(The life department is a relaxed flow with a little bit of business war, please enter with caution)

On the dark sea.

There was a party going on on a luxury yacht over fifty meters long.


"Mr. Ye...!"

"Here comes someone! Mr. Ye fell into the sea! Come and save him quickly!"

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"Oh my god?"

"There are sharks ahead!"



After the chaos comes calm.

Ye Sihai just felt like his head was in a blur, and pictures flashed up from time to time.

He opened his eyes and was horrified to find that his gaze in the sea was normal.

No matter how deep the sea is, it can be seen as daylight.

And his thoughts can actually penetrate into the water.

The small fish and shrimps in the sea felt his thoughts and fled away.

Ye Sihai was confused.

who I am?

This is where?

What's wrong with me?

Didn’t I go fishing and accidentally fell into the sea and fed the sharks? Why are you here?

In the confusion, someone ran over from a distance, shouting in a dialect that should be from the Minhai area.

"Jumping into the sea!"

"All over the world! All over the world...!"

"What can't you think about?"

Ye Sihai was wet all over, with a strong smell of sea.

The surrounding light was a little dim, and the sound of the ocean tide could still be heard.

His vision went dark and he passed out.

Dimly, he knew that he seemed to be reborn.

And rebirth gave him a magical ability.

He has a heart of the ocean.

All marine life in the waters that his mind can perceive will be affected by his emotions.

As his thoughts strengthen, the scope of his influence will become larger and larger in the future.

So damn amazing!



"Sihai going out?"

"Yes Aunt Mei, I'm going to take a look around the town."

Aunt May had a scarf on her head and was catching oysters.

These oyster meats are collected every day and made into oyster omelette, which is a delicacy.

"It's okay to go out for a walk. I'll catch the sea with Aunt Mei later."

"Okay Aunt Mei, I'm going to the town to buy some tools."

"Do you have money? Aunt Mei will get it for you."

"No, I still have some."

Within a week, Ye Sihai had adapted to this body.

He was reborn in a seaside fishing village called Jinfeng Town in the parallel world.

Jinfeng Town has developed fisheries and relies on the sea for its livelihood.

The original owner is also named Ye Sihai. He has beautiful features and is only eighteen years old this year.

His father was a fisherman and died at sea five years ago. His mother fell ill and passed away two years ago, leaving him alone.

All the father's compensation money was spent on treating the mother's illness, and now the family is impoverished.

Ye Sihai has been going to school and working at the dock since the first year of high school. He has to get up early in the morning to catch the sea, which is more of a social animal than a social animal.

But the money earned can only barely sustain life.

After graduating from high school this year, he was admitted to a good university, but he had no money to go to school.

Going to college was almost the only way for him to change his destiny.

Not being able to go to school means losing all hope.

Frustrated, Ye Sihai committed suicide without thinking.

In his last life, he was taking a group of friends and young models out to sea on his 50-million-dollar yacht to go fishing. Unexpectedly, his happiness led to sorrow. He failed to catch any fish and became shark bait.

Why go to college if you want to live a new life? If you graduate from college in a few years and you will be unemployed, you might as well just lie down.

I was considered a rich man in my previous life. What didn't I enjoy?

Already tired of spending time and drinking, yearning for a leisurely pastoral life.

Since God has given me such an opportunity, why not seize it firmly?

It is impossible to struggle, not in this life.

Lie flat.

You have to eat and wait to die.

But the current conditions do not allow him to eat together, so he is left to wait for death.

You have to live your life first.

Having the Heart of the Ocean means cheating in life, so what are you afraid of?

A casual trip to the sea is enough to find all kinds of good stuff.

If you have no money, go to the sea; if you have money, just lie down.

Now I am facing a blank piece of paper, holding the magic pen in my hand and drawing casually.

First, draw your home into your ideal seaside love house.

Facing the Ocean, Spring and Blossom.

Then draw a group of girls...accompanied by their own dogs.

Old Chinese doctors who regulate the body, etc., wait until they get older before painting.

very nice!

It’s unbearably hot at the beach in July.

Walking on the cobblestone road that was scorched by the scorching sun, my skin became red in a short while.

When they arrived in the town, Ye Sihai's limbs were already sore and his throat was smoking.

Three or four o'clock in the afternoon is the dullest time of the day, and even the dog is too lazy to move.

Jinfeng Town has one street leading to the end, with shops on both sides of the road. With the prosperity of the wharf, the town has gradually withered away. The only shops opened are daily necessities and various gadgets for traveling to sea.

When passing by the entrance of the town, Ye Sihai glanced at the refrigerator at the door of the grocery store and swallowed secretly.

It’s not that popsicles are unaffordable, but saliva is more cost-effective.

Now, he is mainly focused on having no money.

The only fifty-six yuan he had on him fell into the sea when he jumped into the sea.

This week, his neighbor Aunt Mei has been taking care of him.

But you can’t stay at home all the time and not go out.

Ye Sihai is going to buy some tools for fishing in the town on credit.

It’s not that he doesn’t have any at home, but he can’t use anything except the bucket.

Thick plastic gloves, fishing rakes, clamps, waders, and headlights are necessary.

He doesn’t pick up razor clams, clams, cockles, and sea intestines.

If he wants to fish, he’ll do the big ones.

He’ll pick up a bucket of fish that will last him a month.

With the blessing of the Heart of the Ocean, what big and valuable goods can’t he pick up?

When life gets better, he’ll buy a boat and go out to sea to get some really valuable goods.

If he wants to get valuable goods, he can’t go on the mudflats, but must go to various corners and crevices. These places need lighting, so he needs a headlight.

And the puddles at the seaside after the tide goes out are of different depths, so water shoes are useless, and he must wear waders.

Everything else is fine, but these two things are not cheap, and they cost at least 500 yuan in total.

Now he is a well-known sea jumper. If he wants to buy things on credit, no one dares not to buy them on credit.

Not on credit?

If he wants to jump into the sea again, he may be provoked by you.

People who make a living by the sea can be bad at anything, but their reputation must not be bad.

The sea is ruthless. Life and death are unpredictable after going out to sea. It all depends on helping each other.

If your reputation is bad, who will be willing to go out to sea with you?

There are many grocery stores in the town, and Ye Sihai plans to buy things on credit separately.

You also need to know the routine when buying things on credit, just like plucking wool. You can't catch a sheep and plucking it. The success rate will be much higher.

Everyone depends on the sea for a living. Although we are fellow villagers, it is best not to owe favors.

"Uncle Lin, can I take the things away first and send you the money tomorrow?"

"Grandpa Chen, I bought a headlamp, but I don't have enough money for the waders. Can you give me a day and give it to you tomorrow?"

"Brother Agou, I want these gloves and clips. By the way, I didn't bring enough money. I'll give it to you tomorrow."

Ye Sihai smiled honestly all the way and got all the things.

Gloves 37 yuan, clips 58 yuan, rakes 45 yuan, one-piece waders 370 yuan, long-endurance headlights 260 yuan.

The total investment is 770 yuan.

Seeing Ye Sihai carrying things back, Aunt Mei sighed, took out a thousand yuan and handed it to him:

"Take it first, and talk about it later."

Aunt Mei's husband Uncle Mei and Ye Sihai's father are sworn brothers. Both of them work on ocean-going fishing boats.

After Ye Sihai's father got into trouble, Uncle Mei brought him back.

The two houses are close to each other, and they have the best relationship. Uncle Mei often goes out to sea for more than half a year, and the two children have settled down in the city.

There are three kinds of suffering in life: rowing a boat, forging iron and grinding tofu.

Fishermen have a much harder life than rowing a boat. The whole family makes a living on the sea. One mistake can wipe them out.

"Aunt Mei, I won't take this money. Don't worry. I will definitely find good things today and sell them at a good price."

Ye Sihai returned the money:

"It's almost time. I'll go and get the bucket. I have to find a good place first."

Those who go to the sea are usually women and children. They go to the beach to pick up various seafood in the morning and evening during the tide. Some of them are eaten by themselves, and some are exchanged for money to supplement their family income.

There are people who collect the goods at the dock every day, and they can exchange them for money on the spot.

In the original body's memory, he had no interest in going to the sea a long time ago.

Ye Sihai, however, is looking forward to going to the sea.

After all, in the last life, he only played it a few times for novelty.

Now that he has a cheat, he hopes to make a fortune by going to the sea.

Aunt Mei rides an electric car, and Ye Sihai sits behind with a bucket in one hand, waiting to reach the beach. Many people have already gathered.

Aunt Mei felt a little regretful:

"We are late, and all the good places are taken."

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