Golden Greenery

Vol 3 Chapter 824: Old Pinto stepped forward

   Adriano lay in the goal, old Pinto lay on the line of the big penalty area, chasing his collapsed Baltra lying outside the top of the arc.

  Mascherano and Scar Ribery, who passed by Zhuo Yang, lay on the scene of the incident, and Messi and Xavi, who were 80 feet away from Zhuo Yang's murderous path, also lay on the ground.

  Iniesta and Busquets, who had not laid down, stayed in the same place, and they stopped at the moment Zhuoyang passed Pinto.

In the 55th minute of the second half, Real Madrid 2:0, Ancelotti clenched his fists and gently waved his arm. He knew that he was the first heavyweight champion to coach Real Madrid.

   The Spanish Super Cup at the beginning of the season is essentially a continuation of last season, and the weight is not enough. A successful celebrity should not take it seriously.

   Corresponding to the fat-hearted and fat, it is Herado Martino not far from him. The head coach who walked into the giants for the first time is trying to suppress the inner panic as much as possible, making the expression look calm and calm.

   Martino knew that his first trip to the giants had failed, and the runner-up would always be a shame for Barcelona. With Messi's unrelenting support, he got this opportunity, and now it seems that he will live up to him.

   Martino learned from his own sources that Bartomeu was in secret contact with Luis Enrique and was close to reaching an agreement. This is not surprising, because Martino himself is also in public contact with the Argentine Football Association, the national team coach Sevilla will retire after the World Cup, Martino is the successor to the first foot.

   Alas, owe Messi, and then give him back in the national team!

  Messi himself knows of these cats, of course, Martino can become the next head coach of the national team, which is also the result of his support.

  Mei has never felt like he has failed. This season, Barcelona has his favorite coach and has also spent a lot of money on heavyweight recruitment. Scar and Neymar are today's first-class masters. The only person who can be higher than them is Zhuo Yang. In other words, Barcelona has already done the most reinforcement according to Messi's wishes.

  However, all four are still empty. Messi fell into a deep sense of powerlessness, he felt like he was hollowed out. At this moment, he hopes that the season will end here, and he does not want to delay too much in a second. Messi wants to enter the World Cup time immediately, where it seems that hope can be reunited.

   Scar is also looking forward to the summer World Cup, that is his only pursuit in the football world.

   When the season came first, Scar Scar said to knock down Real Madrid and Zhuo Yang, but now he is obviously guilty. However, scars will not feel blushing, nor will they feel guilty. He should have struggled and got what he has experienced in Chelsea. Whether Barcelona's success or failure is only his football paradise. And he is extremely thick-skinned and is a corner of the city wall.

   As a bystander on the team, Scar was more clearly seen than Messi. In fact, with the configuration of this season, Barcelona have absolute strength and Real Madrid and Zhuo Yang have a good time to break the wrist, all three lines are like this, they should not be behind so early.

   From the point of view of the scar, Barcelona's biggest weakness this season is the coach Martino. Not only did he make a timid and fearful mistake in the use of personnel and platoons, but his tactical play was also a problem.

   also has a high level of control, but your criticism always emphasizes what the bottom line is doing? Laozi 171 (doubt), Mei boss wears shoes 168, Neymar 174 is already a giant on the front line, you bury it under the hammer.

  Scar scars these things clearly, but he kept Messi's face shut and said nothing, and Barcelona didn't talk about anyone. Before the scar came to Barcelona, ​​Zhuo Yang said to him: "Scar, boss Mei is a good boy. You can help him more."

   "To get it, I went to coax him as his own son."


  The Barcelona people returned to their home half like their corpses, and they continued to play the remaining garbage time, which was undoubtedly a torment for them.

   Such a decadent Barcelona needs someone to stand up, but who can it be?

   Frankly speaking, Boss Mei is a tactical leader, but his character is not suitable and can not be a temperament leader; the scar is a brother, he is never a leader. Harvey with the captain's armband is more restrained, and he has no morale-boosting skills. Xiaobai doesn't, Xiaobu doesn't. Neymar? He is still a child!

   Puyol did, but he was in the stands, and Pique did too, but he sat beside Puyol. Pony brother? Lord Dan? None of them can fight in this regard.

   Zhuo Yang looked at the group of downhearted commodities on the opposite side. He was anxious for them.

   "Hi--!!!" A roar suddenly came across from him: "Are you **** dying? Are Barcelona going to be destroyed? Is Cathay dying?"

   39-year-old goalkeeper Jose Pinto resembled a big-faced lion with a braid, screaming loudly towards his teammates.

  Pinto came to Barcelona in January 2008, and for almost six and a half years since then, he has only played the main role in the King's Cup. The league and the Champions League are loyal substitutes for Valdes. After Valdes was seriously injured last month, Pinto stepped forward if he wanted to.

Old Pinto is an absent-minded person. Compared to football, he is more fond of pop music, and he is not a multi-talented high-end goalkeeper, so technically, Pinto has always given the impression of making big mistakes. If you don't succeed, your opponent will not score a goal, but he will not make mistakes if he should not score.

   However, in Old Pinto is a passionate person and can't play popular music without passion. And he is also very aggressive, and was the number one patron of Messi in the team.

   In the 12-13 season, Zhuo Yang missed the second round of the UEFA Champions League semi-finals due to a fight with assistant Cen Duo. Real Madrid lost to Bayern and was eliminated. The root cause of Zhuo Yang and Cen Duo was that when he played for Barcelona, ​​there was a conflict between the two sides of the national derby. Pinto jumped out of the bench and started Cen Duo's slap.

   "Lao Tzu is about to retire. If you can't win, you can also give Lao Tzu some thoughts. Can't you do it? Don't **** like a dead father."

   Puyol is a senior captain and the soul of Barcelona's former team. His farewell has attracted worldwide attention. The ten-year-old substitute Jose Pinto has only the last few games of his career, but he is ignored.

   Pinto had such a voice, and the Barcelona people all looked back and looked at him with dementia: Yes, Jose, who was brave and brave, was about to retire, how could we all forget?

   "Kick it, play it well. The sky has not collapsed, the game is not over yet, give yourself some confidence in the future, okay?"

   "Old and young, cheer up, don't let Zhuo Yang look down on you."

   Zhuo Yang gave Lao Pinto a thumbs up in his heart: Like! color!

   "Brothers, don't let the opposite imperial dog read the joke!"

   Zhuo Yang: "..."

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