Going to the sea: The whole sea has become my back garden

Chapter 11 You won’t take me to a hotel, will you?

Eleven o'clock at night.

Ye Sihai returned home.

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The lights in Aunt Mei's main room were still on.

Aunt Mei was watching TV, and there were several dishes placed under a gauze cover on the table.

"Come back so late today?"

Aunt Mei took the bucket from Ye Sihai with some complaints:

"Ouch, such a big blue crab? There are also conger eels. They cost a lot of money. Go wash them and then eat."

Today was a great harvest, and Ye Sihai didn't feel hungry at all.

When she came back from packing, Aunt Mei had already reheated the cold dishes.

"Sihai, don't buy things randomly. Save all your money to build a house and marry a wife in the future. Aunt Mei knows that you are a good boy. It's enough to have this heart."

Ye Sihai grabbed the roast goose and took a bite, smiling proudly and saying:

"How much do you think I earned tonight?"

Aunt Mei was stunned and said suspiciously:

"Aren't they just the ones in the bucket? They are no longer young or old, and are much stronger than ordinary people."

Ye Sihai shook his head:

"That's nothing. Just guess, guess as hard as you can."

Aunt Mei frowned:

"Did you go to the beach over the pier? It's very dangerous, you know? If you're not careful...! You kid, you are not allowed to go there in the future."

Ye Sihai's heart felt sour again.

In his previous life, he had never felt much love from his mother.

"Just keep it in your mind, I won't take any chances, and you know I'm very good at water."

"That's true. Not many people who go to the beach over there dare to go. Don't be careless."

Ye Sihai smiled and took a sip of seaweed soup:

"You haven't guessed yet."

Aunt Mei couldn't help but smile on her wrinkled face:

"That must be a lot, right? More than yesterday?"

"Guess again?"

Aunt Mei reached out her hand and tapped him on the head angrily:

"Speak quickly."

Ye Sihai proudly stretched out four fingers:

"Adding the 60,000 yuan from last night, I now have this amount."

"Four...ten thousand?"

Aunt Mei was shocked.

After listening to Ye Sihai recount the process of catching the sea tonight, Aunt Mei almost cried with joy.

It's not like getting rich suddenly.

But that feeling can only be understood by ordinary people.

Her husband spends at least half a year wandering in the vast sea. Not only is he exhausted to death, but his life is also in great danger.

But the annual income is only about 300,000 yuan.

Sometimes the harvest is bad, or there is no harvest, and you may even encounter pirates.

It’s true that some people make their fortune by traveling to sea.

It's just that those people only completed their primitive accumulation by traveling to sea, and then used the money to do other profitable businesses.

But Ye Sihai earned 400,000 yuan in two nights, which was simply magical.

Ye Sihai was still afraid that Aunt Mei wouldn't believe it, so he took out his mobile phone and showed her the balance.

"Auntie, I don't want to advise you anything. You won't listen if I tell you to do nothing."

"From now on, if you want to do whatever you want, you can do whatever you want. If you don't want to, just stay at home and take care of me. I'm going to renovate your house and my house, and we'll be a family from now on."

"Brother Qiang and Sister Tingting are my brothers and sisters. You and Uncle Mei are my parents."

"Whatever I buy for you, you can take it with peace of mind. We, my mother-in-law, must let others see what it means to be a loving mother and a filial son."

Not everyone may have the same feeling of happiness.

But it must feel good.

After Ye Sihai had eaten, he went back to his home without saying anything more to Aunt Mei.

Let her digest some things slowly.

For the conger eels and blue crabs, he asked Aunt Mei to go to the dock early tomorrow morning, spend some money to make aerobic packages, and send them to Brother Qiang and Sister Tingting in Fucheng.

Aunt Mei steamed the rat spot and ate it herself.

Lying in bed, he began to meditate.

Somehow, he seemed to have some feeling.

Ye Sihai has almost explored the extra golden fingers in his body.

If he completely enters the sea, his vision will be the same as on land. No matter how deep or dark the trench is, he can see to the end at a glance.

Perception and sight are different.

It is somewhat similar to an enhanced version of the sixth sense. Within a certain range, he can clearly know the existence of all creatures in the sea.

And thoughts are the most magical.

His thoughts allow him to control sea creatures.

Perceptions and thoughts change over time, and their scope continues to increase.

There's also an unexpected benefit.

His body seemed to be changing, too.

Reaction speed is faster.

More powerful.

Ye Sihai turned over gently on the bed, thinking to himself that he wouldn't become a monster, would he?

In a daze, he slept until dawn.

When I opened my eyes, it was already half past ten in the morning.

As usual, Aunt Mei went out to catch oysters for people.

Looking at the breakfast on the table, Ye Sihai once again experienced the warmth of maternal love.

What should I do today?

I will go out to sea with Lin Qi in a month, so it is time to prepare some sea fishing tools.

Sea fishing is a trap, who knows who jumps.

A set of fishing tools can be purchased for a few hundred or a few thousand.

Hundreds of thousands and millions are the same tools.

Just like the 50 million yacht he bought in his previous life, he bought it for the convenience of fishing.

Before breakfast was finished, the phone rang.

At first glance, it was Xiao Jianguo calling.

"Uncle Xiao, so early?"

"Si Hai, I got the news about what you asked me to ask."

"Really? That's great."

"My uncle's brother-in-law has the qualifications you want. If you have anything, you can give it to him to help you."

"Thank you so much, Uncle Xiao."

"What are you talking about? I've already made arrangements. I'll send you the number and address. Just go there."

Ye Si Hai hung up the phone and continued to eat. Then he cleaned up the dishes and prepared to go to the address sent by Xiao Jianguo.

The other party is a pearl shellfish processing factory with the qualifications to sell and produce giant clam fossils.

The address is in Lecheng, 50 kilometers away from Jinfeng Town. It's not far. You can take a bus to get there.

Just as he was about to go out, a car horn sounded outside the door.


When he came out, the car had left and a girl was standing at the door.

Lin Qiaohua wore a black suspender pleated skirt and a pink T-shirt today. Her hair was tied into a bun on top of her head. She looked youthful.

Ye Sihai was suddenly stunned.

"What are you in a daze about?"

When he came to his senses, Lin Qiaohua was already in front of him, waving at him with a slight frown, and there were a few beautiful wrinkles on her small nose.

"Lin Qiaohua, you are so beautiful today."

Ye Sihai's old face turned slightly red, and he scratched his head and smiled a little embarrassedly.

"Do you like it?"

Ye Sihai's heart was filled with a deep blue tranquility, and he felt indescribably comfortable.

The girl was clean and spotless, so clean that it made people feel distressed.

"I love it so much."


Lin Qiaohua spat at him lightly, and suddenly asked:

"Did you give Ah Mo a lot of money again?"

Ye Sihai was stunned for a moment, and said:

"That's the income from his labor, don't rob him again."

Lin Qiaohua's face flashed with resentment, and then she laughed again:

"Just think of it as you bribed my brother-in-law, you haven't told me what you are going to do today?"

Ye Sihai smiled and said:

"Tell me what you are looking for me for first."


Lin Qiaohua laughed and scolded:

"You are a swindler, just like Ah Mo, Ye Sihai, you hide it very well. My father said you are not simple."

Seeing that Ye Sihai suddenly became quiet, Lin Qiaohua thought she had said something wrong, and said anxiously:

"Oh, you are not thinking too much, are you?"

Ye Sihai laughed:

"Lin Qiaohua, what are you thinking? How could I be angry? Besides...whatever my future father-in-law says, I can only listen obediently."

He also made a helpless gesture.

Lin Qiaohua chuckled and said:

"If you want to marry me, it's not enough to just go fishing. Ha, I came here to eat at a rich restaurant today, and a cup of milk tea can't get me away."

Ye Sihai said:

"Then I'll take you somewhere?"

Lin Qiaohua suddenly stared into his eyes and said seriously:

"You won't take me to a hotel, will you?"

Ye Sihai was stunned.

What are you thinking about, you little girl?

Lin Qiaohua smiled mischievously, blinked her long eyelashes twice, and said with a giggle:

"I'm teasing you."

Ye Sihai rolled his eyes at her and asked:

"Are you going or not?"


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