Ye Sihai did not stay too long.

He copied a poem and found an excuse to take Qiaohuamei away.

Tang Jing followed him out.

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In the principal's office, everyone looked at each other.

Who can join the Federation of Literary and Art Circles?

Two titles are required to enter.

National level.


There are only eight major arts in the world.

In theory, those who excel in these eight types of art are eligible to join.

But if you want to join, you need to look at your fate.

Ye Sihai is 18 years old. Is he an artist?

Is he national level?


But the works he brought out...!


Songs, ancient poems, modern poems.

All are top-notch.

Don't forget, there is another bonus.

That is... Professor Chen opened a subject entirely because of his philosophy.

This is actually the real point.

What are the eight major arts recognized by the world?









Ye Sihai is proficient in three fields.

Literature, music, and architecture!

Just ask if you are awesome or not.

So, age is not a problem at all.

It was Mr. Li who invited him personally.

And he... refused.

"Young genius!"

Mr. Li smiled sincerely:

"The future is promising."

Several old professors sighed secretly at the same time.


From then on, Ye Sihai, this kid, really has a promising future.

No matter what these old professors think, after leaving, Tang Jing had a complicated expression on her face:

"Junior brother, do you know what you refused?"

Ye Sihai smiled:

"Senior sister, I'm afraid, I'm only eighteen, my qualifications are far behind, and I still understand the principle of the gun hitting the bird that sticks out."

Tang Jing's stunning face showed a deep regret:

"I guess I won't have a chance in my life."

Lin Qiaohua's pretty face showed a hint of pride.

What is the Federation of Literary and Art Circles?

It looks delicious.

I really wanted to agree to it for Ye Sihai just now.

Fortunately, fortunately.

My Ye Sihai is really amazing.

Becoming an artist is probably Tang Jing's highest ideal.

There is no way.

No matter how awesome a queen is, her value is not as good as that of a singer.

And a singer is not necessarily an artist.

And an artist is the threshold for joining the Federation of Literary and Art Circles.

So Tang Jing knew that she probably had no hope in this life.

"Junior brother, you are still amazing and can resist temptation."

She actually knew that once Ye Sihai joined the Federation of Literary and Art Circles, his status would be different instantly.


The future life will also be different.

You can't help yourself.

Otherwise, you are not sociable, your music is too high to be understood, you are arrogant, and you don't respect the old predecessors.

You will be thrown all kinds of dirty water to death.

Qiaohua sister hugged his arm and said softly:

"Ye Sihai, you are too good, I am very worried."

"What are you worried about?"

Qiaohua sister pouted:

"I am worried that you will run away, so I'd better drop out of school and watch over you every day."

Ye Sihai...!

What's in the mind of the young fiancee?

Day after day.

She deserves a beating.

Tang Jing was so jealous.

"That's enough, I'm still here."

Qiaohua sister blushed, but smiled and tilted her head to look at Ye Sihai, unwilling to look away.

Tang Jing...!

"Junior brother, you have to sing at least two songs tonight, which two songs are you going to sing? Why don't we sing together?"

Ye Sihai refused directly.

Are you kidding?

This cheap senior sister gave him an indescribable feeling in his heart.

He always felt that she seemed to be vaguely similar to someone in his previous life.

That Li Xiaoqing was definitely not an ordinary person.

A real dragon and phoenix among men.

Ye Sihai would never get too close to Tang Jing.

You can respect her.

You can get close to her.


You can't get close to her.

If you don't have this sense of propriety, you have lived two lives in vain.

Qiaojie is certainly not one of them.

"I will sing a new song."

Tang Jing almost went crazy.

"New song?"

She grabbed Ye Sihai's arm:

"Junior brother, I'm telling you, I...!"


Ye Sihai shook her hand off:

"Neither of these two songs suits you, but you can help me find a baritone singer to sing."

Tang Jing was immediately discouraged.

The album Ye Sihai wrote for her was really crazy.

It swept all kinds of records, unstoppable all the way.

And it directly raised all kinds of records to a level that made the latecomers desperate.

What if she strikes while the iron is hot and makes another one?

She has definitely reserved the title of singer in advance.

I've had enough of being a queen!

The New Year's Eve party of Fudan University tonight is of high standard.

Tang Jing is the finale.

Even the central media New Year's Eve party doesn't have this kind of treatment.

So the Minhai Provincial TV Station was like a big enemy, and almost used all its skills.

The stage layout, the design of various links, etc.

All refer to the New Year's Eve party.

Qiaohuamei is one of the hosts tonight.

There was no other way, she finally joined the student union and became the honorary president of the literature club.

During the rehearsal, Ye Sihai went on stage once.

Standing in the center, it felt really good.

It was much more grand than the previous welcome party.

It was about 6:30 in the evening.

The auditorium of Fudan University was already full of people.

There were even police to maintain order.

There was no other way.

Mr. Li had to appear.

So the standard was not too high.

It was just an event in the province, otherwise, Gu Zhiqiang, the old man, had to accompany him.

In order to liven up the atmosphere, Tang Jing came on stage to sing a song after the opening dance.

The song was Wish You.

Then it was all done according to the program.

Ye Sihai was holding a guitar backstage and almost fell asleep.

Listening to the serious voice of his young fiancée through a curtain, it was a little interesting at first.

But it got boring slowly.

At nine o'clock, Tang Jing came on stage again.

This time she sang two songs.

Childhood and Thousands of Songs.

Then, there was a transitional poetry recitation.

Ye Sihai...!

Haizi's face to the sea, spring is warm and flowers are blooming.

The male host's voice sounded:

"Next, please welcome... music poet Haizi, to bring his original song."

The whole auditorium was filled with thunderous applause.

It was even crazier than when Tang Jing appeared on stage.

There was no way.

Tang Jing is a queen that everyone knows.

But who is Ye Sihai?

The son-in-law of our Fuda University.

His concubine is hosting the show.

It's really an honor.

And everyone knows why the queen Tang Jing can come.

It's obviously to give face to Ye Sihai.

Otherwise, why would a super queen come to participate in the New Year's Eve party of Fucheng University?

How many people have come to Fucheng University to look for Lin Qiaohua recently?

It is said that they are all super capital tycoons in the domestic entertainment industry.

Isn't it just to ask for a song from Haizi?

Haizi actually sang an original song.

He is really worthy of being the son-in-law of Fuda University.

He should have a statue erected for him.

Fuda University has become famous because of him.

Even opened a graduate school.

Mr. Li in the front row was also shocked by the enthusiasm of the students.

"Haha, this kid is interesting."

Ye Sihai took the stage with a guitar in his arms.

He still got a high stool and a microphone.

He adjusted it and sat on it.

He got straight to the point:

"I'm here again."

"This time I'm not here for love."

Boom! !

The laughter from below almost overturned the dome of the auditorium!

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