The four people continued to eat and drink while discussing the company's articles of association.

Qiaohuamei came out with a bowl and sat down next to Ye Sihai:

"Here, pick up a piece of fish for me."

The girl did it on purpose.

The blood-red giant clam bracelet on her hand swayed in front of Ye Sihai.

Ye Sihai chose the best piece of yellow croaker and put it in her bowl:

"You go in and eat first, we'll discuss something."

Qiaohuamei hummed obediently and picked up another piece of fish meat and put it in Ye Sihai's bowl.

Lin Qi held out the bowl, but in return, his sister rolled her eyes:

"Don't you have hands?"

Liu Gang and Xiao Jianguo laughed.

Lin Qi glared at Ye Sihai fiercely:

"Give me back my sister."

Unexpectedly, Qiaohuamei threatened directly:

"Lin Laoqi, if you dare to bully Ye Sihai, don't blame me for beating your son in the future."

Lin Qi surrendered directly:

"Auntie, I was wrong."

Qiaohuamei was very proud and returned to the kitchen with her head shaking.

"Auntie, don't worry, Ye Sihai won't suffer any loss, they dare not cheat Ye Sihai."

Auntie Mei just heard what the company was saying outside, and she was afraid that Ye Sihai would suffer a loss if he made a random promise after drinking.

It's not that she is stingy.

How old is Sihai?

Eighteen years old.

Especially when she heard that he really wanted to take out 10 million to build a nursing home for Jinfeng Town, Auntie Mei almost went out and gave the boy a lesson.

You kid, why are you pretending to be so big?

There are many people richer than you, but I haven't seen anyone take out millions to do something good for the town?

She was originally a simple village woman, so why would she think so much?

Instead, it was Qiaohua Mei who advised her.

After all, she was born in a wealthy family and was well-informed. She knew that Ye Sihai must have his reasons for doing this.

At least after the construction of this nursing home, the elderly in the town were taken care of. In Jinfeng Town, Ye Sihai was equivalent to having a golden body.

At that time, Ye Sihai was truly in Jinfeng Town, forming a three-legged tripod with the Lin family and the Zhao family.

The Zhao family's reputation had long been stinking, relying on intimidation and deterrence.

The Lin family did not rely on the people of Jinfeng Town to live, and their printing and dyeing factory recruited workers from other provinces.

So Ye Sihai could completely take the Zhao family by surprise and step on it hard if he wanted to gain fame.

Who is good and who is not good is clear at a glance.

Ye Sihai's move was very good.

Qiaohua Mei naturally supported it.

And the more powerful Ye Sihai is in the future, wouldn't it show that she has a better vision?

At that time, who dares to say that she is a flower maniac?

Because she pursued Ye Sihai, Qiaohua Mei was called a flower maniac behind her back for a whole year in her senior year of high school.

The more Qiaohua thought about it, the more proud she felt.

She smiled and raised her beautiful eyebrows, and found that Aunt Mei was looking at her.

"Aunt! You are making fun of me, but I won't agree."

Aunt Mei smiled and put a piece of braised meat in her bowl:

"Do you like my Sihai so much?"

Qiaohua looked shy, but she hummed softly:

"Anyway, I want to marry him in this life."

"Haha, our Qiaohua sister is still good at judgment, knowing that Sihai is a capable man."

Liu Hanhan smiled foolishly and said:

"The boss is awesome."

"Oh! New recruit, you know that too?"

Qiaohua asked with a surprised smile:

"How did you know?"

Liu Hanhan had a mouth full of oil, and said seriously:

"The boss is rich, awesome, and women like him."

Aunt Mei almost spit out her food with laughter.

Lin Qiaohua reached out and hit Liu Hanhan's head hard, cursing:

"What kind of woman likes it? Only I like it."

How could she know that Liu Hanhan was talking about Ye Sihai's life.

If Ye Sihai knew that Liu Hanhan was telling the truth, he would definitely punish him by not eating for three days.

There was no need to think of a name for the partnership company.

Four people, it was called Sihai Company.

The shares were agreed upon, the money was collected, and everyone went their own way.

Complete the registration, buy a few more boats, and then recruit people.

Ye Sihai did not participate in any of these things.

Liu Gang and Lin Qi represented the Lin family and the Liu family, and Xiao Jianguo had a wide range of friends and even more friends.

With their escort, Zhao Yihu had only one way to deal with him.

Attack on the sea.

But when Ye Sihai thought that Zhao Yihu would find someone to deal with him on the sea, he couldn't help laughing.

Is the whale I am a white rider?

Seventy or eighty killer whales will give you a big surprise.

The two bottles of wine were quickly finished.

Several people drank very happily, and Ye Sihai's alcohol tolerance was surprisingly good.

It was probably brought over from his alcohol tolerance in his previous life. After drinking half a catty of white wine, his face was only slightly red, and his eyes were still clear.

"I'll get two more bottles."

Liu Gang stood up to get the wine, but Lin Qi grabbed him:

"I also have good wine in the car, drink mine."

He shouted:

"Xiao Jiu, come out to work."

Qiaohua sister was very obedient this time, and she jumped out and took out three boxes from the trunk of Brother Qi's Mercedes-Benz.

Lin Qi was shocked:


Sure enough, Qiaohua sister only put down two, and then took one of the big red boxes to Ye Sihai, and said proudly:

"Ye Sihai, keep this bottle of brandy for yourself."

Liu Gang took a closer look and couldn't help laughing:

"Brother Qi, our sister is indeed an extroverted girl."

That was a bottle of Louis XIII costing more than thirty thousand dollars.

The other two bottles of wine she put down were only XO Cognac worth 2,000 yuan.

Qiaohuamei was afraid of Ye Sihai's generosity, so she shook the wine box with her hands, didn't stay any longer, and quickened her pace to get into the kitchen.

Seeing Lin Qi still looking worried, Xiao Jianguo joked:

"Qi Shao, don't feel bad. The fish you ate, the half abalone, and the big rattle snail were all contributed by me. This meal is less than 300,000 yuan and you are embarrassed to pay for it."

Lin Qiyi rolled his eyes:

"Uncle Xiao, why didn't you say that I spent five million to buy your King Fish?"

Then he said to Liu Gang:

"You are coming to my sister's college entrance banquet. Don't forget to bring a gift. It will be at my home on the 1st of next month."

Liu Gang looked pained:

"It's over. The blood clam I just got is probably going to be lost."

Lin Qi laughed:

"Don't talk nonsense. I have seven brothers, one brother, and my wife. Each of them has a "nothing" card."

Liu Gang asked curiously:

"Where are my uncle and aunt?"

Lin Qi glanced at him with disdain:

"Do you have any discernment? I'm afraid my future son-in-law has already prepared it."

Liu Gang suddenly realized.

Ye Sihai couldn't help but admire him.

They are all human beings.

These guys are cunninger than monkeys when they have hair on them.

He reached out and took out a bottle of XO, smiled and said to Xiao Jianguo:

"Uncle Xiao, when we start the company, try to recruit as many people as possible who were kicked out by the Zhao Group, just like Old Uncle Liang and the others."

Xiao Jianguo suddenly understood:

"I see."

Xiao Jianguo suddenly had an idea in his mind.

He smiled and asked in a low voice:

"Sihai, do you have any expectations for our company in your heart?"

Ye Sihai was stunned:


He then smiled lightly.

Smiling without saying a word.

There are some things that I say out loud for fear of scaring you.

So, don't say it.

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