In the afternoon, Ye Sihai went to the tax bureau alone.

Whether it is a bonus or the money from selling fish, personal income must be reported when it arrives in an individual's account.

If the report is not made in time and the amount is particularly large, it will involve tax evasion.

So Huang Yijun specifically reminded him.

But Ye Sihai did not come here to report taxes this time.

He came to consult about tax reduction or tax exemption.

Because charitable donations can offset taxes.

This trip to the sea, he earned 80 million and donated 40 million, so he didn't have to pay taxes at all.

After finishing this matter, everyone should go home.

On the way back, Qiaohuamei quickly became sleepy and fell asleep while hugging Ye Sihai's arm.

Ye Sihai was a little funny.

After playing crazy in the morning and biting Sister Ting's ears for several hours in the afternoon, it would be strange if he was not sleepy.

"I am sleepy too."

Liu Hanhan said.

Ye Sihai gave him a look that showed his own experience.

Liu Hanhan immediately closed his eyes obediently.

Ye Sihai looked out the window and fell into deep thought.

Jinfeng is a small town.

The pace of life in the old town is slow, but the night market is very lively at night.

Should the nursing home be located in the old town or moved to another place?

The people left in the old town are all elderly people over 50 or 60 years old.

Young people in their twenties will never come back after leaving.

When Liu Xiaoer and his group of teenagers grow up, there will probably be no more children in the town.

The low old houses are getting more and more dilapidated and withered.

Walking on the old street now, there is a sense of desolation at sunset.

As one thing grows, the other declines, and young people certainly don't want to stay.

In the future, can the whole town be transformed into a seaside rural entertainment town?

Lease the sea outside the town, use the gimmick of the marine ranch to attract tourists to vacation and go fishing.

Be a weekend fisherman, sea fishing, seaside barbecue, or even run your own seaside cottage, etc.

Not to make more money, just to make the town revitalized.

In the previous life, there were many such cases. The banner of returning to rural life would definitely boost the economy.

Liu Xiaoer and his group of young people would stay in the future.

I thought all the way home.

"Are we there yet?"

Qiaohuamei opened her eyes in a daze.

Ye Sihai looked at her with some amusement and pointed at his shoulder.

Qiaohuamei uttered an "ah", her pretty face turned red, and she looked fierce like a little tiger:

"If you dare to say it, I will beat you to death?"

The girl slept soundly, and her saliva flowed on Ye Sihai's shoulder.

Ye Sihai reached out and touched her little head lovingly:

"I won't tell anyone else."

Qiaohuamei then put down her fist.

"I will only tell A'mo."

After saying that, she turned around and ran away quickly.

"Ye Sihai, stop right there!"

Qiaohuamei chased after him like a whirlwind.

Aunt Mei looked confused:

"New soldiers, what happened to them?"

Liu Hanhan laughed foolishly:

"Beat them!"

Aunt Mei smiled and shook her head, turned around and thanked the driver, who drove back to the Lin family.

"Liu Xiaoer, are Brother Sihai and the others back?"

Amo's loud voice suddenly came from Ye Sihai's house.

"I'm back, I heard your sister's voice."

Amo moved the game console he bought for 30,000 yuan to Ye Sihai's house, and was having fun with several teenagers in the main hall.

"Cheng Jiashu, are you stupid? Don't you know how to hide?"

"You are stupid, Wang He, go out and take a look."

"Why don't you go?"

"Wang He, you should go, you lost."

"Get lost, you lost more than me."

Wang He retorted to Ronan.

Shui Yi stood at the door and looked in the direction of the Mei family, then ran over immediately:

"Brother Sihai, are you back?"

Ye Sihai didn't dare to stop:

"Little Shui Yi, help me stop your sister-in-law."

Just as Shui Yi was about to stop him, Qiao Huamei yelled impatiently:

"You dare."

Shui Yi was so scared that she quickly shrank back.

When Ah Mo saw Ye Sihai, he put down the game controller and shouted loudly:

"Ye Sihai, you are too partial."

"Get out of the way, hurry up, your sister was drooling in her sleep just now, hahaha."

Qiao Huamei was so angry that she was about to cry.

She often bullied Ah Mo, and she liked to act like an elder sister like a mother.

So she was also most afraid that her embarrassing things would be known by Ah Mo.

My image was completely ruined.

Ye Sihai, I'm not done with you!

After a lot of chaos, Ye Sihai finally surrendered.

"Why are you in my house? I remember locking the door when I left?"

Ye Sihai collapsed on the sofa, looking at the six teenagers.

Ah Mo asked loudly:

"You made a lot of money, why didn't you bring us gifts?"


Ye Sihai was stunned:

"How did you know?"

Cheng Jiashu took out his mobile phone:

"It's all over the Internet, Brother Sihai, you are so amazing, you actually caught such a big fish."

Liu Xiaoer looked at Ye Sihai with great admiration:

"Brother Sihai, the whole dock is in an uproar, don't you know? Someone is secretly scolding you, saying you are something...!"

Seeing that Liu Xiaoer couldn't say anything for a long time, Luo Nan said anxiously:

"Eating alone will cause diarrhea, Liu Xiaoer, you are so stupid."

"How am I stupid?"

Liu Xiaoer whispered:

"I just don't want to say it."

Ye Sihai couldn't help but laugh and cry.

If you don't attract jealousy, you are mediocre.

It’s up to them how they arrange their love.

"One hundred million! That's a lot of money, brother Sihai, can you spend it for fun?"

Shui Yi looked at Ye Sihai in shock.

Amo was extremely disappointed:

"Ye Sihai, you are too partial. You know you love your wife. Your brother-in-law doesn't have any gifts."

Just then, a whistle sounded outside.

Amo's originally disappointed face immediately brightened up:

"My eldest brother is here, and he must be bringing reporters."

Ye Sihai couldn't help but be stunned.

It's already evening and it's getting dark soon. Where are the reporters?

Aunt Mei and Qiaohua Mei, who were cleaning up the house, also heard the sound and ran out.

Yo ho!

So many people.

Qiaohuamei’s eldest brother.

There were also several reporters carrying cameras and microphones.

The mayor Hu Wenfeng was also there.

There are also a few others who can be identified as official at a glance.

Behind them was a large group of small business owners on the dock, coming to watch the fun.

Seeing Hu Wenfeng, Aunt Mei was a little flustered, but Qiaohuamei grabbed her hand:

"Auntie, it's okay, my elder brother is here."

Aunt Mei immediately calmed down and the two of them greeted her.

"Is this classmate Lin Qiaohua? We are looking for your boyfriend. Is he at home?"

The person holding the microphone was an intellectual older sister in her thirties, who always joked.

Lin Da smiled and nodded to Qiao Hua Mei.

Qiaohua girl looked at the camera shyly, and then said:

"I'll call him for you."

After speaking, he turned around and ran towards the Ye family.

The reporter pointed the microphone at Aunt Mei again:

"Are you Aunt Mei? Hello, we are reporters from the provincial station. We want to do an exclusive interview with Ye Sihai, so we are disturbing you."

Aunt Mei quickly welcomed everyone in enthusiastically.

Hu Wenfeng looked over from the side.

He was filled with envy and jealousy.

One hundred million!

What kind of bad luck did this kid Ye Sihai have?

I caught a large yellow croaker before and made 20 million.

How long has it been?

He actually went abroad.

Become famous overseas.

After breaking several world records, he came back quietly.

This time, I want to see if you have any other excuses.

I want to blackmail you for ten million dollars.

In front of reporters.

After Ye Sihai came out with Liu Hanhan, the people following him immediately caused a sensation.

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