Golden Greenery

Vol 3 Chapter 758: The last 1 battle returns character

The night before Zhuo Tongtong returned to his country, he sat on the sofa in the crystal palace rented by Rafinka Zhuo Yang and remained silent for a long time. But from his frowning and frivolous words, he still can see that he is engaged in a fierce ideological struggle.

But in the end Zhuo Tongtong just asked: "Zhuo Yang, you must obey Xiaotong's arrangement and promise me."

"Relax, dad, I promise."

Zhuo Tongtong said to Coco: "Coco, you have more control over Zhuo Yang, he is willing to listen to you."

Coco said: "Well, I know. Father Dao, don't worry."

I was afraid that my parents would be worried when they knew it. Zhuo Yang and his sister did not tell their parents too much about the several accidents. But Zhuo Tongtong and Yang Hong still knew a little from the newspaper, how can there be parents who do not care about their children?

But because the media did not know many details, Zhuo Tongtong did not think about how serious things were, even though he knew a little. But when he came to Madrid and saw Xiao Tong who was always with Zhuo Yang, he immediately realized the seriousness of the matter. Dad Zhuo is a person with high IQ, and his logical thinking ability is rigorous and meticulous.

He smelled a strong Chinese soldier's breath from Xiaotong because he was too. As for his identity, Xiao Tong did not recognize or deny it, and everything was in silence.

Dao Zhuo got it. He is a soldier, and many things involving confidentiality discipline will never go into details, even if it is about his son. But Dad fully understood and was sure who Xiaotong was.

The alarm was so big that it meant that Zhuo Yang's encounter would never be small.

Dao Zhuo's heart immediately caught his throat. For all fathers in the world, the greatest wish is not that the child can stand out, but the safety of his life. At that moment, Zhuo Tongtong had the urge to bring Zhuo Yang back to China immediately.

Football and piano are not important at all, even if you go back to being an elementary school teacher, or simply stay at home and eat lazy, as long as Zhuo Yangping is safe.

But Zhuo Tongtong was a sensible person again. After calming down, he knew that the impulsive idea was very unrealistic. How can Zhuo Yang abandon the prosperous career, no one can throw it all away. And GJ has paid such attention, Zhuo Yang's safety should be guaranteed.

In the end, a thousand words only turned into a sentence of "to obey".

At night, it was time to return to the team to cancel leave. Xiaotong drove Dao Zhuo back to the National Defense Military Language Academy in the northern suburbs of Madrid. Zhuo Dao’s visit and exchange activities have been completed and they will leave for tomorrow. They cannot wait for Zhuoyang’s Christmas holiday Walk together.

Zhuo Dad and Xiao Tong held hands together.

"Comrade Xiaotong, thank you for your hard work."

"You're welcome, Professor Zhuo. This is my duty. I will protect Zhuo Yang's absolute safety, please rest assured."

"Thank you! If you can, please say thank you to your superiors. Thank you for your care and love for Zhuo Yang."


The two said goodbye with a standard military salute.



Zhuo Yang will not go to Vaduz during the Christmas holiday this year, nor will he go on vacation. He will return to his hometown of Xi'an and bring Koko. Although he was three days away from the front and back, he couldn't walk with his dad because Real Madrid had the last game of 2013 and the 17th round of La Liga against Valencia.

With people's money to eliminate disasters, since leading Real Madrid's annual salary of 17 million, it is necessary to stand for the club's last shift at the end of the year.

Four days ago, he played 1/16 rounds of the King’s Cup with Harvard Class C. To be honest, Zhuo Yang was a bit bullying. He made two shots and made people a sieve. In fact, a 2:0 is decent enough. .

Hativa had no illusions about how to be in Bernabeu. They came with the purpose of exchanging jerseys. 0:0 at home is already their highlight, and even walking into the Bernabeu will be an unforgettable memory for many Hativa players.

However, after the game, no one in Hattiwa lost his face to exchange face shirts. Zhuo Yang did so, and hurt some people.

So this retribution fell on the game against Valencia, Zhuo Yang was replaced by Isco in the 20th minute of the first half because of injury.

The 24-year-old Spanish central defender Victor Ruiz became famous. Zhuo Yang shoved him with a sudden stop and cut the ball to the ground. After the angle was opened, he would shoot long shots, but Ruiz was like a beach Suddenly, the fish on the body lay corpse and huddled in front of his feet. Zhuo Yang tried to close it but failed to hold it. He kicked the ball and blocked the ball on Ruiz's body.

With such a twist, Zhuo Yang strained his thigh.

Zhuo Yang hasn't been injured in a long time, and hasn't even had minor injuries for at least a year. However, unbelief looked up, who the sky has spared.

In this way, Zhuo Yang's teeth grin ended the 2013 year-round competition. Ancelotti regretted that his intestines were green. He knew that it would be better to let Zhuo Yang go back to China with his dad.

And Real Madrid did not play well in this game. Valencia, who had 1 win, 2 draws and 3 losses in the previous six league games, also showed enough tenacity.

Di Maria's main position is gradually being replaced by Bell, this frustrating reality makes him want to transfer in the upcoming winter break, the goal is naturally Manchester United. But he is also a bit hesitant, anyway, transfer is a risky thing, not to mention the style of the Premier League, which is very different from La Liga. If it affects the World Cup half a year later, it would be too regretful.

Angel Di came to Zhuo Yang for advice. Now the relationship between them is not so Zhuo Yang thought for a while and said solemnly: "Angel, why don’t we win something together? Go together."

Zhuo Yang is selfish, Di Maria is diligent, low-key and talented, and is a very good helper on the team. Zhuo Yang is very ambitious this year. He does not want to lose such an angel in the second half of the season.

And Di Maria was also impressed by this sentence. Real Madrid this year is obviously the best year in recent years. Everyone has been holding back for several years and would like to hold back a big one. If they leave like this next month, they miss the team. Honor is also a very regrettable thing. So, after careful consideration, Angel Di decided to mention the transfer at the end of the season.

In the 27th minute, Marcelo's left wing turned to the right and Angel Di quickly accelerated after catching the ball and forced overtaking from the close of Bernat and Mathieu. After rushing into the penalty area, a small angle volley penetrated Guaita's ten fingers, Real Madrid led 1:0.

The mighty Simone may want to provoke divorce. He said that the best Argentine player today is Di Maria, at least as good as Messi. He also said that the best small man in Argentina is Piati, as good as Messi.

No matter what the purpose of Simone’s words, or whether there is a logical flaw in his words, it also reflects from one side that Valencia’s 24-year-old attacking front waist Pablo Piati is indeed a very good Excellent player, even though he is only one meter six three, even shoes.

Piati is called ‘Messi II’ by some, while others call him ‘Little Aimar’. Since being touted, there must be touted capital.

In the 34th minute, Bernat's left wing broke through Aveloja's defensive cross, and the one-meter-three water master Ramos was not tight on the middle. Piaty flew under his eyelids and broke the net, 1: 1.

Shui Ye's face was darker than De Tu's head.


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