"This is the bilge!"

"This is the engine room."

"This is the staff rest room."

"This is a processing plant."

"This is the supply warehouse."

"This is a fresh and refrigerated warehouse."

Following Vice President Zeng’s introduction one by one, everyone finally arrived at the cockpit.

The cabs of large ships will not be placed at either end, but in the middle of the ship.

One is for safety, and the other is to save space.

Because large fishing boats are deep-sea operating vessels, they are the most vulnerable to storms in the world.

According to statistics, offshore fishing boats have the highest risk factor among all ships.

It also has the highest death toll.

Once encountering a storm, various precision instruments in the cockpit will be damaged.

Therefore, placing it in the middle can greatly avoid damage caused by bumps.

After all, the bumps at the bow and stern are several times or even dozens of times greater than those at the middle of the ship.

Although the various equipment and instruments on the ship are specially manufactured and are super anti-fall and anti-magnetic, they still cannot withstand big storms.

Ye Sihai and others entered the spacious cockpit, and Vice President Zeng personally introduced the automatic driving system, radar equipment, satellite communications, etc.

They are the latest and most high-end models on the market.

Because the money is sufficient, the shipyard also has sufficient materials.

And in terms of details, these devices made Ye Sihai very satisfied.

He is a detail freak.

Because no matter what it is, as long as the details are in place, the thing will not be too bad.

Just like decorating.

No matter how good or expensive the materials are, if the details are a little bad, it will not reflect the sense of high-end at all.

Even if the materials are ordinary, the details are in place and it looks pleasing to the eye.

Uncle Liang and other captains of a group of old fishing boats were also invited on board.

Although they have never driven such high-end goods, they are all veterans who have been floating at sea for decades, so they are naturally experienced.

Qin Yuan and Chen Youtian are also familiar with many equipments.

Just touch it and you will understand it more or less.

The cockpit and engine room are the most important parts of the boat.

One is equivalent to the brain, and the other is equivalent to the muscles and bones.

Obviously, the Star of the Four Seas is a big guy with lots of power and intelligence.

It's not the same thing as Liu Hanhan.

After the visit, Ye Sihai became completely excited:

"Mr. Zeng, let's go for a run."

Of course Vice President Zeng would not object.

He also meant this.

It's a mule or a horse, so it must be walked.

Otherwise, how can we show that our ship is excellent?

There is no need to go out to sea for fishing anyway, so the cockpit is fully manned and we can go out to sea.

Usually it's seven people, but if that doesn't work, five people will do.

It's enough for three people at the limit.

Captain's First Mate Second Mate.

The captain was an old craftsman from the shipyard. He came to the autopilot and pressed the whistle.

Woohoo! ! !

A roar startled the people on the dock.

Everyone knows what the whistle means.

Are you going to sea?

"Wait, let's go up and sit too."

"That's right, Sihai, let us go up."

Even from afar, Ye Sihai could see a close-up view of the ship's side on the screen.

"Uncle Xiao, since everyone wants to sit down, let them come up."

Xiao Jianguo quickly went to arrange manpower.

No joke.

Many places must be guarded by people, and they cannot be allowed to come and go at will.

Let’s just say that in the processing plants below, many of the equipment are very dangerous.

If you encounter someone with cheap skills, it will cause a series of reactions.

Vice President Zeng also immediately said to the accompanying engineer:

"Then the hatch below is closed, and then some dangerous equipment is directly powered off."

I have to say that Sihai Star is really big.

The ship is more than 100 meters long and 15 meters wide, and the entire dock can fit into it.

Even though the deck is full of equipment, it’s not a problem at all.

There were almost two thousand people, all on board.

Xiao Jianguo took Lin Qi, Liu Gang and others to the deck to take command. Ye Sihai stood in the best position in the cockpit with Uncle Mei, Aunt Mei, Lin Changqing and his wife.

Viewed from here, the bow of the ship looks like a sword.

Woohoo! !

There was another long cry.

This is the signal for the ship to leave its berth.

The maiden voyage of the Star of the Four Seas has begun.

"Move, move!"

"It's so stable!"

"Hahaha, is this a boat? It's just like on land."

"You won't say that when there's a storm."

"That's stable."

"No, I'll ask when I get back. I have to go to work at Sihai Company."

"Hahaha, what are you dreaming about? Whether people can want you or not is one thing."

Inside the cockpit.

Uncle Mei and Aunt Mei looked excited.

Ye Sihai stood among them, holding one in each arm, and said with a smile:

"Dad, Mom, don't worry. I will customize a super yacht for you in the future. It will be as big as this one. You can travel around the world."

Aunt Mei wiped her eyes:

"You child, the sea is so dangerous. I won't go. I will take care of your child at home."

Ye Sihai...!

Huang Yijun felt sad on the side.

Son-in-law, you have some ideas.

I'm still here.

What's the meaning?

I’m not worthy of being a mother, am I?

The Star of the Four Seas slowly pushed out of the dock, then slowly accelerated, heading towards the distant sea.

The sea was calm, and the Four Seas Star was really fast and stable.

After leaving the dock area, the Four Seas Star blew the whistle again, indicating that it was going to turn left.


On the deck, countless people looked towards the sea.

In the distance, killer whales emerged from the sea, spraying water and surrounding the Four Seas Star.

From a distance, they were so dense and countless.

Vice President Zeng was so shocked that his mouth couldn't close.

How could there be so many killer whales here?

Oh my God!

Is it so dangerous?

Of course, for a fishing boat of the tonnage of the Four Seas Star, even if a thousand killer whales came up, it would be useless.

But it was too scary.

When he saw the expression on Ye Sihai's face, Vice President Zeng suddenly seemed to understand something.

Those killer whales began to escort the Four Seas Star on both sides of the ship.

Rows and rows, neat and tidy.

There were more than ten little guys on the bow, jumping out of the water happily, showing their snow-white bellies, and chirping from their mouths.

The leader was Xiao Hui.

Mr. Hui led a few killer whales at the end.

They followed all the way until they had sailed for more than 30 kilometers, and then they dispersed.

Everyone on the boat was stunned.

They remembered the magical legend of Ye Sihai one by one, and today they finally saw it with their own eyes.

Lin Changqing was fine, but Huang Yijun and Uncle Mei and Aunt Mei were completely stunned.

"Sihai... this is...!"

Huang Yijun looked at her son-in-law with some horror.

Ye Sihai grinned:

"Mom, these are the guys I raised."

Huang Yijun...!

Uncle Mei...!

Aunt Mei...!

Qin Yuan was secretly holding back his laughter.

I thought, if you go to Crescent Bay and see a bigger sperm whale, what expression will you have?

I'm really looking forward to it.

Huang Yijun felt a cramp in his calf.

Everyone was saying that his son-in-law was the reincarnation of the Dragon King.

This was confirmed.

The Four Seas Star sailed straight for a full 200 kilometers on the endless blue sea.

Then it turned around and headed back.

The maiden voyage was quite successful.

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