Ye Sihai opened his eyes.

His head hurt.

Where is this?

Is the room pink?

There is also a scent that is unique to girls.

There is another figure in front of him.

He is pretending to be very angry, with his belly sticking out and his hands on his hips:

This book was first published in 𝟔𝟗 Book Bar →𝟡𝟞𝕤𝕙𝕦.𝕟𝕖𝕥, providing you with a reading experience with no wrong chapters and no disordered chapters

"Ye Sihai."

Hearing Qiaohuamei's voice, Liu Hanhan and A'mo immediately ran in to show their courtesy.



Qiaohuamei snorted and scolded the two guys out directly.

Ye Sihai immediately pretended to be dizzy and knocked his head with a grin:

"Ouch, it hurts."

Qiaohuamei was originally standing with the rabbit in her arms, saying that she was angry that I took care of a drunkard like you, but when she saw him like this, she immediately leaned over worriedly:

"Ye Sihai, what's wrong with you? Do you want to drink some honey water?"

Ye Sihai glanced at it casually.


It's so dazzling.

What's so big?

No, no!

Can't look, can't look.

My head hurts.

I can't look...!

It's okay to look, right?

Ye Sihai was struggling in his heart.

"Ye Sihai, what's wrong with you? What's wrong with your eyes?"

Qiaohuamei asked.

"No, nothing happened. I drank too much. I guess my eyes are cross-eyed."


Qiaohuamei suddenly understood and punched Ye Sihai on the head with a red face:

"I'll let you cross your eyes!"

"I'll let you peek."

A'mo and Liu Hanhan, who were kicked out of the room, were quietly peeking at the door.

Seeing Ye Sihai screaming after being beaten, A'mo and Liu Hanhan were frightened and retreated silently.

Qiaohuamei's hands hurt from the beating, and she kicked him twice with her feet:

"Hurry up and get up. Everyone is waiting for you to have dinner."

It was already evening.

All the guests who attended the Lin family banquet had left. Except for Liu Hanhan and Aunt Mei, the rest of the family were all Lin family members.

"Is Sihai sober?"

The Lin family sat at three tables in total, which really proved the old saying that more children means more blessings.

Lin Changqing and his wife sat together with Aunt Mei, and the male members of the second generation of the Lin family sat around a table.

Lin Da and others were so enthusiastic when they saw Ye Sihai.

This brother-in-law is really a hidden talent.

He can drink so much.

At noon, he knocked down seven or eight people by himself.

Although Ye Sihai was drunk in the end, he was a good drinker and fell asleep without vomiting or making a fuss.

"Okay, sit down, Xiaojiu, make a bowl of soup for Sihai first."

Lin Changqing sat in the first seat, and the whole family sat down with him as the center.

"Do you want to drink more?"

Lin Changqing asked Ye Sihai with a smile.

Ye Sihai shook his head repeatedly:

"Uncle Lin, I don't want to drink anymore."

Huang Yijun glared at her husband and said:

"What should I drink when I eat?"

Then she smiled and said to Aunt Mei:

"Does Sihai drink at home?"

Aunt Mei shook her head repeatedly:


Everyone was surprised again.

But people at the seaside are actually not bad at drinking.

Going fishing is definitely a physical job. Going home every day to drink some strong liquor is to relieve fatigue and to fall asleep better and faster. After a good rest, you can get up early to work the next day.

While waiting for the dishes to be served and talking about family matters, Lin Changqing asked the eldest brother to bring the gift list for lunch.

This clearly treats Aunt Mei and Ye Sihai as a family, and they are not at all shy.

The gift list was opened, and everyone gathered around to watch the fun and make fun of Qiaohua.

These are all gifts to be returned in the future.

The things naturally belong to Qiaohua, and the return gifts are the family's business.

There is also a custom in the Minhai area that girls will have an adult ceremony when they are 18 years old.

The yellow croaker banquet of the Lin family today also includes this meaning.

The entrance banquet is just a gimmick. The real meaning is actually Qiaohua's adult ceremony.

You can see it from the gift list.

Aunt Mei and Huang Yijun stood together, and the gift list was opened in front of her. She just took a look and was stunned.

Any item on the gift list was unimaginable to her.

This was not a gift list at all.

This was clearly more of a dowry than a dowry.

It was too expensive.

Fucheng Villa was worth several million.

There was also fish maw worth three million.

Five catties of 30-year-old Chenghua dried tangerine peel, one catty was worth five hundred thousand.

There was also a Porsche sports car, etc.

The items on it were simply too numerous to take in.

There were also various precious jewels.

There were also simpler and cruder items such as ten kilograms of gold, gold bowls, and gold cakes.

Aunt Mei was a little afraid to look at the end.

These things added up to almost tens of millions.

This would definitely become Qiaohuamei's future dowry.

So, if Sihai wanted to marry Qiaohuamei, how much dowry would he have to prepare?

In the past, the dowry was unimaginable.

But now, Sihai could make money.

Others were fine, the only one who was jealous was A'mo.

A'mo was so jealous that he was unrecognizable.

He had no idea about houses and gold.

Only the car broke his defense.

There were three luxury cars on the gift list.

The cheapest one was a Porsche worth more than 2 million.

And he had just had some money a few days ago and bought a Ducati.

"I want to take the college entrance exam, and my family will hold a graduation banquet for me."

Ah Mo's gritted teeth and was met with laughter.

"Xiao Shi, are you going to get married?"

"Xiao Shi wants to be a son-in-law? Then I, as the fifth brother, will definitely give you a dowry."

"I'll give you a house."

"Then I'll give you a car."

Ah Mo blushed and almost cried.

Liu Hanhan kept stuffing snacks into his mouth and grinned:

"Marry, marry, marry!"

Ah Mo was so angry that he kicked him hard:

"Are you riding a horse?"

Huang Yijun pointed to one of the villas and said to Aunt Mei:

"This villa is nice. My sister can move here in the future."

Ah Mei shook her head quickly.

Lin Changqing asked from the side:

"Si Hai, I heard that you are just renovating the current house?"

Ye Si Hai nodded.

"Why not rebuild? If you can't bear to part with the old house, you can buy another piece of land."

Ye Sihai shook his head:

"I like the current house, and I don't have any requirements. I just want to live comfortably. I will definitely buy a house in the future."

Lin Changqing and his wife...!

This kid, is his idea so right?

They know that Ye Sihai is rich now and can make money.

But this is too Buddhist.

Eighteen years old.

Luxury house and luxury car, isn't this what he should pursue?

"Then how do you plan to renovate your current house?"

In fact, the reason why Lin Changqing and his wife took out the gift list was partly because of this matter.

After lunch, Huang Yijun and Aunt Mei talked for a long time, and what they talked about was the house.

They care about their daughter's future living environment.

Liu Hanhan is most concerned about when to eat.

Seeing that everyone is talking, people are constantly serving dishes, but no one calls for dinner, Liu Hanhan is so wronged.

Finally, he couldn't help but say to Ah Mo:

"Ah Mo, I'm hungry!"

Ah Mo rolled his eyes:

"I'll starve you to death."

Although he was very fierce, Ah Mo still quietly picked up a plate of crispy suckling pig and handed it to Liu Hanhan.


Everyone turned their heads to look at Liu Hanhan at the same time.

Liu Hanhan raised his hands in fear:

"I didn't eat secretly."

Everyone laughed.


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