"During this period, the pier is very busy."

Lin Changqing brought Ye Sihai into his study.

"You're not looking for me because of the Zhao family, right?"

Lin Changqing's study is very simple, but has a unique charm.

Ye Sihai sat opposite him, looking very relaxed.

Lin Changqing especially likes this kind of demeanor in him.

It's rare for an eighteen-year-old boy to be as stable as an old dog.

Ye Sihai took a sip of tea first and then said seriously:

"Uncle, I'm looking for you today to discuss cooperation."

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Lin Changqing couldn't help but smile and said:

"Cooperation? Then I'm a little curious. What can you and I cooperate with?"

Lin Changqing spoke in an unhurried manner, giving people a very comfortable feeling.

"Can I ask you, is your relationship with Taiwan Island okay?"

When Ye Sihai said this sentence, it was like chatting with a friend, it couldn't be more relaxed.

"Haha, you kid, since you ask that, I can tell you."

Lin Changqing laughed and said:

"As long as it's not something illegal or disciplinary, the Lin family still has a role to play."

Ye Sihai fell into deep thought.

Lin Changqing shook his head, slowly crossed his legs, and looked at Ye Sihai with a smile.

Ye Sihai raised his head and smiled softly:

"I have a deal. It should be said that it is very possible. It is a big deal and I need your connections."

Lin Changqing's eyes flashed, he looked at Ye Sihai and said:

"Shipwreck on the high seas?"

Ye Sihai took out Wanwan's necklace from his body and handed it over, saying:

"This is what Xiao Hui gave to Wanwan, take a look."

Lin Changqing couldn't help but feel slightly moved.

He took it and looked at it carefully.

After looking at it carefully for a long time, he sighed and shook his head:

"The necklace itself is not valuable, and the seawater corrodes it badly, but this diamond should be worth two million US dollars."

Ye Sihai couldn't help but be moved.

Lin Changqing looked at Ye Sihai again, his expression could no longer be described in words.

"You kid...! Haha, I'm a little worried about whether marrying my daughter to you is a good thing or not."

Ye Sihai immediately smiled and touched the back of his head.

Lin Changqing exposed him unceremoniously:

"Why are you pretending in front of me? Do you really think I don't know you, kid?"

Ye Sihai didn't feel embarrassed when his disguise was exposed, he just smiled.

Lin Changqing smiled and continued:

"It's too difficult to salvage the sunken ship. Are you sure?"

Ye Sihai didn't answer.

Lin Changqing also knew that he asked a stupid question.

The two of them laughed at the same time!

That's right.

For others, salvaging a sunken ship on the seabed is definitely an incredibly difficult task.

Because no matter how advanced your equipment is, it still needs people to control it.

And when people are in the sea, there are too many factors to consider.

But there are killer whales in Ye Sihai.

According to records, the deepest dive recorded by a killer whale is one thousand meters.

You can imagine how powerful a ten-ton killer whale is.

Seventy or eighty killer whales working together can even knock over an offshore mine.

Even the guard force is saved.

Unless someone prepares guns and artillery for siege.

Lin Changqing took a sip of the tea cup and then said with a smile:

"I won't ask. You write down the coordinates and I'll have to check. If I can determine the origin of the sunken ship, it will be much easier."

Ye Sihai was overjoyed.

My father-in-law is very reliable.

Many sunken ships on the seabed actually have origins.

Unless it's a pirate's treasure ship.

Speaking of pirate treasures, Ye Sihai felt even more excited.

You must treat Xiao Hui well.

Raised fat.

Prosperity and wealth all depend on it.

"Don't talk about this matter for now. You secretly ask Xiao Jianguo to make preparations, preferably to Japan. If it doesn't matter to him, you can come to me again and leave it to me to make arrangements. Don't go to Southeast Asia."

Ye Sihai smiled and nodded:

"I have already told Uncle Xiao. He will go to Japan after arranging the matters at hand."

A trace of solemnity appeared on Lin Changqing's face.

He seemed to be thinking about how to speak:

"It's better to take it slow than to rush. Take your time. Things can't escape. Do you understand?"

Ye Sihai chuckled, nodded and said:

"Don't worry, I know it."

Lin Changqing shook his head:

"Although you are very stable, I still want to remind you that people like Zhao Yihu can do anything. Cats and dogs have their own ways. You never know when you will encounter something, so be careful."

Ye Sihai was horrified.

Uncle Lin really treated himself as his son-in-law.

"Don't think that people are careless because they are reckless. The more reckless they are, the less scrupulous they are. Many times, even all the clever tricks can't catch up with a bullet. Do you understand?"

Ye Sihai broke out in cold sweat.

I was considered an old bird in my last life.

I didn’t expect to be taught a lesson.

But a good lesson.

Recently, I have been a bit underestimating my enemies.

Subconsciously, Ye Sihai had never looked down upon Zhao Yihu.

Lin Changqing drank tea and looked at Ye Sihai.

Seeing that he was sweating a little, he finally nodded.

At the same time, my heart was sighing again.

How great it would be if this was his biological son.

The Lin family will definitely flourish in his hands.

Even though the Lin family is prosperous now, others are envious of having a perfect family.

But you know your own business.

The second generation of the Lin family are all considered talented, but they are just more than conservative and not enough to develop.

The same is true for the younger son Amo, whose character determines everything.

Only Lao Qi is a pioneering character, but his abilities are limited.

Maybe in the future, the Lin family will really have to rely on this stupid son-in-law in front of them to support themselves.

At that time, the Lin family will be able to look up to others.

Fortunately, Sihai Company has shares, so the Lin family is not too inferior.

When Ye Sihai came out of the study, he found Huang Yijun teasing Wanwan.

Liu Hanhan sat cross-legged on the ground, concentrating on the cartoon, with two basins in front of him.

One holds fruits and the other holds snacks.

He stared at the TV without blinking, and kept stuffing food into his mouth with both hands.

Qiaohuamei was back to back with him, obviously using him as a cushion while peeling fruit for Wanwan.

Ye Sihai couldn't laugh or cry:

"Can you stop bullying the new recruits?"

Qiaohuamei glared at him.

When Wanwan saw him, she immediately jumped up:

"elder brother!"

She puffed out her little cheeks, which was so cute.

Ye Sihai felt warm in his heart.

Huang Yijun smiled:

"Are you done talking? Let's have dinner at home tonight."

Ye Sihai thanked him and said:

"No, aunt, go home and prepare to catch the sea."

Huang Yijun looked at him reproachfully:

"Isn't butter crab out of season? I heard that Amo caught a dozen of them yesterday?"

Ye Sihai chuckled:

"Gathering less makes more."

Qiaohua girl nodded repeatedly:

"Mrs. Huang, look how hard my Ye Sihai works."

Huang Yijun gouged out his daughter angrily.

I really can’t have this daughter.

"Let me tell you Lin Qiaohua, you will go to school tomorrow to report, and you can still catch up on the last few days of military training. Let's see how lazy you are now?"

Qiaohuamei tilted her head and snickered, then quietly winked at Ye Sihai.

That means that Mrs. Huang became angry with embarrassment.

Ye Sihai didn't dare to talk nonsense. He asked Wanwan to hug her and prepared to go home.

Huang Yijun said to him seriously:

"It's the end of the month soon. You can take the time to send her to report. Aunt Mei is busy, so you can send Wanwan here and I'll take care of her."

Ye Sihai said honestly.

When his mother-in-law spoke, he didn't dare not listen.

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