In the night.

A fishing boat was sailing slowly on the sea with no lights on.

Inside the cockpit.

Old Uncle Liang was concentrating on steering the ship.

He is also very nervous.

I work at night without turning on the lights.

There was no light at all.

This is actually an extremely dangerous thing.

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But Uncle Liang believed in Ye Sihai unconditionally.

The fishing boat was moving forward at a steady speed, but the trawling net had not yet felt it.

But Old Uncle Liang knew that fish must have been caught.

This went on until almost midnight.

Qin Yuan came over:

"Brother Liang, I'll drive for a while."

"I can still bear it."

"Let me do it. You go and take a rest. Don't be exhausted."

"Okay then! I'm going to go and squint for a while. Call me when you close the net."

"Don't worry, I will definitely call you."

Old Uncle Liang went down to rest with a tired look on his face, and Qin Yuan began to concentrate on receiving Ye Sihai's instructions.

Almost 1,500 kilograms of Yangtze saury have been caught in the net.

But it's three o'clock in the morning.

Homework must be completed before six o'clock in the morning.

The return flight takes almost another day.

Ye Sihai has been standing at the bow of the boat.

He was also terribly tired.

Invoking the Heart of the Ocean requires strong mental power as support.

The mental energy accumulated through meditation has been exhausted, and now it is time to squeeze out the last drop.

It even requires an overdraft.

However, stimulated by the huge harvest, he felt that he could still persist for three to five hours.

In this way, the fishing boat dragged along all the way, sometimes fast and sometimes slowly.

The Yangtze saury is very small, and it is much less difficult for Ye Sihai to control them with his mind.

But this little thing is not stupid at all, and it is very alert. It is more difficult to control than a two-meter-long salmon.

Fortunately, everything went smoothly.

It’s another time when the sky is dim and bright.

Ye Sihai looked at it and it was almost time.

Set up the net.

He used the walkie-talkie to convey the order, and then took two steps back with a pale face.

He stumbled on his feet.

Chen Youtian was shocked:

"Four Seas!"

Liu Hanhan reacted quickly and supported him directly.

Ye Sihai's head felt dizzy and swollen, and he felt a little nauseous, just like he felt motion sickness while riding in a car.

This is the consequence of serious mental overdraft.

"No, I'm going to rest. No one can disturb me until I wake up. Uncle Arita, tell the uncles to be careful and pick some uninjured water tanks to put them in. One hundred and eighty will do."

After saying that, he closed his eyes and fell directly into Liu Hanhan's hands.

This side of the cockpit.

Old Uncle Liang took over the boat again.

Everyone went on deck.

No one dared to turn on the big lights on the boat, only a few small lights.

Everyone was inexplicably excited.

If you change it to an ordinary small fish, you can just pull it up simply and roughly when setting up the net.

But this is the expensive Yangtze saury.

But be careful.

"Use the pump."

Old Uncle Liang made the final decision:

"There is a fish pump on the boat, which is fast and safe and does not harm the fish."

The fish pump is a kind of spiral centrifugal pump, specially used to transport live fish. Large farms will be equipped with this tool. The fish will not be injured, which is equivalent to turning a maze several times.

The fishing boat is equipped with a fish pump with a diameter of 30 centimeters. All you need to do is connect the hose.

When the fishing net slowly rose out of the water, it was densely packed with snow-white Yangtze saury.

The old fishermen were all dumbfounded.

"It's work!"

Several people held the hose and began to throw it into the fishing net.

To secure the hose, someone needs to hold it firmly.

A thirty-centimeter water column weighs a lot and requires several people to fix it.

everything's ready.

The fish pump starts.

Countless Yangtze saury fish, about forty centimeters long, were sucked up together with the sea water and sent to the water tank at the bottom of the boat.

Old Uncle Liang controlled the rhythm of the fish pump and the rising of the fishing net.

But half an hour later, all the fish were caught in the net.

The trawl was collected as quickly as possible and began to return according to Qin Yuan's previous hidden smuggling route.

In the bottom warehouse, the old fishermen surrounded a huge water warehouse six meters long, three meters wide and two meters deep, marveling at it.

Ye Sihai didn't expect that he could actually draw them all.

The old uncles have been working at sea all their lives and have never had such a generous income.

This is Yangtze saury.

I actually found so many online.

Say nothing, just two words.


I really never dreamed of doing this.

Ye Sihai slept in darkness for a whole night.

When he woke up, his stomach was growling with hunger.

Looking at the time, it was already past four in the afternoon.

When I got up, Liu Hanhan looked like a wall outside the cabin door.

"Recruit, haven't you rested?"

Liu Hanhan grinned.

This guy is still energetic and energetic.

What a freak.

"You go and rest, I'll go get something to eat."

Liu Hanhan said oh first, and when he heard Ye Sihai talking about eating, he smacked his lips out of reflex:

"Then I'll eat some too."

Ye Sihai...!

"Go to sleep!"


Liu Hanhan got into the warehouse sadly.

This motherfucker is simply the reincarnation of a foodie.

Ye Sihai was also somewhat amused.

He had to take him to a buffet once.

Forget about domestic ones.

Let’s go abroad.

Let him go and seduce the foreigners.

If he doesn’t go bankrupt, he’ll go bankrupt.

Qin Yuan, the private captain, is quite competent.

The lunch was specially reserved, and at three o’clock, it was put into the microwave.

Ye Sihai ate it up in no time, and then went to see what he had harvested.

There were still two hours before the fishing boat returned to the dock.

And the dock was bustling.

Countless people flocked in.

Gu Zhiqiang also came, standing with Lin Changqing, Huang Yijun, Uncle Mei, and Aunt Mei, and he stood in the middle.

There were simply too many people from the Lin family.

Sons, daughters-in-law, grandchildren, dozens of people came together.

They all came to see what kind of sensation the son-in-law of the Lin family could create.

Xiao Jianguo got the news early, and personally took Ah Sheng to make preparations early.

Several frozen trucks arrived.

Many bosses at the dock were like bandits, desperately leaning forward.

Will this time be like the last time with the big yellow croaker, creating a super sensational effect?

The New Year is coming soon, and we are all short of good things.

In any case, we have to grab some.

The price is not important.

It is important to leave an impression on the world.

Ah Sheng was busy and sweating.

He was responsible for command and dispatch.

Xiao Jianguo was clearly testing his ability.

In the future, all these things will be thrown to him.

On the dock, a person-high plastic basket has been piled up, and bags are placed in it.

Many people don’t understand and are curious to ask.

"Why are there so many baskets?"

"Yes, what good stuff are you going to put in? Several oxygen generators have been pushed here."

"Is it more valuable than yellow croaker?"

"Look, there are so many. Ye Sihai must have made a great harvest this time."

"People can't be compared."

"He is the son-in-law of the Dragon King of the Sea, blessed by Mazu, what are you?"

"Don't mention it, I'm convinced by this kid."

Lin Changqing also sighed on the side:

"Maocai, is there really a few thousand kilograms of Yangtze River knife fish?"

Uncle Mei's face looked a little strange.

I couldn't help but feel proud, but I was very depressed.

If I had known earlier, I would have followed him.

It will definitely be a capital for bragging in the future.

During the Chinese New Year, I guess I can only listen to Lao Liang's bragging.

So disappointed.

It's all because of that little bastard Sihai.

On the dim sea, there is only a white skyline.

A fishing boat with a hull light on slowly approached.

"Here it comes!"

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