Going to the sea: The whole sea has become my back garden

Chapter 55: Going out to sea for fishing

August 3rd.

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Today is the day Ye Sihai and Lin Qi made an appointment.

Go fishing in the open sea.

Early in the morning, Aunt Mei prepared sacrifices. In addition to the ancestral tablets in the main room, there was Mazu.

There are many taboos and customs for fishermen to go out to sea.

Firecrackers should be set off and red cloth should be hung to worship the God of the Sea.

In short, it is a good hope for peace and good harvest.

Aunt Mei also specially made white rice cakes for breakfast.

Bai Kueh is rice cake, which tastes glutinous and chewy.

First cut some lean meat into shreds and fry until brown, then add chopped green onions and dried shrimps, stir-fry until fragrant, add water and bring to a boil.

Add the white rice cakes and fresh oysters, add some green vegetables, and finally season and serve.

When going out, she also prepared a red cloth belt for Ye Sihai and Liu Hanhan.

Ye Sihai didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but he didn't dare to refute, so he could only tie it around his waist.

"Be careful when going to sea."

"No matter what, peace is blessing."

Aunt Mei kept muttering in her mouth until she sent Ye Sihai and Liu Hanhan out of the door. She still stood at the door and watched the two people until they disappeared.

What a heavy maternal love.

Ye Sihai felt so warm that he wanted to cry.

When we arrived at the pier, a thirty-meter-long white fishing yacht was quietly docked at the berth.

Several crew members were carrying various living supplies.

Seven or eight young people gathered on the dock talking and laughing about something. Judging from their speech, behavior and dress, you can tell that they come from an extraordinary family.

Lin Qi and Liu Gang were also among them.

Seeing Ye Sihai and Liu Hanhan, Lin Qi quickly raised her hand to say hello:

"Sihai, hurry up, I'm waiting for you."

The group of young people looked at Ye Sihai one after another.

"Lao Qi, is this the man of god you talk about?"

"So young?"

"Damn it, who is that guy who looks like an iron tower?"

Ye Sihai has been in the business world all his life, and in this life he has merged with the heart of the ocean. Naturally, his aura does not show any disdain for these pampered guys.

In addition, the name of the little prince Ganhai was followed by Liu Hanhan, so no one in this group of rich second-generation people with good status dared to pretend to be in front of him.

Among these people, there were quite a few elders who attended the Lin family's banquet the day before yesterday. They were all sons of family friends of the Lin family, and most of them had heard of Ye Sihai's glorious deeds.

Not only did no one dare to look down on Ye Sihai, but they were all very enthusiastic towards him.

After introducing each other, everyone gradually became familiar with each other.

When Liu Hanhan went to Xiao Jianguo's store to get fishing gear, Ye Sihai joked with Liu Gang for a few more words, and everyone started boarding the boat.

This is a luxury fishing yacht with twelve single rooms alone.

Although each single room is small, it is fully equipped and even the bathroom is separate.

The captain and the waiter were from the shipping company. Each of Lin Qi and others paid a fee, which was equivalent to outsourcing the ship and services to each other.

Generally speaking, this method is the most trouble-free, but the only disadvantage is that the boat will follow the established route.

But judging from Lin Qi's intention, the captain completely obeyed the guest's arrangements.

Ye Sihai was somewhat looking forward to this voyage.

The room he was assigned was almost the best and largest one on the yacht.

Everyone settled down separately and then prepared to sail.

Everyone gathered on the stern deck, where the fishing boat slowly left its berth.

At this moment, there was a roar from the dock.

Amo rode his Ducati, with his sister on his back, and came galloping over.

Everyone immediately smiled at Lin Qi and said:

"Lao Qi, your sister is here to see you off."

"What a deep brother-sister relationship."

"I also have a sister, but she is leaked from all sides."

Lin Qi said quietly:

"Who's a rebellious girl who doesn't leak?"

Sure enough, Qiaohua girl jumped off her motorcycle, rushed to the edge of the pier, waved her hands and shouted:

"Ye Sihai, you bastard, you didn't even wait for me."

"You must remember to come back safely."

"I will abide by women's ethics at home."

Ye Sihai was so stunned that he didn't fall into the sea.

Feeling Lin Qi's resentment and the horror of others, he rushed to the stern of the ship, waved his hands and shouted:

"I'll catch a big fish for you."

Then I heard Liu Hanhan’s loud voice roaring:

"Sister Rice Bowl, take good care of mom."

Qiaohua girl shouted loudly:

"I will, I will stay with Aunt Mei tonight."

Ah Mo was more reserved and waved to Ye Sihai listlessly.

As the boat got faster and faster, Qiaohuamei gradually disappeared at the dock.

When Ye Sihai returned to the deck, he was inevitably laughed at and teased by everyone.

Liu Gang asked excitedly and curiously:

"Sihai, can't you ride a whale? Can you let me have a good time this time?"

"Brother Gang, what did you say, riding a whale?"

"Are you kidding? That thing will slap you to death with its tail."

"Brothers, you don't know, right? Sihai can really ride a whale."

Liu Gang was a little proud.

The other seven or eight young people immediately became interested and kept asking around Ye Sihai.

Lin Qi then took out his phone and showed off the video he copied from Amo's phone.



"Sihai, how did you do it?"

Ye Sihai smiled faintly:

"I don't know either. I met a little killer whale and saved its mother, and then its father gave me a net of yellow croaker."

I am most afraid of the sudden silence in the air.

The invisible pretense is the most deadly.

The speed of the sea fishing yacht is much faster than that of the fishing boat. As soon as it left the dock, the speed was increased to the maximum.

It kept overtaking one small fishing boat after another and rushed directly to the front.

The captain set the coordinates, and it would take about ten hours to reach the destination at full speed.

It sailed out of the Minhai Sea and then went around Dayuan Island to reach the destination.

For those who like sea fishing, the ultimate goal is naturally tuna.

The sense of accomplishment of catching tuna is far from comparable to catching other fish.

Tuna live in the area of ​​40 to 50 degrees north latitude, and there are both North Atlantic and Pacific Oceans at this latitude.

The sea fishing boat broke through the waves at a high speed and kept speeding until noon, when it stopped.

Someone specially prepared lunch. While waiting for the meal, everyone started to change into swimming trunks, put down two motorboats, and started playing in the blue sea.

Ye Sihai also jumped into the water, playing with everyone while slowly releasing the heart of the ocean.

The coordinates of the ship are now at least 300 kilometers away from the coastline, and the depth of the sea water is about 700 meters.

There are different water layers under your feet, and various schools of fish are crisscrossing in the sea, running around everywhere.

The reefs, seaweed groups, and coral groups on the seabed are ups and downs one by one.

Not only are there various soft-bodied marine creatures preying. There are also colorful schools of fish shuttling around.

It is full of vitality.

The turtles are eating seaweed, and when they encounter giant squids, they will immediately shrink back and hide.

The colorful coral groups are like gardens, with many sponges floating on them.

Groups of small fish are like butterflies shuttling around in the garden.

There are also many ferocious-looking sea snakes, and Ye Sihai feels a little scared.

Because sea snakes are basically poisonous.

This thing is a cold-blooded animal and needs to live in temperate waters to survive.

The thought radius of the Heart of the Ocean reached 100 meters, and the perception radius reached about 1,000 meters.

Within the perception range, various marine creatures were a little frightened at first, but gradually calmed down.

They even kept swimming towards Ye Sihai's position.

Just when these schools of fish approached Ye Sihai by 300 meters.


All the schools of fish seemed to be frightened and immediately fled in all directions.


A two-meter-long killer whale rushed straight towards Ye Sihai.

About five kilometers away from the ship, Xiao Hui's mother was leisurely swinging her tail.

Ye Sihai couldn't help but be overjoyed.

It seems that killer whales can indeed accurately locate thousands of kilometers away.

Xiao Hui is really smart, and he actually understood what he meant yesterday.

With such a little helper, are you still afraid of not getting anything?

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