Golden Greenery

Vol 3 Chapter 795: Very strange Sharma

   Zhuo Yang, a high school female classmate, just adjusted the position of the front passenger seat of her husband's car ten centimeters forward, and decisively judged that her husband was derailed. The facts later proved that her judgment was very accurate.

   A girlfriend of this female classmate also found a slight difference in the shooting angle of a single standing photo when her husband was on a business trip, and determined that the person taking the phone photo was a petite woman, and concluded that her husband had an affair.

   And the cousin of this girlfriend was because her husband watched TV at home at night. After receiving a text message on the mobile phone, if he glanced at her as quickly as possible, he was sure that the husband had someone outside.

   What happened later proved their correctness. Now all three women have been divorced because her husband is cheating.

   is not a fine woman, but every woman is a natural Sherlock Holmes in these things, the IQ can break through the galaxy at the moment of the event. On the contrary, men become extremely stupid when they are derailed, and there are many mentally retarded and idiot.

  The husband and wife have lived together for a long time, and are familiar with each breath of each other. Any subtle anomalies will be felt by the other party, especially the natural and delicate women. The doubts in her mind are often accurate.

   The mountains and rivers are far away, why not pity the people before you. Man, please cherish her by your side, and bravely fight against the years.

  Queen Sophia is both a queen and a woman. The old king is so affectionate and hateful. How could she not notice it in the long marriage?

   Love's loyalty and Qin Seheming are one of the queen's life's external image tags. She chose to be silent, just to take care of the overall situation, but also for face. If all this is not exposed, she can pretend that nothing exists like an ostrich with her head buried in the sand.

  No one knows whether the queen is living in a real marriage tragedy, or has always been immersed in the self-made love illusion. Queen Sofia is the same age as the old king. They were 76 years old this year. They were married at the age of 24. With such a long marriage life, true and false have long been integrated. It is likely that she is not clear at all.

   So, what exactly is the love of Queen Sofia?

   Is she deceiving herself? Or has she already believed in the love phantom she believed in? Is it fake or fake? There is never a clear line between true and false.

  Zi is not a fish, Anzhiyuzhiyu.

  The incident of the old king's east window, the destruction of the phantom is for the queen to be a luck after the dream, or a sadness after the collapse?

   Is love to satisfy the inner self, or to satisfy the self by satisfying the outside world? In Chinese's words, whether zizi is important or face is important, but zizi and face are not something that can be clearly distinguished.

   So, what exactly is love?

   Zhuo Yang thought for a long time and didn't figure out the answer clearly. He asked Koko, Koko said: I told you the answer. But Zhuo Yang couldn't remember what she said, and he didn't think that Koko, who was younger than himself, could know the correct answer.

   Zhuo Yang does not know what he wants to prove. He didn't know what he was confused about, but he just thought so much that he almost forgot that he was a little impatient.

   confessed the crime to Kou Kou by his side and said, ‘I’m going to admire the orchid’, Kou Kou smiled and knew he was going to pee.

   Leaving the cold banquet, Zhuo Yang, under the guidance of the waiter in the palace, went to the bathroom upstairs to relieve the burden. The small toilet is very elegant, but not luxurious at all. The entire palace is not luxurious. Compared with the golden Bur Dubai Tower toilet that Zhuo Yang has seen, this is shabby.

  The Spanish royal family is still one of the poorest royal families in Europe, and it is no different from the Swedish royal family. Media reports say that the queen has many dresses that are still old clothes from a few decades ago, even when renting a dress.

   These words, Zhuo Yang naturally does not believe that the royal family is poor, but it is not poor in the concept of ordinary people. How can there be no money to sew new clothes. Let’s say that when the old king lost his teeth in the African hunting, he casually spent more than 30,000 pounds. How many clothes are not enough?

   In recent years, the Spanish economy has been very sluggish, GDP has continued to grow negatively, and the highest unemployment rate was a horrible 26%. So what if the royal family does not cry poor? How dare not cry poor!

  Do you think the people are really humming for Queen Sofia? It's not that some forces are using this as an excuse to promote conflicts and transfer people's grievances to the royal family, which is really a big pot.

   But are these related to Zhuo Yang?

  After peeing and washing his hands, Zhuo Yang didn't want to go back to the banquet immediately, so he walked down the outer porch on the second floor to the outside courtyard, where the garden was rich in color and very quiet.

  Pomegranate has dried red buds! Perhaps because of the sunny Madrid, the clusters of pomegranate flowers in the garden that were supposed to open in May were already semi-shy, and the fiery buds were quite different.

  Pomegranate flowers are not unusual. They are planted in the backyard garden of the royal palace, just because this flower is the national flower of Spain.

   Zhuo Yang leaned in front of the flower plant, pretending to look at it with interest for a moment, and took out his phone like a tourist to take some close-up photos of the flower bone. Then he held his phone half-bowed and backed out a few steps, intending to take a few more pictures away.

  Who knows this retreat, but hit a person.

   Zhuo Yang Snack was surprised, because there was no one here just now, and with his keen senses, even if his back was facing away, someone would know if he was close.

   This is the royal palace, where you need to pay attention to etiquette. Zhuo Yang said, ‘Losiento’ turned sideways, whispering in his heart: I can’t see it, don’t you know to hide?

   ran into a middle-aged man in his forties, slightly lower than Zhuo Yang, and of average build. Rarely, he is an oriental face, to be precise, like a South Asian, Indian or Nepali.

  It seems no surprise that such a face appears in the Spanish royal palace. Zhuo Yang is not a Chinese himself?

   Zhuo Yang said ‘sorry’ in Spanish, but the person said nothing, did not know whether it was not understood or what, he just looked at Zhuo Yang indifferently.

In the expression, there is no hostility, no goodwill, nothing at all, very empty. Zhuo Yang felt a sense of uneasiness from his attitude. Although he didn't know why he felt this way, he could not help being alert.

   This person obviously felt Zhuo Yang's alert, because there was a color in his eyes, a sneering color.

   "Have you ever seen a pomegranate flower?" He asked Zhuo Yang, in French, with a very flat tone.

   Zhuo Yang shook his head and said in Spanish: "If you are curious about pomegranate flowers, you can check the encyclopedia."

  The person nodded slightly, still speaking in French without expression, "Humans are the souls of all things because of curiosity."

  Zhuo Yang found this kind of conversation boring, so he didn't answer any more.

   "Zhuo Yang..." There were footsteps behind him, and Coco called him.

   Before and after coming, Koko said to the middle-aged man: "Mr. hello."

  Sharma finally had an expression, and he humbly bowed to Koko: "Sharma is honored to see the honourable Princess Christine."

   "You're welcome, Mr. Sharma."

   "Dear Princess, Sharma will not disturb you, please forgive me." After that, Sharma took two steps back, then turned and walked away, and the figure disappeared at the end of the courtyard corridor.

   Zhuo Yang asked Koko: "Who is he?"

   "The chief of guard of the Prince of Monaco Ergul, commander of Sharma." The commander is the commander's medal, a low-level knighthood.

   "Sharma... He is a strange person." Zhuo Yang said. Sharma had a little bit of familiarity with Zhuo Yang's feelings just now, but he hadn't figured out what kind of familiarity he was.

   "It is said that he is from Nepal and is very loyal to Ergul."

   Zhuo Yang shrugged and took Koko's hand towards the banquet hall. Today is the first time Zhuo Yang saw Sharma, but he did not know that Sharma had seen him several times.

   Suddenly, Zhuo Yang remembered where the familiar feeling of Sharma had come from. The kind of indifferent, almost invisible feeling he had seen at Xiaotong.

   Sharma is a master!

   Zhuo Yang stopped and turned to look at where Sharma disappeared.

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