Golden Greenery

Vol 3 Chapter 7: Lu Yu Diao Min came to touch porcelain

   The road is not wide, two-lane ordinary grade highway. The huge Prince Harley motorcycle was lying in the middle of the road and no longer allowed vehicles to pass.

   Xiaotong parked the Mercedes-Benz car steadily at a position about 20 meters away from the motorcycle, but it did not turn off the flame, and his right foot did not leave the throttle.

   Zhuo Yang is unknown, so hesitantly whispered: "What the **** is going on?"

  Xiaotong said: "Don't get off!" And activated the central control door lock, and raised the three-sided glass to close, leaving only one fifth of the window gap on the side of his driver's seat.

   A tall and fat middle-aged man got off the motorcycle and looked like he was fifty years old. Small back short beard beard, white T-shirt with a dark plaid shirt outside, jeans short brown leather boots, very ordinary German middle-aged and elderly dress.

   The buddy walked up to the car with carelessness, extended his finger ‘duoduo’ and knocked on Xiaotong’s window twice, beckoning him to open bigger.

  Xiaotong didn't do what he said, still maintaining a ready-to-start posture, but turned his head and asked, "What's wrong?"

The visitor did not insist on lowering the glass or opening the car door. He said through the glass slit: "You--, was it just on the hillside there..." He pointed to the **** at the end of the road, that is The place where the three Zhuo Yang rested on the floor just outside, outside the cemetery.

   "Is there littering there?"

   Zhuo Yang: "..."

   Just now when the three people were chatting on the hillside outside the cemetery, they did use a few paper towels for blowing their noses and spitting. The car was under the mountain, and there were no trash cans around, so the quality was low, and the paper towels were thrown into the grass.

   But this is also called a thing?

   Xiaotong said quietly: "And then?"

  The fat man said seriously: "Trouble you go back and pick up the trash, everyone must take care of the environment."

   Grandma Mo: "..."

   Did this **** thing meet environmentalists? Encountered the legendary patriotic health movement enthusiastic uncle?

   Xiaotong remained silent: "Is there any other way?"

   The fat man nodded: "Fine 50 euros, I used to clean it for you."

   Fuck, it turned out to be porcelain! In remote areas of China, there are often diaomins who use various pretexts to stop passing vehicles to blackmail money. It seems that this is an international culture.

   Grandma Mo is up. He is a native of Hanover and a ground snake here. Although he has not been wandering in Hanover all these years, how can he tolerate being touched by porcelain so inferiorly.

   "Go to your mother's!" Grandpa Mo said and pulled the car door, he was sitting on this side. But Xiaotong had locked the central control just now. Grandpa Mo didn't pull it off the first time. When he went to unlock it, Xiaotong stopped him.

   "Don't get off!"

   said, Xiao Tong swiftly took out a 50-euro banknote from his trouser pocket and handed it out through the window slit.

   The fat man smiled with pride, and after looking at the window for a few seconds, he took the banknote, flicked it loudly, and then stuffed it into his **** pocket.

  Xiaotong extended his finger to the motorcycle in front and motioned him to make way. However, the fat man did not move, and still looked at him.

  Xiaotong is already on high alert and can quickly start the vehicle or start a blow at any time.

   "What are you looking at?"

   Grandma Mo: "..."

   Xiaotong smiled, but he still didn't care about it, but just made the gesture of "please" again, and told him to leave quickly.

   "I asked you what?"

   "Don't **** your mother to shame your face!" Zhuo Yang angered and shouted in the car: "You can't go anymore without **** crap!"

   The fat man glanced quickly towards the back seat, perhaps because he felt that one-on-three was not sure, so he didn't force it. He spread his hands backwards, then returned to his motorcycle, and left ‘booming’ after starting.

  But instead of taking the money back to the graveyard to pick up trash, he drove in the original direction, that is, the direction of the city, and the speed was not slow.

  Xiaotong stared at the shadow of the motorcycle away and quickly judged the current situation. He is the most professional guard, and almost all information will not be missed.

   Although the cemetery is remote, there are still sparse crowds going to pay homage. Just now Xiaotong saw this fat man in the cemetery, and he kept looking around. Although Xiaotong paid attention, he just said nothing. Maybe he felt that two eastern faces appeared here and was curious. Maybe he recognized the stars of Mertesacker and Zhuo Yang.

  Now finding faults is clear and unmistakable, but it is still not easy to judge whether it is accidental diaomin touching porcelain, or premeditated behavior.

   Xiaotong did not start the Mercedes-Benz immediately, he asked: "How far is it from the city?"

   "About ten kilometers." Grandpa Mo said.

   "How far is the nearest fork in front?" Xiao Tong asked again.

"Um... there are intersections two or three kilometers away, and when you are out of the mountains, you will reach Pattenson and Vinny Hessen on both sides." Grandma Mo is still familiar with this area, unlike Zhuo Yang who is only familiar with the surrounding urban areas. He couldn't figure it out at all in this remote mountain path.

  Xiaotong held the steering wheel in his hand and thought urgently about the countermeasures.

He knew the situation along the way when he came. If he goes back now and returns to Pattenson or Hanover according to the original route, he must first return to the foot of the mountain in Marienburg, and then there will be three road choices to go to the town of Pattenson. And downtown Hanover, as well as the wildlife sanctuary further south.

   Six or seven kilometers before this, there was no fork, and we could only continue along the road.

   If the fat man had a premeditated behavior, the direction of his departure may have been a mystery, deliberately causing the Mercedes to doubt and return on the same path. After all, it is more remote.

  Whether forward or backward is essentially a gambling behavior. In the case of isolation and information, it is necessary to make a choice and must take some risks. Of course, a fat man is the most likely to simply touch porcelain, with a probability of more than 90%. Xiaotong is only professionally alert to make various psychological preparations.

   Xiaotong decided to keep going. After all, this place is closer to the city, and after two more steps, it completely drove out of the mountain, and the road was next to the town.

   The motorcycle is no longer Xiaotong started the vehicle and continued to drive forward.

   The road conditions are still very bad. The lonely street lamp on the side of the road is also rusty and mottled. Anyway, it is still early in the evening, and it is not expected to be illuminated. After listening to Grandpa Mo, when I left the mountain and reached the crossroads, the road conditions there will be very good. It is the main road between the left and right two towns to and from each other. It’s not surprising that it’s rotten.

   "Zhuo Yang, Mr. Xiao Mo. If you have any problems, please don't get off the train." Xiao Tong once again told the two.

   "Why? Julis... do you think that the man just now has a problem?"

   "It's hard to say, it's better to be cautious."

   Grandma Mo was a bit disdainful: "It's Hanover's local accent. I dig back to find this guy, but I want to see who is so bold. Julius, I will give you 50 euros to come back."

   Xiaotong smiled: "Money is a small problem, it does not matter."

Although the contact time is not long, Xiaotong knows that Grandpa Mo is a mature and stable person, but this time as a local snake in Hanover, it feels a bit of a loss of face, especially his brother’s friend even has to make money and avoid disaster. This is really too bad. .

Grandpa Mo was angry and the car drove out of the mountain. A Harley prince motorcycle was in the middle of the road ahead, two cars, and nine strong men.

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