems no different.

  Bell wants to score, so he is used to seeing his old teammate Magic Flute, and also used to see Zhuo Yang. Who knows this, you can see the famous hall.

   In the 87th minute, Sanchez took the ball on the left side of Real Madrid to break the ball. The two changes to avoid the entanglement of Golden Retriever Cohen Trang, but did not escape Zhuo Yang's calculations.

   Card was in the right position, and Sanchez could not turn into Zhuo Yang's arms after turning around. In order to prevent Sanchez from hitting his nose on the front of his jersey, Zhuo Yang pushed his arm in advance and pushed him away, leaving only the football.

  Bell turned and started running wildly.

   This day is no different.

   Zhuo Yang's pass caught Bell from the outside, and Di Bartra also stuck in the background. Bell in the running kicked the football into the open field and pounced hard.

   This day is finally different for Bell.

   Baltra squeezed desperately in front of him, he wanted to stop Bell, and he did it, the Welshman was carried behind him.

   Suddenly, the sound of air burst from the sound barrier of the supersonic fighter was heard in Baltra's ear, and his eardrum was almost penetrated.

  Bell bypassed Baltra from the sideline, and the air molecules and the night sky that blocked him were ruthlessly torn, and the time and space in front of Bell were twisted.

   At this moment, Bell is not a football player. He is a pioneer quantum mechanics scientist who tears the atomic nucleus, a humanoid curvature engine, and a cosmic shuttle that spans the local galaxy group.

   is the violent aesthetic of speed.

   is the Monkey King!

   After 3 seconds, Bell caught up with his own pass;

  After 5 seconds, Bell cut into the restricted area;

  After 7 seconds, Bell penetrated the close angle of old Pinto at a small angle.

  Garez Bell staged the most classic scene of his Real Madrid career and scored the most exciting goal of his career.

   ran 59.1 meters, took 7.04 seconds, experienced 6 touches and took 30 strides.

The average speed of    is 30.2 kilometers per hour, the running distance per step is 1.97 meters, and the running speed is 8.395 meters per second.

  Mestalla's amazing work!

Real Madrid 3:2 lead the score again.

   It is said that Bell can run up to 34.7 kilometers per hour at 50 meters, which is comparable to Bolt’s 100 meters per hour. Zhuo Yang always insists that if Bell goes to be a thief, Jingcha cannot catch up with him, and Jingdog cannot.


  Bell's goal extinguished the Barcelona's unyielding flame, and the tiredness accumulated during the season rushed again.

  After Ancelotti regained the lead, he replaced Valenza with Valane and brought Pepe to the midfield to play the defensive midfielder, thus further stabilizing the situation.

  Five minutes later, the referee of Laos blew the final whistle and Real Madrid won the 2013-14 King's Cup championship, which is the second consecutive year.

  Last season, the King's Cup championship was Real Madrid's last life-saving straw, the only face left, the last pants. A year later, the King's Cup champion became an appetizer.

  The Barcelona people calmly accepted the failure, and once again accepted that all four were empty, because they worked hard, and they left hope for the future.

   Zhuo Yang said to Mei boss: "Leo, don't be discouraged. The King's Cup is a feather, the World Cup is your stage."

   Messi nodded: "Okay."

   Zhuo Yang said: "You know my Chinese team..., I am very optimistic about you this year, most optimistic about you."

  Messi stood up and just about to talk, the scar was unwilling. "You still have to be shameless? You said the other day that you were the most optimistic about Lao Tzu, and today you have changed again!" Benzema squeezed over and listened.

  De Tu said: "Well, he told Grandma Mo that he is most optimistic about Germany."

  Hedira sighed and said with a smile: "I also said to the second brother."

   wearing a black suit and a baseball cap, Ronaldo said suspiciously: "I am Nima listening so familiar? Did Zhuo Yang say the same to me the other day?"

   Zhuo Yang: "..."

  Pepe: "Cun did say that."

   Xiaobu: "Also told Zhuo Yang, you said that you are most optimistic about defending Spain."

   Shui Ye: "I testify."

   Zhuo Yang: "..."

   Neymar's eyes fixed, Sanchez's eyes flickered.

Zhuo Yang said impatiently: "Well, you are all World Cup champions, one counts. Argentina, Germany, Netherlands, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Brazil, France, Chile also count, you are all, I am all optimistic You guys. Are you satisfied?"

   So, they were all happy, only the expression of the magic flute was a little bit grieving.

   "Okay, okay, Croatia is also a champion, okay?"

   Zhuo Yang pointed to Bell again: "You also... Oh, I forgot, nothing happened to you in summer."

  Bell regrets running and joining in the fun.

  Messi is 27 years old this year. Maradona won the World Cup for Argentina when he was 26 years old. If boss May wants to surpass the king, this year is a good opportunity.

   "Lao Zhuo, I will work hard for the championship, don't forget our agreement."

"Of course."

In the World Cup two months later, the Chinese team and Argentina were in the same group. When Zhuo Yang and Messi just came out, they agreed to suppress Nigeria and Bosnia and Herzegovina together, and then go out together.

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