Ye Sihai slept until dawn.

But some people can't sleep.

Zhao Yaozu was imprisoned in a small iron house in Lecheng.

No one paid attention to him all night, causing him to toss and turn.

Zhao Yaozong was sent to the hospital. The police said that his ribs were all broken.

This small iron house was stuffy, hot, and exuded a stench.

Zhao Yaozu pretended to be calm and seemed to have nothing to fear.

But I'm worried.


He felt something big was going to happen.

Why were the police from Lecheng at Ye's house in advance?

That little beast Ye Sihai even found a lawyer.

Just wait for yourself.

So, did he deliberately let the Shui family come to him to buy a boat and then plot against him?

The more Zhao Yaozu thought about it, the more he felt that this was the case.

Ye Sihai was not targeting him at all.

But the person behind him.

Zhao Yihu.

Did this little beast eat the heart of a bear or the gall of a leopard?

Who is Zhao Yihu?

A rich man worth billions.

Who is this little beast?

He is only eighteen years old.

Someone must have been instigating him behind this.

Who else in Jinfeng Town has this energy?

The Lin family.

Is the Lin family going to war with the Zhao family?

But this is simply impossible.

There is no conflict of interest between the two parties at all.

At most, Zhao Kai has been pestering Lin Qiaohua.

But that's between children.

And Zhao Kai didn't dare to do anything to Lin Qiaohua.

Zhao Yaozu didn't sleep all night.

Plus he wasn't the only one in the small iron house.

There were also a few guys who snuck in, but they slept soundly.

The snoring was loud.

Zhao Yaozu is so irritable.

He couldn't help but kicked the other party hard.

But the other party actually just turned over.

Keep snoring!

Zhao Yaozu...!

"How did I fall for this little beast?"

Zhao Yaozu gritted his teeth.

But in the end he had no choice but to admit defeat.

But things are getting worse and worse.

Because he was imprisoned for just... a week.

For seven consecutive days, he ate, drank, and drank in this small iron house.

With people coming in and out every day, he became the nail-biter in the small iron house.

its not right.

If someone is detained for more than twenty-four hours, he or she must be released.

Otherwise, the police must use reasonable detention procedures.

But he had nothing.

At first, he felt deep contempt for the other people in the small iron house crying for their father and mother.

But now it was his turn to shout.

But no matter how he howled, no one paid attention to him.

On the contrary, a few days later, a tall and powerful brother came in. Hearing him scream and howl was so uncomfortable that he got up and beat him up.

When had Zhao Yaozu suffered such a loss?

He expressed dissatisfaction on the spot.

As a result, the elder brother peed on him.

After a week of continuous torture, Zhao Yaozu collapsed.

He decided to take the initiative to explain something.

It's best to try to get out first.

Then go to Zhao Yihu for help.

If it doesn't work, just run away quietly.

He knew exactly what he had done.

Once you find out, you're still a little short of being shot, but it's not that difficult to go to jail.

If I had known this would happen, why would I listen to Zhao Yihu and deal with that little beast?

Just as Zhao Yaozu guessed, he was indeed doomed.

Lecheng police set up a special task force to take charge of his case.

Xiao Jianguo has a lot of things about him.

Lawyer Lu was the top debater in Fujian Province, and he took action even if Lecheng police didn't take it seriously.

A few more days passed like this.

Zhao Yaozu no longer seems to be alone.

A complete beggar.

When the police interrogated him, he didn't even wait for the police to interrogate him.

"I confess, I am guilty, I confess everything."

He was interrogated by three policemen, the middle one being the deputy director of Lecheng.

"Zhao Yaozu, do you know Liu Bing?"

the deputy director asked.

Zhao Yaozu shook his head. He couldn't remember this person for a long time.

The deputy director asked seven or eight more names in succession.

Some things Zhao Yaozu remembered, some things he couldn't.

The deputy director finally said a name:

"Where's Jin Tao?"

Zhao Yaozu's expression suddenly changed.

The deputy director patted the thick pile of files facing him with his hand and said calmly:

"These are all yours, I don't think I need to say anything else, right?"

Zhao Yaozu immediately slumped down on the chair weakly.


Nothing is left.

Completely finished!

The police even dug up their own biggest secrets.

Jin Tao was a partner he killed, and only Zhao Yaozong knew about it.

Obviously, my brother has given up everything.

Zhao Yaozu was completely confused.

He had no idea where he had failed.

What did i do wrong?

Isn't it just selling a broken boat?

Ye Sihai, you little beast is so cruel.

"Comrade police, I will report! I want to report!"

Zhao Yaozu suddenly felt blessed and shouted loudly:

"I reported to Jinfeng Town Mayor Hu Wenfeng. He took bribes and participated in organizing gambling. The amount of money was extremely huge."

"There is also Zhao Yihu of the Zhao Fishing Group. He and Hu Wenfeng colluded with each other and ran rampant in the township. They have been oppressing and bullying the people of Jinfeng Town for so many years."

The deputy director smiled slightly:

"Zhao Yaozu, aren't you afraid that Zhao Yihu has great powers and will silence you?"

Zhao Yaozu was immediately frightened.

He trembled and shook his head in fear.

The deputy director suddenly stood up, took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket, took out a cigarette, lit it, and stuffed it into Zhao Yaozu's mouth.

"Don't worry, I will protect your life and safety."


The deputy director looked at him with a scorching gaze and oppressive:

"You have to tell me everything you know, I can guarantee that you will surrender."

Zhao Yaozu was startled and nodded hard.

"I will confess, I will confess everything."

"I have done a lot for Zhao Yihu."

"I have an account book in my hand, and it is all recorded."

The deputy director smiled and asked:

"Is it the account book you put in the safe in Fucheng, right?"

Zhao Yaozu was like a dog with a broken spine.

"I said, it's considered as your surrender, you have to tell us everything you know."

The deputy chief's tone was very gentle.

A few hours later.

The deputy chief knocked on the door of the office of the chief of Lecheng Police Station with a stack of interrogation records.

"Chief, I confessed everything."

The deputy chief was so excited:

"This is definitely a major case."

The chief took the interrogation record and read it slowly.

Gradually, the chief's face became more and more serious.

"Investigate Zhao Yaozu first, Zhao Yihu can't be touched."

The deputy chief was shocked:


The chief glared at him fiercely and shouted in a low voice:

"You are confused, waiting for the opportunity, how can you move now? Zhao Yihu is complicated and has a deep relationship with Fucheng. Once he jumps off the wall, you will bear the consequences?"

The deputy chief nodded immediately.

"First, make Zhao Yaozu and Zhao Yaozong an ironclad case, then we can try to move Hu Wenfeng and see how Zhao Yihu reacts."

The director is obviously very shrewd:

"After you handle this case, I will retire, and this position will be yours."

The deputy director laughed:

"You are the pillar of stability."

"Get lost."

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