Ten p.m.

𝟔𝟗Book Bar→96𝔰𝔥𝔲.𝔫𝔢𝔱

The Sihai detachment called it a day.

While taking inventory, people came to watch the excitement.

The biggest catch today is trash fish.

There are many varieties and varieties.

But even among miscellaneous fish, the cheapest is sea bass, which weighs more than two kilograms.

Sea bass is plentiful and abundant, and offshore fishermen basically fish for this kind of fish, which is a bit more delicious than river bass and not more expensive.

Ye Sihai estimated that it should weigh four hundred kilograms.

And two buckets of butter crab weighed almost fifty kilograms.

The harvest of blue crabs is a bit more, about 80 pounds.

Octopuses weighing ten kilograms were also caught, and nine bags were filled with a snakeskin bag stuffed into one end.

There are also more than ten large conger eels.

In addition, there are several kinds of grouper, there are quite a few of them, and they weigh up to 800 kilograms.

No rat spots were caught today, but three Eastern star spots were harvested.

The price of Eastern Star Spot is not as good as Rat Spot, but it is also the best among grouper fish. It is the most high-end dish in banquets held in the Minhai area.

The current purchase price is three hundred yuan per catty.

The estimated price of all these goods exceeds one hundred thousand.

Although one hundred thousand yuan is not even a fraction of a net of large yellow croakers, everyone is still shocked.

Who can bear to be left empty every time without leaving?

Xiu'er, is that you?

Everyone is chasing the sea, why are you so unique?

The five teenagers were also very happy, and even felt a sense of pride in their hearts.

Because Ye Sihai told them in advance that everyone worked hard all night to give out benefits, but none of them had any money.

The onlookers couldn’t help but ask:

"Sihai, why are you catching so many bass? Are you feeding them to the pigs?"

Ye Sihai laughed:

"Brother Qing, do you want me to give you two?"

The people around burst into laughter.

The face of the young man who asked the question turned red. He wanted to agree but was afraid of being laughed at like a pig.

Tangled ah.

Ye Sihai ordered the teenagers to load all the goods onto the tricycle, and then loudly said to the onlookers:

"Everyone, please go home. I will give all these goods to you tonight. Go back and wait. Based on the population, one sea bass per person, and one butter crab and blue crab for each elderly person."

The people around him were stunned at first, and then cheered loudly.

"Sihai, you are good."

"I didn't expect it. We are so kind-hearted."

"When I was three years old, I saw the elders and the younger ones, and I could tell that they had a kind heart."

Ye Sihai smiled happily after being greeted by a wave of rainbow farts.

Who doesn't like to be praised?

Even if it's a coincidence.

Anyway, this wave of goodwill has been received.

To him, these things are nothing like three melons and two dates, but they can win people's hearts.

Of course, he still knows the right rules when it comes to favors and enemies.

"Go home!"

Liu Xiaoer shouted, got on the battery car and opened the way in front.

Everyone followed, dragging out a long queue.

Come to the town and start from the east end of the town.

There is only one main street in Jinfeng Town, and the branches on both sides cannot be called alleys, but can only be called aisles. It took several generations of townspeople to gather to form a town.

Ye Sihai was responsible for dividing things, Shui Yi was responsible for recording, and the other four teenagers were responsible for picking.

Liu Hanhan had to guard the tricycle while Ye Sihai and others were delivering things.

Soon, more than a dozen households in the east had finished delivering.

The person behind them, Ye Sihai, was not familiar with the road and had to go around.

"Brother Sihai, let me show you the way. I'm very familiar with it."

Liu Xiaoer quickly became the guiding sheep.

Everyone who got something thanked and praised them, and also said something bad about the Zhao family and Hu Wenfeng.

After all, what happened at Mei's house in the morning had spread throughout the town.

The dignified mayor actually went to Ye Sihai's house to knock on the bamboo pole. The lion opened his mouth and said five million.

And Ye Sihai is such a good boy.

He actually wanted to use the money to build a nursing home in the town.

Let’s take a look at what they sent tonight?

How many people in your family are there? Give them some sea bass.

If you have children, give a moray eel or spotted fish as a gift.

There are old people, two crabs per person, a butter crab and a blue crab.

In all conscience, how many old people have never eaten butter crab in their entire lives.

It’s not that I can’t eat it, it’s that I can’t afford it.

Even if you are lucky enough to catch one or two of them while fishing, you will still be reluctant to eat them.

The price of this thing is so gratifying.

The crabs sent by Sihai were large in size and in good quality. Many elderly people could not help crying after seeing them.

My own sons and grandsons don’t have this kind of filial piety.

The old people are much more down-to-earth than the village women. They will say good things about anyone who treats them well.

Ye Sihai's reputation has reached an unprecedented height with this wave of Sihai brand bringing warmth to his home.

I was busy until the end, and the delivery was completed at almost 11:30.

The tricycle drove back to the door of Aunt Mei's house.

Ye Sihai jumped out of the car and said to several teenagers:

"This is yours, one for each of you."

Each person had a snakeskin bag containing a ten-pound octopus.

Each person has two buckets. In one bucket are three butter crabs, three blue crabs, and a few grouper fish.

In another bucket, there is a bucket full of bass.

The price of these things cannot be less than five thousand.

Shuiyi left a car today, so I got an extra bag of octopus.

He couldn't help but said with some embarrassment:

"Brother Sihai, there are too many."

Ye Sihai laughed, stretched out his hand full of sea smell, and wiped it on his face:

"What's too much? Take it home and be careful on the road."

After sending Liu Xiaoer and others away, Aunt Mei smiled and said:

"I just received several calls, all from Fucheng, and they all praised you."

Ye Sihai chuckled:

"Auntie, I'm here to buy people's hearts."

Aunt Mei smiled so much that the wrinkles on her face deepened.

"Let's take this back. You can go to the pier tomorrow and send it to Brother Qiang and Sister Ting. You can eat it yourself or give it as a gift. It's all good."

Aunt Mei shook her head repeatedly and said reproachfully:

"You child, I gave you a big yellow croaker last time, and I just gave you a big yellow croaker yesterday. Your brother Qiang and sister Ting said they were reluctant to eat it and wanted to exchange it for money. If you do this again, their mouths will be spoiled."

Ye Sihai was a little funny.

There is no need to say words of gratitude, it seems too pretentious.

Aunt Mei's family treats her as her own son and younger brother.

Even good people can't do this.

Of course a kind person should reciprocate.

When the company is established, Brother Qiang and Sister Ting will come into the company to help him.

And Uncle Mei, after returning from a sea trip, we can't let him go to sea again and just enjoy the happiness at home.

If you want to do something, just join the company. If you don't want to, just take Aunt Mei around the world.

But judging from the couple's personalities, Ye Sihai was almost certain that they would never be able to stay idle.

There are still a lot of bass left. Although these are not valuable, they can be sold for forty yuan per catty.

If you buy it in the market and eat it, it can already sell for 60 or even 80 yuan.

There are also a lot of grouper fish left, especially a few eastern grouper fish. After being poured out, their bright red color is very eye-catching under the light.

"I'll process the seabass tomorrow and make it into salted fish."

Aunt Mei felt a little painful looking at those grouper fish:

"Usually these grouper fish can be sold for a lot of money, why not send them to Boss Xiao?"

Ye Sihai shook his head:

"Let's eat some ourselves and send more to Fucheng tomorrow."

Aunt Mei could only look at him reproachfully, then said with a smile:

"Keep it and eat it. There will be an extra rice pail at home and you will save money on buying beef."

Liu Hanhan giggled on the side:

"Boss, you are a loser."

Ye Sihai laughed.

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