Going to the sea: The whole sea has become my back garden

Chapter 27 Street Drifter Returns Favor

Enough of playing and going crazy.

The teenagers reluctantly returned to the boat.

Ye Sihai reached out and touched the little killer whale's head.

"Go back with your mother."

The little killer whale chirped and rubbed against Ye Sihai reluctantly, not wanting to leave at all.

The killer whale mother also kept using her head to push her savior.

Ye Sihai could already communicate with the killer whale mother in some simple ways through his mind.

It is indeed a marine species with a high IQ.

"Go back to the tribe, we will meet again in the future."

Ye Sihai reached out and pushed the killer whale mother:

"Try to avoid fishing nets in the future, understand?"

Fishing boats near the coast usually set nets in fixed sea areas the night before and come back to collect the nets the next day.

Fortunately, these fishing nets are in the water at a depth of 50 to 300 meters, so killer whales are generally not trapped.

After receiving Ye Sihai's instructions, the mother killer whale whimpered twice, sprayed a long stream of water, and then swam away slowly with her child.

This little killer whale is only about two meters long, and it is still a cute baby. It is estimated that it will definitely grow to ten meters long in the future and become the overlord of the ocean.

But that time is too long.

Ye Sihai can't wait.

Because the life span of killer whales is similar to that of humans.

Generally, they can live to be sixty to eighty years old.

It will take at least ten years for the little killer whale to become an adult.

By then, the opportunity will be cold.

So the idea has to be on his mother.

If the little guy is kidnapped, the parents will naturally be obedient.

Until the killer whale mother and the child disappeared from his perception range, Ye Sihai asked Liu Hanhan to pull him onto the boat.

It was already eleven thirty in the afternoon.

A group of teenagers had a good time, and now their stomachs are growling with hunger.

"Amo, take people to prepare food, Uncle Liang, let's go to the bottom warehouse."

This is a wooden trawler. Although it is fifteen meters long, it also has quick-freezing equipment, which can quickly freeze about three tons of fish.

If fully loaded, it can reach eight tons.

The trawl is equivalent to a big bag, hanging behind the fishing boat, deep into the sea, and the fishing boat passes the area where the fish are from the sea surface.

In the past, fishing relied on experience and technology, and how much you can catch with one net depends on luck.

Now fishing boats are equipped with sonar scanning systems, and they go wherever there are fish.

The fishing boat rented by Ye Sihai only has a quick-freezing chamber, no sonar system.

Today's trip to the sea is equivalent to testing the waters.

For Ye Sihai, the harvest is even happier than catching a full boat of fish.

As for being laughed at when you go back?

Whoever likes to laugh can laugh.

I will slowly slap them in the face later.

Eat, eat.

While preparing lunch swiftly, several teenagers were excitedly discussing how to brag about it when they got back.

Today's experience is enough for them to brag about for the rest of their lives.

Humph, you ride battery cars, tricycles and motorcycles.

I have ridden a whale!

After lunch, A'mo took the initiative to clean up the mess with several teenagers, and Ye Sihai and Lao Liang got on the bow.

"Uncle Lao Liang, you used to work in the Zhao Group, right?"

A flash of indignation flashed across Lao Liang's dark face:

"The Zhao family doesn't treat people as human beings, they are overbearing and tyrannical. Since they have monopolized it, everyone's life is far worse than before."

Ye Sihai thought of his original father.

He had a good life when he was a child. His family was considered well-off and had two fishing boats.

Later, the Zhao Fishery Group was established, and the Zhao family coerced and lured the fishermen to join the company with their fishing boats.

After joining, they used various means to take away the fishing boat license that originally belonged to the fishermen.

A fishing boat without a license is the same as a car without a registration.

Gradually, these fishermen could only work for the Zhao family.

At the beginning, the money given by the Zhao family was not bad, but later on, everyone found that the money earned throughout the year was even less than when they worked alone.

And at this time, if they wanted to resist, the Zhao family would have become the only one in power.

The Ye family, Lao Liang was one of the victims.

Lao Liang was even kicked out of the Zhao Group last year.

Without a fishing boat, he could only work for others.

Fortunately, he was an old fisherman with rich experience and a kind heart, so everyone was willing to hire him to go out to sea.

"Uncle Lao Liang, don't worry, when the sky is crazy, there will be rain, and when people are crazy, there will be disasters. The Zhao family will not have a good end."

Lao Liang shook his head:

"Zhao Yihu's assets are now more than 2 billion. I heard that there are people in the Fucheng government protecting him. What can we ordinary people do to fight him? Don't wait until then...!"


A sharp sound suddenly came from the sea.

Twenty meters away from the sea, a small column of water sprayed up.

Ye Sihai looked over in surprise.

Is it that little killer whale?

This little guy just left his mother for two hours, why is he back?

Is his mother trapped in the fishing net again?

The little killer whale was thrashing in the waves and rushing towards the fishing boat.

"Chirp! Chirp!"

Ye Sihai squatted beside the boat, leaned out most of his body, and reached out to touch its head.

A faint perception came from the little guy's head.


Ye Sihai quickly turned over and jumped into the sea.

The little guy happily slapped the water with his ventral fins, chirping continuously.

A group of teenagers, including Amo, also ran out.

Ye Sihai tried to ask with his mind:

"Are you back to find me?"


"Where's your mom?"


The little guy flapped his tail fin and quickly swam more than ten meters in one direction, then turned around and chirped twice at Ye Sihai.

"Do you want me to go with you?"

The little killer whale immediately raised its head and nodded repeatedly.

Ye Sihai was overjoyed.

The orca mother must have found the pod of whales and asked this little guy to report the news.

What surprises are waiting for you ahead?

He quickly jumped onto the boat, laughed and shouted:

"Old Uncle Liang, let's sail the ship and let's go collect the goods."

Lao Liang was an old fisherman and he still didn't understand. He was shocked and happy for a moment, and the cigarette in his mouth fell into the sea.

Killer whales not only hunt large marine animals, but also small fish.

When encountering a school of fish, they will clearly divide their labors to hunt and take turns to eat.

Basically, you just open your mouth and wait, and then you can have a full meal.

Amo and the other teenagers were so excited to see Ye Sihai. Although they didn't quite understand, they started to look forward to it.

The fishing boat reached its maximum speed, followed the little killer whale, and headed in one direction.

The little guy transforms into a guide. When he swims about a hundred meters, he will spray a jet of water to guide the fishing boat.

The fishing boat kept driving for more than an hour, and the time came to 2:30 in the afternoon.

The baby killer whale finally stopped and began wagging its tail around the fishing boat.

Ye Sihai quickly jumped into the sea.

Dive underwater and activate the Heart of the Ocean.

The depth of this sea area has reached about five to six hundred meters.

Looking around, there were groups of fish swimming around three hundred meters away.

These fish schools are not big, but they are about a hundred meters in diameter. You can catch a lot in one net.

When he looked in the direction of the little killer whale's head!

For a moment, Ye Sihai was stunned.

About five kilometers in front of his eyes, there was a row of at least seventy or eighty adult killer whales, lined up in an array, quietly diving twenty meters underwater.

Like a killer!

The array of troops stretched out for 1,500 meters.

Below this group of killer whales, at a depth of about fifty meters, a small school of fish was swimming leisurely.

Although they were far apart, Ye Sihai could still see clearly.

That's a dazzling yellow!

Big yellow croaker!

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