After listening to Ye Sihai, Xiao Jianguo was surprised:

"There is such a thing?"

Ye Sihai pretended to be very angry:

"Yes, Uncle Xiao, what do you think I should do? Call the police?"

Xiao Jianguo frowned and shook his head, slowly saying:

"It's useless to call the police. It will be very troublesome to be entangled by such a rogue."

Ye Sihai was quite horrified when he heard this:

"Uncle Xiao, I am an 18-year-old man with no parents. If I encounter such a thing, who else can I turn to if I don't call the police? Do you have any way to help me?"

Xiao Jianguo became silent when he heard this.

Ye Sihai didn't hesitate to go directly to the refrigerator in his store, took out a bottle of iced mineral water, and drank it.

Xiao Jianguo thought for a long time, then looked at Ye Sihai and said:

"Sihai, what is going on between you and the girl from the Lin family...!"

"Uncle Xiao, I'll tell you, I must marry her as my wife."

Ye Sihai said firmly:

"Even if I don't marry her, I will never allow people like Zhao Kai to get close to her."

Xiao Jianguo couldn't help laughing.

"Hahaha, Sihai is so ambitious, but I believe that with your ability, you will have a bright future in the future, and the Lin family may not be able to catch up with you."

He changed the subject:

"But the Zhao family is powerful, and Zhao Kai's father, Zhao Yihu, has made his fortune with gray, so you can't mess with them now."

"Then what should I do?"

Xiao Jianguo seemed very happy that Ye Sihai trusted him.

At least so far, Ye Sihai has entrusted him with many important things.

Including giant clam fossils, finding designers, etc.

"Si Hai, you are the only one in your family. The relationship between you and the Mei family next door...!"

"My dear, Aunt Mei is like my mother. I will not hide anything from her."

Xiao Jianguo hesitated and said:

"If there is one more person in your family, she won't say anything, right?"

Ye Si Hai didn't know whether to laugh or cry:

"Uncle Xiao, you want to hire a bodyguard for me? Don't joke, it will make people laugh if you tell others."

Xiao Jianguo smiled mysteriously and shook his head:

"Not a bodyguard, but better than a bodyguard."

Ye Si Hai immediately became interested:

"Tell me about it."

"It's a long story."

Xiao Jianguo glanced at the door and said with some sighs:

"As for me, I have made a little money in these years, and I have also started some business with my friends. In this life, sometimes I don't know how to say it. A few years ago, some things happened to me, which made me feel deeply, so I donate some money to the welfare home every year."

Xiao Jianguo talked about the welfare home in detail.

"That child has some problems with his intellectual development, but his physical development is amazing. The hospital has examined him and found that his reaction and perception are far beyond that of ordinary people. He is a blank sheet of paper. He is only fifteen years old this year, but he is already 1.9 meters tall."

Ye Sihai's eyes could not help but shine.

In his previous life, he had a bodyguard who was absolutely his confidant.

The other party was a foreigner named Sergei, who was 2.2 meters tall. He also had some problems with his IQ development, but his motor nerves were extremely developed.

Back then, Sergei was a slave boxer in a black boxing ring and was brutally abused. He finally spent 5 million US dollars to buy him.

Since then, Sergei has worshiped him like a god. He survived several times when he was sure to die, relying on Sergei.

Later, someone offered 100 million US dollars to buy Sergei, but Ye Sihai didn't buy it.

"Uncle Xiao, what's his name?"

"Liu Xinbing, in the welfare home in the southern area of ​​Fucheng, if you...!"

Ye Sihai waved his fist and said excitedly:

"I want him, let him come to my house, I can adopt him or he can live with me, anyway, I won't treat him badly, Uncle Xiao, I won't say anything else, I'll tell you a little, I got a legacy from an old seafarer, as long as I find good things, they can't run away, let Liu Xinbing follow me, you will be my only consignee in the future."

Xiao Jianguo originally had some guesses in his heart.

Now listening to Ye Sihai's words, he became more certain.

He himself is also a very decisive person.

So he stood up and said directly:

"It's only two o'clock in the afternoon, are you okay?"

"I'm fine."

Ye Sihai hurriedly got up:

"If you drive to Fucheng now, it will take an hour."

The distance from Lecheng to Fucheng is actually less than 50 kilometers.

The airport of Fucheng is in Lecheng.

The location of Jinfeng Town is in a triangle with the two, and Jinfeng Town belongs to the jurisdiction of Lecheng.

If you go to Fucheng, you can go around Lecheng, which is only 100 kilometers.

It takes an hour to take the highway.

"What are you waiting for?"

Xiao Jianguo shouted as he walked out:

"Ah Sheng, get up and look after the store. I have to go out to do something."

A few minutes later, Ye Sihai left the dock in Xiao Jianguo's Mercedes-Benz SUV.

It took only more than 40 minutes for the two to reach Fucheng.

"Sihai, you sit in the car, I'll go buy something."

Xiao Jianguo parked the car on the side of the road.

Ye Sihai got out of the car and said generously:

"No, Uncle Xiao, I should buy it."

Xiao Jianguo smiled and nodded.

The two of them were shopping in the supermarket on the side of the road, and soon the car was full.

Cereals, oils, rice, noodles, various snacks and drinks, all in all Ye Sihai spent almost 10,000 yuan, almost filling up Xiao Jianguo's Mercedes-Benz.

The welfare home is in the far suburbs and looks a bit old. The main building is a five-story building with side buildings on both sides. It is obviously a school reconstruction.

The director is an old lady who is almost 70 years old. She looks kind, but her eyes seem to be able to see through people's hearts.

After Xiao Jianguo introduced Ye Sihai, the old lady laughed immediately:

"Mr. Ye, you are a caring person. I am relieved that the new soldier can follow you. The child suddenly had a fever and fainted some time ago. Now he is well. I will call him over."

The children in the welfare home, those who are beautiful and obedient will be adopted.

Those who stay behind have more or less some intellectual or physical problems.

This welfare home is actually a special school.

When he saw Liu Xinbing, Ye Sihai's eyes lit up.

Liu Xinbing is only fifteen years old, and his face is still childish.

But he is 1.9 meters tall and has very strong muscles.

His arms are as thick as Ye Sihai's thighs.

His face is full of naivety, but his eyes are innocent.

Ye Sihai is so satisfied.

As long as he is trained well, he will be a door god-level bodyguard.

Now he has no money, but what about the future?

He quickly picked up the snacks prepared by his side and walked over with a smile:

"Your name is Liu Xinbing, right? My name is Ye Sihai, you have to call me brother, and we will be a family in the future."

Liu Xinbing lowered his head and looked at Ye Sihai naively, and said vaguely:

"Ye Sihai is my boss."

"You are my boss."

"I am Sergey."

Ye Sihai was scared to death in an instant.

Liu Xinbing suddenly burst into tears, like a bear, hugged Ye Sihai tightly in his arms, and shouted in Russian:

"Boss, I'm Sergey."

"I found you."

"Sergey finally found the boss again."

"That's great."

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