
The inner courtyard, in a sense, can only be regarded as truly entering Shrek by entering the inner courtyard.

Now, Fang Cheng's line of sight was full of students from the inner courtyard.

"Xuan Lao is here!" The

sudden words made several teenagers and girls in the room stop what they were doing and turned their eyes to where Xuan Lao was.

Seeing that everyone was looking over, Xuan Lao also smiled, and then said slowly: "Let me introduce to you, this little guy is Fang Cheng, and he will be one of you from today on."

As soon as these words came out, several teenagers and girls showed surprised expressions.

One of the blonde teenagers even stood up directly, and asked curiously: "Elder Xuan, do you mean that Fang Cheng is also one of

the Shrek Seven Monsters now?" After hearing this, Xuan Lao replied with a smile: "Yes, but Fang Cheng is the next Shrek Seven Monsters, and now he is just learning and cultivating with you."

The blonde boy also nodded after hearing this explanation, although he didn't know the specific reason, but he still chose to believe Xuan Lao.

Seeing that the other party was not asking, Xuan Lao turned around directly and said, "You guys get to know each other first, and then gather in the fighting spirit area later." As

soon as the words fell, he opened the door and walked out.

After Xuan Lao left, the blonde boy from before walked directly in front of Fang Cheng.

"Hello, my name is Dai Keyheng, and I hope we can get along well in the future.

Hearing this, Fang Cheng raised his eyes and glanced at Dai Keyheng, who was smiling and friendly.

Then he replied with a smile: "Hello, I also hope to get along with you."

After a brief reply, he turned his gaze to the rest of the boys and girls.

Except for Dai Keyheng, who has known each other with him, there are two women and three men here, and the strength feels like that.

But at this time, Dai Keyheng spoke again.

"Everyone, why don't we go to the Fighting Soul Zone first, and then talk about it on the way if we have anything to talk about.

Although Dai Keyheng was smiling when he spoke, his tone always gave people an indescribable feeling, as if his boss was asking his subordinates for their opinions.

Although it was such a feeling, the rest of the people didn't pay much attention to it.

Fang Cheng was the same, he didn't think that these people could bring anything to him, so there was no need to care about it.


Soon, everyone came to the fighting spirit area.

Fang Cheng also almost knew the names of these people on the way.

The two women are Ling Luochen and Xixi, and the three men are Chen Zifeng, Yao Haoxuan and Ram Mo, who is a bit of a sissy, and the cultivation of the five people is not much different, and then there is nothing else.

At the same time, in the stands of the fighting spirit area, Ma Xiaotao was standing next to Xuan Lao.

Seeing that Fang Cheng and them were coming, Xuan Lao motioned for Ma Xiaotao to go down.

Wait until everyone is standing in the fighting spirit zone.

Xuan Lao said directly: "Today's class is very special.

When the people heard this, they immediately became curious.

Looking at the people with blazing eyes, Xuan Lao stopped talking nonsense, and opened his mouth and said: "Today, there will be a seven-on-one unfair soul fight..."

But in the next second, everyone except Ma Xiaotao and Fang Cheng thought was shocked.

“... The current Shrek Seven Monsters fought against Fang Cheng, one of the Shrek Seven Monsters!

" !!

"Ah??? "

Dai Keyheng They were stunned, and they all looked at Xuan Lao in disbelief.

But Xuan Lao looked at them indifferently and continued: "The old man knows that you have a lot of questions, but you will know all of them after you have made a deal with Fang.

Dai Keyheng, who originally wanted to ask the reason, also swallowed back the words that came to his mouth after hearing this.

The rest of the people are the same, thinking that since that's the case, it's not impossible to give it a try.

"Fang Cheng, do you have any questions?" Xuan Lao looked at Fang Cheng at this time.

Hearing this, Fang Cheng waved his hand, and replied with a very indifferent expression: "I have no problem, is it really okay to

do this?" Xuan Lao knew the meaning of his words as soon as he heard it, and couldn't help but smile in his heart, "This kid is really ashamed, is he really so confident?"

Thinking of this, Xuan Lao didn't think much about it, and said directly: "Since that's the case, then let's get ready to start!"

When the words fell, Ma Xiaotao, Dai Keyheng and the other seven people directly locked their eyes on Fang Cheng.

And Fang Cheng clasped his hands into fists unhurriedly, showed a harmless smile at the seven people, and said lightly: "Senior sisters, I am offended. Hearing

this, Ma Xiaotao immediately became vigilant.

Dai Keyheng on the side was a little puzzled when he saw this, and asked curiously: "Xiao Tao, why are you so serious, Fang Cheng seems to be just a soul venerable

, right?" "That's it, you can't be afraid, right?" Ling Luochen also came out at this time and interjected.

But Ma Xiaotao not only did not relax her vigilance at all, but even said very solemnly: "You'd better not treat Fang Cheng as a soul venerable, otherwise you will suffer a big loss." "

What do you mean?"

Dai Keyheng was even more puzzled.

But in the next second, he was stunned.

Bang -

In a trance, Dai Keyheng only felt that his whole person seemed to have been hit by some super-large soul beast, and flew out directly.

After a bang, everyone came to their senses.

In their line of sight, Dai Keyheng flew out of thin air, and then slammed into the wall at the edge of the Fighting Spirit Zone.

Gollum -

At this moment, Ma Xiaotao and the others in the fighting spirit area all swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

"I'm sorry, I think this will make you get serious," Fang Cheng said lightly while standing where Dai Keyheng was just now.

And Ma Xiaotao next to him didn't hesitate, his soul power exploded, and the soul ring was instantly lit up.

A pillar of flame erupted directly from under Fang Cheng's feet, engulfing Fang Cheng in the blink of an eye.

Seeing this, Ling Luochen was directly shocked and speechless, she could feel that Ma Xiaotao was a dead hand.

But before she could be shocked, the pillar of flame that soared into the sky was forcibly extinguished.

And Fang Cheng, who had just been engulfed by the flames, stood there with a calm face, except that the clothes on his body were burned a little, there was nothing else.

Seeing this, Ma Xiaotao and the other six people didn't dare to slack off, and they all became vigilant.

"Since you're all serious, then I'll be a little more serious," Fang Cheng spoke slowly at this time.

As soon as the words fell, he slowly pulled out a three-section stick from the space bag on his waist, and the three-section short stick was red throughout, with a small amount of black for embellishment.

[Youyun: A special spell in the world of spells, a pure physical attack, and its power depends on the user's physical strength. I

don't know why, the moment Ma Xiaotao saw You Yun, a sense of uneasiness rose in her heart.

However, Fang Cheng didn't give them any time to think at this time, he held You Yun's feet and ejected them instantly, and the naked eye could only see the afterimage left by his high-speed movement.

In an instant, Chen Zifeng only felt a cool breeze coming from behind him.


In the next second, his whole person was directly blasted out by Fang Cheng with You Yun.

The moment he was hit by You Yun, Chen Zifeng felt that his internal organs were trembling violently, as if they were about to explode.

Yao Haoxuan, who was not far away, saw this and just wanted to come to the rescue, but a black shadow appeared in front of him in the next second.


Before the words fell, he lost his center of gravity and fell straight to the ground.

And Xuan Lao in the stands showed a very excited expression on his face at this time.

In less than five seconds, Chen Zifeng and Yao Haoxuan lost their combat ability, plus Dai Keyheng at the beginning, from the beginning to the present, in less than two minutes, three of the Shrek Seven Monsters can not fight.

It is conceivable how perverted Fang Cheng's combat strength must be.

At this moment, there are still four monsters left on the field.

Ling Luochen also understood the current situation, if he didn't make a move, he probably wouldn't have a chance.

Thinking of this, she directly released all her soul power, and the entire fighting soul area instantly seemed to be like winter had arrived, and the temperature plummeted directly to below zero.

I thought that this would limit Fang Cheng's actions, but soon found that I was thinking too much.

Because Fang Cheng had already appeared in front of Ling Luochen at this time.

Seeing that the three sticks in Fang Cheng's hand were about to fall on her, Ling Luochen's mind suddenly went blank, and she had no choice but to close her eyes.

In the next second, Ling Luochen felt that his consciousness was gradually disappearing, and in less than a few seconds, he completely lost consciousness, and then fell to the ground solidly.

After dealing with her, Fang Cheng turned his head to look at the only three left, Ma Xiaotao, Ram Mo and Xixi.

"Alright, let's finish!" At

this moment, Xuan Lao in the stands spoke.


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