Golden Greenery

Vol 3 Chapter 751: Strong murderous in the dark

There is an incredible belief in fantasy, such as the moon suddenly disappeared, such as the Chinese team won the World Cup championship overnight.


   For example, second brother Ricardo Montolivo said he was going to get married.


  Meng Er met Cristian Deping at a social gathering after a business event last year. They did not fall in love at first sight, did not discharge or were electrocuted, just met, and then left each other politely.


   Then, they fell in love. In the eyes of outsiders, the whole process is as bland and dull as having a blind date with a man and a woman.


  Christiana Deping is three years older than her second brother, is a model and TV presenter, and has also appeared in Playboy magazine. Such a girl's appearance and figure are naturally good.


   But what kind of character is the second brother? What role did the colorful people he has been with?


   Deping is a model, but there are more Italian models than dogs running on the street. She is far from the most outstanding one, at most it is a second line. The host is the same, De Ping is not popular. Among thousands of beautiful hosts, regardless of ratings and program influence rate, they are extremely common.


   As for "Playboy" magazine, a thick monthly magazine, hot jade photos published by it have as many beautiful women as the stars at night, serious people who read it as a serious book.


  Deping is naturally a goddess in the eyes of ordinary people, but it is nothing more than the basic dish of soaking the horse in the world's top love saints like Meng Er. Compared with his ex-girlfriend who had unique characteristics in the ten years of the second brother's love scene, De Ping was completely unremarkable regardless of his age, appearance, figure, temperament, and knowledge. It was the kind that was thrown into the pile and could not be found.


   But just such a ‘ordinary’ girl finally got her second brother back, not only talked for more than a year, but also ready to get married.


  The brothers had a hard time understanding the second brother’s choice. Of course, they had all met De Ping and had no prejudice or opinions about her, but they couldn’t understand her.


  If you say that you have been in love for many years, you are finally tired of it. After trying all kinds of things, you want to return to nature, and finally you find an ordinary woman. Everyone can fully understand.


   Or that you met a peerless fairy, picked the only snow lotus on the top of the snow mountain, and no rouge in your heart from now on, this fairy couple, the brothers will clap their hands to congratulate.


   But now what are you doing? Deping can't stand anywhere, she is the most vulgar woman in the world.


  The second brother is a strange person. For him, perhaps the most popular is the most popular. The second brother is a poet, the most ordinary is the most extraordinary in his eyes. The second brother is a philosopher, and the real dust comes from the rolling red dust.


  Meng Er has informed the brothers that a wedding will be held next to Lake Mareggio in May next year. Lake Mareggio () is also in the northern part of the city of Milan. It is larger than Lake Como and is the second largest lake in Italy.


  Compared with Lake Garda and Lake Como, Lake Mareggio is more touristic and has more labels of love and romance.




  Despite its rare and expensive price, white truffles are all people who have met the world today, and friends gather together, and what they eat is always just a decorative embellishment, and who eats with them is the most important thing.


Today, everyone didn’t bring their families, just a group of old men’s parties. After eating, there were no other entertainment items. It was very late. I patted my belly and thanked my brother for his kindness. Stall.


   Marchisio will drive He face back to the Golden Palace Hotel, Pogba will send Marcelo and Isco, the second brother will of course send Zhuo Yang personally, and his bodyguard Julius. It was not until this time that everyone rediscovered yet another Chinese face tonight.


   It's very late. Even in a big city like Turin, cars and people on the road are almost extinct. Cross the Po River from the bridge back to the west bank-the locals call it the left bank, and enter the prosperous downtown area of ​​Turin.


  Like other big cities, the streets of Turin will be empty after 9:30 on weekdays, and even the most lively Castro Square (Castle Square) will not see tourists.


   Today is the Champions League game day. Excited fans will make the city go into silence later, but now it is midnight, and the most accomplished fans have all returned home.


Put Zhuoyang and Julius at Piazza Solferino in front of the Golden Palace Hotel. Meng Er said "See you soon" and left with a throttle. His fiancee De Ping was still there. Granmadre was waiting for him in the mid-level villa.


  Granmadre is actually very close to Ramada who just ate, all on the east bank of the Po River, just a few minutes walk. On the east bank of the Po River is Turin’s old town, and Granmadre is Turin’s current rich residential area.


   Meng Er's Lincoln Navigator blasted the street away, Zhuo Yang and Xiao Tong turned and walked towards the hotel door. The circle of top football is very small, it is not only Zhuo Yang who has friends in Juventus. After the game, many Real Madrid players were pulled away by the new and old.


  Real Madrid stipulates that one o'clock in the morning is the time to return to the hotel to cancel leave.


   Although the streets and squares are inaccessible, there are many media reporters and paparazzi in the brightly lit hotel entrances and halls. They will not miss any possible news points.


  Don't want to be surrounded by these flies, Zhuo Yang and Xiaotong walked towards the small door in the back building of the hotel after crossing the square.


  Jiannone Street is not wide, it will be limited to one-way street at the peak of traffic, the night is deep, the lights on the road can only be described by dim, Zhuo Yang and Xiaotong walking on Ghanone Street. On this side is a slightly lighted hotel building, and on the other side is a scattered dining or commercial area. At this time, it has entered dreamland.


   Zhuo Yang and Xiao Tong walking side by the silent street, only their rustling footsteps. The alleys in the business district on the other side of Giannone Street are hidden in the shade of trees.


   Suddenly, Xiaotong suddenly reached out to stop Zhuo Yang on the inside, and quickly dragged him behind a square stone lamp post. After blocking Zhuo Yang with his body, he immediately pulled out the key from his pocket.


   Raised his hand, and the street lamp bent above his head and broken into the street was smashed, and the two temporarily disappeared into the darkness.


   Everything happened so fast that Zhuo Yang couldn't react like a fool at all. Xiaotong blocked Zhuo Yang behind him, and he was half hidden behind the stone pillar, staring at the black alley across the road like a solidified statue.


"what happened?"


   "Someone there."




   "I don't know." Xiao Tong said: "I can't see him, but I can feel murderous, very strong murderous, is directed at us."


   "How can I not feel it?"


  Xiaotong didn't answer, still staring there.


   "Does he have a gun?"


"do not know."


   "Otherwise we rushed over and beat him for dog day."


   "No! Your safety comes first, we can't take risks."


  Zhuo Yang can’t see anything, can’t feel anything, and he asks, "What now?"



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