Going to the sea: The whole sea has become my back garden

Chapter 33 Ye Sihai is a man of few learnings but with great skills

At one o'clock in the morning, the people on the dock dispersed.

I don’t know how many people suffered from insomnia that night.

Ye Sihai once again became famous.

It is estimated that someone from the TV station may come to interview tomorrow.

Back in Xiao Jianguo's store, Lao Xiao avoided everyone, called Ye Sihai aside, and quietly handed over a card.

"Uncle Xiao, what are you doing?"

Xiao Jianguo glanced around and whispered:

"Here are 20 million. Take it and find a time to quietly go to the bank and transfer it to your card."

Ye Sihai said with some surprise:

𝟔𝟗Book Bar→𝟗𝟔𝐬𝐡𝐮.𝐧𝐞𝐭

"Not to say……!"

Xiao Jianguo immediately shook his head and interrupted him:

"Those words just now were all told by me to outsiders. Sometimes, Sihai, you are more prudent than me. Of course, it is best to keep your money yourself."

Ye Sihai thought Xiao Jianguo was going to persuade him or something.

After all, he was only eighteen years old, and it was indeed dangerous to be in such a big limelight.

Any tree that is beautiful in the forest will be destroyed by the wind.

But now it seems that Lao Xiao is so relieved about himself.

But it's normal.

Lao Xiao is a person worth dating.

"That shouldn't be 20 million, right?"

Ye Sihai showed his signature silly smile again and said:

"Ah Mo is two million, Liu Xiaoer and the others add up to one million. Just give me 17 million."

Xiao Jianguo raised his fist and punched:

"What are you talking about? Are you humiliating me? If you handle this batch of fish well, 40 million won't be a problem."

Lao Xiao sighed:

"Uncle Xiao, I can't eat it myself. Otherwise, you can get at least eight million more. After all, those guys have a big appetite. If the profit is less than one million, I won't look good on my face."

He knew that Ye Sihai was not a small-minded person, so he didn't explain too much.

"Okay, go back. I've asked someone to pack some fish for you. One for each of Sister-in-law Mei's two children. You can keep one for yourself and I won't charge you any money."

"Thank you, Uncle Xiao."

Ye Sihai quickly thanked him.

"You're so polite, this is a big yellow croaker, it weighs five pounds."

Xiao Jianguo said while covering his chest:

"My flesh hurts, tsk tsk tsk, no, no, no, please leave quickly, otherwise I'm afraid I'll regret it."

The Lin family’s Mercedes-Benz business car.

Ah Mo spoke with joy and saliva flying everywhere.

A moment ago he was warning his little brother to keep it a secret. But he poured out everything that happened today.

Especially the videos on the mobile phone shocked Lin Changqing and his wife.

Qiaohua girl was holding her cell phone, her eyes gleaming.

She loved the high-spirited look of Ye Sihai riding on the back of the little killer whale.

Love it, love it.

Lin Qi could not help drooling.

Ride a whale.

What does that feel like?

Lin Changqing asked curiously:

"Xiao Shi, are you really in a cooperative relationship with Ye Sihai?"

"That is!"

Amo answered confidently.

In fact, he was extremely guilty.

He currently has two million in his account.

This is the biggest sum of money he has ever received in his life.

Fake ones can also be said to be making money based on their own skills.

If Lin Qiaohua wants to use the money for herself, I will definitely not agree.

"Ye Sihai has a great character. We can rest assured if you follow him, but you have to figure out what you have contributed after taking the money."

Lin Changqing looked at his youngest son and taught him earnestly.

Amo suddenly became silent.


What have you contributed?

Although he is the vice-captain of the Sihai Team, today he was on the ship and was a marginal figure throughout the whole process, and could only take pictures.

This money is very hot to hold.

He glanced at his sister with a guilty look and found that she was grinning at the phone.

"Lao Qi, go find Xiao Jianguo tomorrow and see if you can buy the King Fish from him."

Huang Yijun glanced at the car behind and asked:

"Didn't that kid from Sihai already give away five pieces?"

Lin Changqing smiled and said:

"If that king fish is sent to auction, six million is not a problem, but there are risks, so let's buy it directly for five million, and hold a yellow croaker banquet at home to congratulate my daughter on getting admitted to college."

Huang Yijun thought for a while and had no objection.

For ordinary people, five million is not a small amount, but for the Lin family, it is actually nothing.

For the sake of your daughter, just spend some money.

Lin Qi felt sore while driving:

"Little sister, look how good your father is to you. When I was admitted to university, I had to earn my own living expenses, not to mention the entrance banquet."

"Brother, do you think you can let Ye Sihai go to college?"

Lin Qiaohua suddenly asked.

Lin Changqing smiled and said:



"Didn't you notice? Ye Sihai is a very self-centered person. What he has decided will not change easily. He jumped into the sea just because he wanted to go to school. But after jumping into the sea, he realized that going to college was inevitable. In the past, it was even something he despised.”

Lin Qiaohua was still unwilling to give in and hummed:

"Then if he doesn't go to college, will you dislike him?"

Lin Changqing and his wife couldn't help exchanging a dumbfounded look.

"Some people are uneducated and have no skills, and some people are uneducated and have no skills. Ye Sihai is obviously the latter. I really hope...!"

Lin Changqing was halfway through his speech when his wife reached out and pinched him.

He had no choice but to give up and said:

"You are still young, let it go."

Lin Qiaohua pouted:

"How am I young? When my mother was my age, she was pregnant with my elder brother."

Lin Changqing couldn't help but blush and laughed.

Huang Yijun was so angry that she reached out and pinched her daughter's face:

"You stupid girl, what era are we in? What era is it now?"

In the Minhai area, people get married early. Decades ago, people got married at the age of 15, not to mention 18.

Even if they can't get a marriage certificate, holding a banquet is considered a marriage.

Especially for childhood sweethearts from old friends, almost all of them are engaged as children.

Lin Changqing and Huang Yijun are engaged as children.

"I'm not wrong."

Qiaohuamei was very dissatisfied with her mother's attitude:

"I know Ye Sihai too well. It was your daughter who was pestering him. He used to be indifferent to your daughter. It's not easy for him to change his temper. Don't interfere."

Lin Changqing couldn't hide his smile. He glanced at his wife who looked a little angry and said:

"Xiaojiu, in fact, Daddy really appreciates Ye Sihai. Give him four years and see how far he can go."

Qiaohuamei was overjoyed. She turned around and hugged Daddy and kissed him:

"Dad is still the best to me."

Huang Yijun was unwilling She said with a smile:

"Look at you, you will suffer in the future. Don't go back to your parents' home crying every day after you get married. I won't care about you."

Qiaohua sister giggled and hugged her mother and kissed her:

"Mom is the best and loves me the most."

Huang Yijun was angry and laughed, stretched out her finger and tapped Qiaohua sister's forehead a few times:

"Be more reserved in the future. Even if you like someone very much, you can only show three points. Do you understand?"

Qiaohua sister nodded:

"I know, this is how mom likes dad. I will learn from mom."

There was a burst of laughter in the car.

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