Golden Greenery

Vol 3 Chapter 767: The little brother who went to China

At the pre-match press conference, the reporter asked Zhuo Yang: Who do you think is the best Spanish player?

Zhuo Yang did not say that the Spanish national team full-back Capdevila, nor the former Barcelona player Victor Sanchez, did not say that the Spanish captain Sergio Garcia, also from La Masia, did not say that it was Xavi · Lopez. Of course, it’s not my turn to say Wu Lei...

   Zhuo Yang said: Gabriel Torger impressed me deeply, he is very good.

   In fact, Zhuo Yang said that he was a little disappointed. He praised Torger at this time, just because the 24-year-old Romanian winger is also a signing player under the fat Laiola.

  If you only look from the back, Torger is the same as Messi regardless of height and size, and he plays the wing or shadow like the May boss. He was called ‘Romanian Messi’ when he played in the country.

  Torge became the main force of Bucharest Stars when he was 19 years old, and later became the core. At that time, many giants including Real Madrid were paying attention to him. Torge is also a famous demon in the football manager game FM.

   In the summer of 2011, Zhuo Yang transferred from Barcelona to Real Madrid. Udinese Chilean striker Sanchez went to Barcelona to fill in the space left by Zhuo Yang, and Torrère went to Udinese to fill in Sanchez's space.

   Then Torger exposed his biggest weakness-the style was too soft. This is why many giants finally gave up introducing him.

   After a disappointing performance in Serie A for one season, Torge was loaned to La Liga by Udinese last season. However, there was no eye-catching moment. This season was loaned to the Spaniard.

   Actually, not only because of his soft style, this kid has been a little indulgent since he became famous. In Serie A, he was photographed by the media many times during the night, and there were scandals in that respect.

  The fat man sighed and said to Zhuo Yang: This forced the boy to be a waste of nine or nine, originally I thought he could also play Di Maria...

   Zhuo Yang lifted up that Torge was just a favor, and what he really liked was the Brazilian brother Filipe Mattioni in Milan.

  Mationi has been getting better and better since transferring to the Spaniards, but has suffered several serious injuries at the age of the ball. For sports, luck is really important. Now 26-year-old Mattioni is no longer the main force of the Spaniard, not even a rotation. Today, he is not eligible to come to Madrid with the team.

In fact, there is still room for'saving' Mattioni, but high-level top-level leagues cannot give him time to recover slowly. Moreover, regardless of character or personality, Zhuo Yang appreciates it, so it is buried. It is a pity.

   Today is January 27th. The big sister and the fat man are eagerly negotiating with the Spanish club to fight for the transfer of the Chinese Super League at a zero price in the winter transfer window. He also longs to go to China to play football. Once the competition is not so fierce, it helps to recover. If it is not possible, he can earn more salary. The salary here is a bit shabby.

   The problem is not big, basically talked about.

Not only Mattioni, the few demon that AC Milan vigorously introduced at the time when Zhuo Yang was there, the other two of the three young men in South America in Milan, Uruguayan midfielder Tabare Buidez, Matthias Carr Dacio, they are now 25 and 27 years old. They were all the little guys of Zhuo Yang, the Brazilian and international gang of Milan. They were not kicked out in Milan for various reasons, and they have been thrown away by their big sisters. Super League.

   In the past few years, under the operation of the big sister and the fat man, many excellent Brazilian players, but not yet excellent to the Mesozoic level of the Brazilian national team, transferred to the Super League to play football. (This is very important)

   Speaking of the winter transfer, Real Madrid and Barcelona will not move this year, which shows that the club and coaches are very satisfied with the existing lineup, and there is no potential stock in the market that is worth shooting. Atletico also didn't make any big move, just loaned Argentine midfielder Jose Sosa from Naples.

   29-year-old Jose Sousa is not a much-needed talent for Atletico Madrid, but when he was at La Plata University, he was the love of the head coach Simone. After Bayern and Naples did not mix well, they fled to Simone with a personal relationship to change their luck.

   Lord Ferguson’s Manchester United continued to open, and Di Maria stayed here for a while. Lord Sir bought Mata for £37 million and cleared up to six redundant staff.

   Chelsea finally sold Mourinho's desperate De Braun, and Bundesliga Wolfsburg became a happy receiver. Chelsea then used the money to buy a 22-year-old Egyptian striker named Salah from the Basel Club in Switzerland and replaced him with a slow boil on the bench.

   Zhuo Yang, who had played in Barcelona's old friend Sakura House for the past year and a half, played in China for a year and a half and returned to La Liga to join Valencia. Keita is not unhappy, but something went wrong with Dalian Albin Club.

   AC Milan now buys people basically without spending money, Galliani riding a bicycle everywhere to find free agents has become a stalk of football. This time, Kato touched Milan stars Honda Keiyou and Ghanaian Essien for Milan, and Honda Keiyu also put on No. 10 red and black strips.

Many players under Fat Laiola also completed their football migration this winter. 26-year-old Racha Naingoran went to Dona Ruma officially joined AC Milan Youth Training , Anu Borriello, 32, went to West Ham United in the Premier League...

  Always remembered that the big Paris Italian midfielder Verati has not dug yet, but the hot-eyed fat man recently harvested a 13-year-old kid in remote Norway.

In the past, Manchester United captain Roy Keane provoked Zhuo Yang for no reason. In 2005, Zhuo Yang was beaten up in the passage of the Victor Stadium, and then basically ended the old Keen’s football. The football world also lacked a classic villain. .

  Speaking of Keene’s evil, he had to mention the cruciate ligament and meniscus of his right knee in the 2001 Manchester City Derby Lieutenant General Alf Inge Halland. Keane had a red card and Harland, 29, retired directly.

   Later Keane boasted about it in his autobiography, without regret.

The grievance between the two of them was not reported. Twelve years later, Norwegian Harland’s son Errin Halland is now 13 years old, playing forward in the echelon of Brunner Football Club, Lajola Signing him is as happy as finding the treasure.

  The fat man told Zhuo Yang that he went to Norway this time and found a 16-year-old midfielder in the Rosenborg echelon. It’s not bad. What is it called John Husset, but he has an agent.

   Today's game against the Spaniard is not very important, Zhuo Yang thinks about these things before it is more important.

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