The New Year's Day in Minhai has a strong sense of ritual.

The first step is to worship the gods.

Then you have to eat rice cakes, which means getting taller every year.

Then there are various activities such as welcoming the new year, pasting blessing characters, etc.

Ye Sihai is now the head of the family, so he was called up by Liu Hanhan early in the morning.

Aunt Mei was afraid that he would sleep in, so she specially asked Liu Hanhan to come.

He returned home in a daze, and was refreshed immediately after washing up.

Worship the gods, offer sacrifices, and then do all kinds of things, and eat the fried white cake made by Aunt Mei.

This is Aunt Mei's best dish, which is very particular.

Generally, it is not a major day, or Uncle Mei and Ye Sihai are out at sea, Aunt Mei will not make it easily.

White cake is rice cake, which is a traditional snack in the Minhai area.

Going door to door, there may be some taboos and sayings for farewell, but giving rice cakes is definitely a panacea.

Even the king of heaven can't find fault with it.

So Ye Sihai received enough rice cakes to eat for a month early in the morning.

Liu Xiaoer and several other young people's homes, as well as Xiao Jianguo and Liu Gang, the mother-in-law also specially sent Ah Mo to deliver a large portion to him.

They were all made by himself.

But Ye Sihai still likes to eat the fried white rice cake made by Aunt Mei.

Every household has different methods and tastes.

The one sent by the Lin family is a super deluxe version, rich in content, all with high-end ingredients.

But Aunt Mei's is very simple.

It's just white rice cake, a little lean meat, a little oyster meat, dried shrimp, mushrooms, a little green onion, ginger, garlic, and finally a little chopped green garlic sprouts.

The soup is thick and the taste is mellow.

Ye Sihai likes it very much.

"Hiss, hiss!"

Ye Sihai's forehead was sweating from the heat, and he kept grinning.

Aunt Mei was happy, but she was blaming him:

"Eat slowly, no one is going to snatch it from you."

"Hehe, your cooking is still the best."

Wanwan picked up a piece of white cake with a fork, and ate it while agreeing:

"Good, good, really good!"

Liu Hanhan was holding a large basin, which was full of fried rice cakes sent by various families. Mixed together, this basin was estimated to be no less than ten kilograms.

He buried his head in the basin!

Boom boom boom!

Uncle Mei drank two taels of morning wine slowly and asked:

"Will you come back in the evening?"

Ye Sihai thought about it and felt that it was not enough.

"It's hard to say. It depends on the situation. If I can't come back, I will stay in the villa my father-in-law gave me for one night."

"That's fine."

Uncle Mei nodded:

"Take good care of my younger brothers and sisters."

"I know."

Ye Sihai nodded:

"Why don't you and mom go to my eldest brother's house to celebrate the festival? I'll call my sister and ask her and my brother-in-law to go over."

Aunt Mei was a little tempted.

But Uncle Mei frowned:

"No, I'm busy."

Ye Sihai...!

Uncle Mei has been busy creating his parade recently.

According to the sketch drawn by Ye Sihai, it is not a problem to completely restore the gods of the parade in another world.

But rehearsal is needed.

Driven by the high bonus of Mayor Gu, most people are no longer interested in playing poker.

Each village in the town must send out a parade team to compete with each other.

The top three will have prizes.

The first prize is one million.

The second is five hundred thousand.

The third is two hundred thousand.

There are seven natural villages in the town. You can imagine that the winning rate is almost half.

At least 200,000 yuan.

Twenty people share it, each person has 10,000 yuan.

Who would want to play poker in a small house full of smoke and dust if they are rich and in the limelight?

Unless they are real gamblers.

And the real gamblers have been eliminated by Mayor Gu a long time ago.

Those who should be arrested should be arrested, and those who should be imprisoned should be imprisoned.

No mercy at all.

Seeing Uncle Mei like this, Aunt Mei was very angry, but she didn't say anything.

Uncle Mei didn't go home for lunch at noon, so Ye Sihai ate a little with the white rice cake in the morning.

The rest was stuffed into Liu Hanhan's stomach.

Since Liu Hanhan was born, Aunt Mei was so worried that she didn't know what to do, let alone leftovers at home.

It was equivalent to raising two pigs.

A'mo and Liu Xiaoer and other teenagers arrived one after another, and Ye Sihai didn't care so much.

Liu Hanhan carried Wanwan on the co-pilot.

All six teenagers squeezed into the second row.

Anyway, they were all small and thin.

On the way to the welfare home, Ye Sihai called Mei Ting.

I didn't expect Sister Ting to spend New Year's Day with the children at the welfare home tonight.

She is still the head of Sihai Private Charity Foundation, and Liu Baoqiao is in charge of the control behind the scenes.

When she arrived at the welfare home, Wanwan exclaimed as soon as she got off the car:

"It's so beautiful!"

The welfare home is completely different from the last time she came.

The welfare home has been renovated, and the exterior walls are painted with colorful colors, and there are various amusement facilities, almost catching up with the amusement park.

The children also changed into new clothes, and the smiles on their faces are much happier.

The number of caregivers is more than doubled than before.

These caregivers were selected by Sister Ting one by one through interviews.

They must be caring, patient, and quick-handed and lively.

Their wages are paid by the charity foundation, which will be twice or more higher than the industry average.

Of course, the old employees of the welfare home also received salary increases, and those who were not suitable for being caregivers were transferred to work in logistics, etc.

The last time he came, Ye Sihai could still see those mentally retarded children with silly smiles and runny noses.

Now they are all well taken care of.

"Mammy, I'm back."

As soon as Wanwan landed, she ran towards the old dean.

She threw herself on the old dean and hugged her legs.

"Mammy, my brother is very good to me, and my parents are also very good to me, but I still miss you and everyone very much."

The wrinkles on the old dean's face seemed to be much less today.

She took Wanwan to Ye Sihai:

"Sihai, happy new year."

Ye Sihai greeted the old dean with a smile, and then glanced at A'mo and others:

"What are you waiting for?"

Several teenagers hurriedly bowed to the old dean:

"Hello, grandma, happy new year."

The old dean grabbed Ye Sihai's hand excitedly and almost shed tears:

"Okay, everyone is fine."

Liu Hanhan came up with a bloody mouth, and laughed and actually picked up the old dean:

"Grandma, I'm much stronger now."

Ye Sihai was shocked.

This kid!

Fortunately, Liu Hanhan was very sensible. Even when the old lady was very old, she handled the child with care.

"This child...!"

The old dean was at a loss for words, and smiled happily with her toothless mouth.

"Ye Sihai."

Mei Ting ran out in a hurry wearing an apron, holding a rolling pin in her hand.

Ye Sihai thought that his elder sister was dissatisfied with him and wanted to beat him up, and his face changed in fear:

"What are you doing, elder sister?"


Mei Ting stared at him with ill intentions:

"Did Liu Baoqiao call you?"

Ye Sihai...!


"I don't want to talk nonsense with you, old dean, let's go to your office, Mei Ting, don't come with us, the leaders are talking, you are not qualified to listen."

Sister Ting raised the rolling pin in her hand in anger.

How could this honest brother who had grown up with her become someone she didn't even recognize?

It's good to be capable.

Is it okay to become a playboy?

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