Going to the sea: The whole sea has become my back garden

Chapter 29: If I call you dad, will you agree?

Lao Liang is indeed an old fisherman.

The fishing boat keeps moving on the sea surface at a constant speed.

The rudder suddenly trembled slightly at some point.

In stock! !

He suddenly increased the accelerator and directly increased the speed to the fastest.

Then he grabbed the walkie-talkie and shouted:

"Close the net!"


After receiving the order, Wang He immediately began to close the net.

Once the network port is closed, the dust will fall to the ground.

As long as the catch is in the fishing net, there is no fear of missing fish.

After Wang He completely closed the net mouth, Lao Liang slowed down the boat again.

Liu Xiaoer and several other teenagers were so excited that they stomped their feet beside Wang He and stretched their necks to look through.

"What kind of fish is it?"

"Who knows."

"Pull it up?"

"No, Brother Sihai must close the net. He is the boss."

"All right."

The fishing boat slowly stopped on the sea.

Ye Sihai also emerged from the sea.

He took off his goggles and respirator and smiled wildly.

Amo faithfully recorded this scene with his mobile phone.

Ye Sihai didn't care about anything else. He quickly jumped on the boat and started to close the net.

The fishing net, which was more than sixty meters deep, was slowly dragged up.

When they saw the first golden yellow croaker, everyone exclaimed.


"Oh my God!"

"Fuck, fuck, fuck!"

"Big yellow croaker! So big?"

That large yellow croaker should be one meter long and weigh at least eight or nine kilograms.

The slender body of the fish shines with dazzling luster under the glare of the eyes.

Everyone on the boat, except Liu Hanhan, was stunned.

However, Ye Sihai stopped and put the fishing net back into the sea.

He coughed, waking everyone up.

"Okay, all of you, please be quiet!"

"Old Uncle Liang, let's put the fish in the water like this."

Lao Liang understood immediately.

Although you are on the vast sea, don't think there is no danger.

The few people on this boat are just teenagers. If other fishing boats pass by and you show off your catch of a large yellow croaker, who knows the outcome.

This online catch of tens of millions is much easier than robbing a bank.

Lao Liang's face darkened and he shouted:

"Okay, you all listen to me, no one should make any noise."

Liu Xiaoer and the others calmed down obediently when they heard the roar, but there was still uncontrollable excitement on their faces.

Ye Sihai entered the cabin, and when no one was around, he clenched his fist and punched it hard.

What to do next?

The news must not be leaked in advance.

The catch cannot be collected either.

Just drag it back slowly.

Wait until you reach an absolutely safe place before notifying Xiao Jianguo.


Notify Aunt Mei first and ask her to find Xiao Jianguo quietly, and then be ready to receive the goods at the dock.

Having lived in two lifetimes, Ye Sihai knew that when he was weak, he could never be too careful.

An 18-year-old orphan with a poor family went out to sea and caught tens of millions in fish. Who dares to say that he is not tempted?

It is now three o'clock in the afternoon. If we return slowly, we should be able to return to the dock around seven o'clock in the evening.

Just do it.

After Ye Sihai carefully weighed it, he walked out of the cabin.

Lao Liang was trying his best to control his excitement, and his voice was trembling when he asked:

"Is it... all over the world...?"

"They are all, they should be pretty good. The smallest one weighs five or six pounds."

Lao Liang's dark face turned purple and kept shining:

"Empress Mazu!"

Ye Sihai quickly comforted him:

"Old Uncle Liang, don't get excited. I won't treat you badly. I'll give you this number."

He opened a slap.

Five fingers.

Lao Liang’s voice was hoarse:

"Five thousand? That much?"

Ye Sihai glanced at him and responded:

"What are you talking about? Fifty thousand!"


Lao Liang swallowed hard:

"Five...fifty thousand? Four...four seas you you...!"

Ye Sihai reached out and patted Lao Liang on the shoulder:

"Don't worry, whenever I go to sea in the future, I will ask you to drive the boat."

Then he looked at a few more teenagers and said seriously:

"Remember, you can get rich by being quiet, and you can get into trouble by being too showy. Do you understand?"

"I understand, I understand."

Ah Mo swallowed his saliva wildly and nodded like a chicken pecking at rice:

"Damn it, listen to me. You all listen to my brother-in-law. If anyone dares to act blindly, don't blame me for dealing with him!"

Liu Xiaoer and others nodded desperately.

They have begun to silently count their gains today in their hearts.

One percent.

If it's one million, they can get ten thousand.

A net of big yellow croakers!

Is one million a lot?

At this time, water jets shot up from the sea, turning into bursts of colorful neon lights in the sun.

Obviously, it was the Whale King who came with his little brother.

Ye Sihai looked around and was amazed again.

Seventy or eighty adult killer whales, with an average length of ten meters, are arranged in a triangle and collectively spray water jets on the sea. This scene is simply a once-in-a-lifetime sight.

At the front, the whale king and the killer whale mother swam over, and the little guy was shaking his head and tail in the middle, making continuous calls from his mouth.

"Chirp, chirp!"

Looking at the twelve-meter whale king, Lao Liang was also frightened and in a trance.

Killer whales are generally around eight to ten meters in length.

Those over ten meters are definitely the leaders of the whale group.

And this whale king grew to twelve meters, with colorful scars all over his body.

He can rule nearly a hundred adult killer whales, which shows how powerful he is.

Whale groups are also divided into large and small, and most killer whale groups are around forty.

The more powerful the whale king is, the more whales he rules.

Ye Sihai did not go to the sea this time, but stood at the bow and waved to the little guy.

The whale king nodded to Ye Sihai reservedly, then raised his huge head and roared:


All the killer whales immediately dived into the water.

Even the killer whale mother disappeared with the little guy.

The last whale king slowly disappeared in front of Ye Sihai.

The sea surface returned to calm again, as if nothing had happened.

Ye Sihai withdrew his gaze with some melancholy.

That feeling is a bit hard to describe.

But the little guy will definitely come back.

Facing a whale king whose IQ is almost as high as that of an adult, Ye Sihai dared not play any tricks.

You saved his wife, so he should repay his kindness.

As for the rest, you should think carefully before you speak, little biped.

Obviously, Ye Sihai did not go into the sea to get close to him because he clearly felt the jealousy from the whale king.

His wife and children actually care more about a biped than himself.

If Ye Sihai was not a biped, the whale king would doubt whether this little guy was his own.

Ye Sihai even doubted whether the big guy would turn against him and tear him into pieces if he used the Heart of the Ocean on the whale king.

When it is time to hide, you must hide.

"Brother-in-law, are they all gone?"

Amo came up quietly, his eyes full of envy:

"Brother-in-law, how did you do it?"

Ye Sihai glared at him unhappily:

"You kid, don't worry about my ability to eat, that's what I leave for my future son, go home, go home!"

Amo was so angry:

"Ye Sihai, do you dare to agree if I call you dad?"

Ye Sihai laughed.

I thought I wouldn't dare to agree if you called me that.

But I would dare to agree if your sister called me that.

Return home!

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