Going to the sea: The whole sea has become my back garden

Chapter 213 Annual Summary of the Four Seas Squadron

The time has come to the end of the month.

Tomorrow is New Year's Day.

The bird's nest was completed the day before yesterday.

Ye Sihai also tied a rope and went down to inspect it.


There must be a brave man under a heavy reward.

To build such a bird's nest, Ye Sihai used more than ten people.

They even pulled a wire up temporarily in a whimsical way.

A monitoring head was installed in the nest, and a thick insulation layer was laid. On top were dry and thin banyan branches and insulation hay.

Layers upon layers are still not insulating, so Ye Sihai has to resort to technological means.

Do you know about electric blankets and air conditioners?

Qin Yuan and Chen Youtian were speechless after listening to the little boss's thoughts.

Are you raising birds?

But Ah Da and the others were very satisfied.

I have never lived in such a good bird's nest in my life.

In the past few days, I have eaten well, lived well, and communicated very friendly and cordially with the two-legged beasts. The two parties have reached a bilateral cooperative relationship.

As for the content, it needs to be kept confidential.

Now I just want to find a way to kidnap a few female birds back.

The people who work are also very excited.

Because they had never seen a frigate bird before.

Such a big and fierce frigate bird was like a well-trained pet in front of Ye Sihai.


Of course, the bird's nest project will continue next year.

After all, there will be more and more frigatebirds in the future.

On the top of the cliff, it was left for Qiaojie to build a villa, and below was the frigatebird's nest.

I’m really looking forward to the future.

After lunch, Ye Sihai took Wanwan and played with the Lin family's children on a small gray tugboat.

After Ah Mo arrived with Liu Xiaoer and several other teenagers, Ye Sihai took them on a speedboat and a motorboat. Together with Ah Da's four birds and Little Gray's eight little killer whales, they formed a sea, land and air camp and headed out to sea. .

I walked around, cast a few nets, and caught some worthless fish and shrimp.

I also bought some oysters, abalone, clams, etc.

In the evening, Ye Sihai and a few teenagers would have a campfire barbecue dinner in the cabin to make an annual summary of the Sihai team.

No one else is allowed to come.

It was just him and Amo, six teenagers, plus Liu Hanhan and Wanwan.

Lin Qi and Liu Gang wanted to join in the fun, but he drove them away.

These two guys just wanted to have a drink.

Ye Sihai specially prepared two bottles of red wine to entertain Amo and the boys.

Amo was so happy.

He was not allowed to drink alcohol while at home.

Only at his brother-in-law's house could he possibly get some beer.

He was even more fond of red wine, which his father was reluctant to drink and cherished so much.

"Brother-in-law, put down the wine and go to work."

Ah Mo looked reluctant to leave:

"I don't. I'm responsible for guarding them so that they don't accidentally get their hearts broken."

Ye Sihai glared at him and handed him the sign in his hand:

"Come here with some squid and you can have an extra drink tonight."

Amo immediately said excitedly:

"Brother-in-law, just wait and leave the string-wearing matter to me!"

Liu Xiaoer on the side curled his lips quietly.

He didn't dare to confront Amo.

After all, this was his boss. Although Liu Xiaoer always wanted to take over and replace Ah Mo, he struggled for a long time and finally gave up.

From the day Brother Sihai and Sister Qiaohua got engaged, he accepted his fate.

Who told my sister to be dissatisfied?


Brother Sihai is the same. My sister has been making you smoothies every now and then all summer.

You have let down my sister’s girlish heart.

Tonight’s ingredients are the result of everyone’s afternoon’s work.

After getting it back, I immediately went to the dock to clean it and process it.

Anyway, there is a motorboat, so it is convenient to go back and forth.

Ye Sihai naturally took charge of the barbecue. It wasn't that he couldn't trust the skills of these boys, but he was afraid of diarrhea after eating them.

Of course, the traditional roast goose and roast suckling pig are indispensable.

Ye Sihai has long lost interest in these two things.


I really want to throw up.

It's so exciting every night, I really don't know what these boys are interested in and can't get enough of.

No matter how delicious the food is, if you eat it every day for several months, you won't be able to eat it anymore.

He still underestimated the foodie nature of teenagers.

No way, I've never had such a luxury.

The food at home is too boring.

A group of eight people, one large and one small, had been preparing for almost two hours.

Finally it’s time to start eating.

The red wine glass was poured out and some beer was prepared.

"listen to me."

The six teenagers immediately looked at Ye Sihai eagerly.

"Brothers, are you satisfied with me?"


Liu Xiaoer waved his fist:

"Brother Sihai, we have already agreed that we will not go to college after high school. We will come as soon as possible to repay your kindness."

Ye Sihai laughed and cursed:

"What a blessing in disguise."

Wang He chuckled:

"Brother Sihai, just take a look, we will definitely be great in the future and we will make more money for you."

The three young men, Cheng Jiashu, Ronan, and Shui Yi, also waved their fists excitedly, almost shouting loudly.

Suddenly there were cries of ghosts and wolves howling in the cabin, and even a few birds on the cliff not far away looked around.

What are the Twolegs doing?

Stay up late at night.

What smell?

Why does it smell so good?

After several teenagers got excited, Ye Sihai continued:

"You all know my plan. We will move to the old town after the New Year. This bay is where you will protect your whole life."

Ye Sihai looked at the teenagers seriously:

"Remember my words. If you can study in the future, study as much as possible, because the greater your ability, the greater your future, and the greater help you will be to me."

"I don't expect you all to stay here. The world is vast, and you can go out to explore, but no matter how successful you are in the future, don't forget that this is your hometown."

The teenagers seemed to understand, but listened very seriously.

Ye Sihai's eyes fell on A'mo:

"Forget about you. Just be a young master for the rest of your life and eat and wait for death."

A'mo was furious.

Then he coughed awkwardly and said unhappily:

"Actually, I have ideals too. Don't look down on me."

The teenagers laughed and started to expose A'mo's shortcomings.

In the end, they exposed each other's shortcomings.

Ye Sihai looked at them, and his heart felt better than ever.

It's true that young people don't know the taste of sorrow.

In the future, they will grow up under his protection, and then they will definitely amaze the world.

I will hide behind them and watch the world dance in their hands.

When that time comes, what will it feel like to recall today?

"Come on, raise your glasses."

Ye Sihai picked up the wine glass, and the six teenagers stood up one after another.


Wanwan was held in Liu Hanhan's arms, and she fluttered her little feet excitedly:

"Cheers, brother, cheers."

Liu Hanhan grinned and was extremely happy.

He also knew that the New Year was coming soon.

There were new clothes to wear and lucky money to get.

There were also delicious food and fun things.

A'mo suddenly asked quietly:

"Brother-in-law, are you going to Fucheng tomorrow?"

Ye Sihai immediately said unhappily:

"What do you want to do again?"

A'mo smiled a little cunningly:

"Hey, take me there? I want to hear you sing."

Ye Sihai...!

This brother-in-law can't be kept anymore.

Damn it.

The little fiancée is always looking for things to do.

Fucheng University will have a New Year's Eve party tomorrow night.

He was invited to perform.

It was... painful.

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