
What is a monster?

Before that, everyone who came to Shrek Academy thought that they would become that monster, until they met Fang Cheng...

"That guy is a living monster who can end a fight in a matter of seconds."

"He didn't even use the martial soul from the beginning, he relied on all his fighting skills!"

"It's a perfect fit to describe that guy as a monster, because he's the most outrageous existence I've ever seen



freshman assessment has been going on for two days, and today is the third day, and the last day of the round-robin tournament, and the most talked about thing during this period is the matter about Fang Cheng.

Not for anything else, just because of Fang Cheng's terrifying and bottomless strength.

The group that played against him was almost always killed in seconds, and even the strongest group could not last ten seconds in his hands.

It is precisely because of this that all the students who participated in the freshman assessment were extremely reluctant that their opponent was Fang Cheng.

On the way to the test location.

Fang Cheng still walked with a relaxed face.

But at this time, Yan Yun suddenly spoke.

"Fang Cheng, the assessment of the past two days is all about you, making us feel like we are spectators."

Fang Cheng, who heard this, also turned his head to look at him, and then smiled: "Then how about letting the two of you be in the limelight today?"

As soon as he heard this, Caiqi showed a worried look and whispered, "What if we are defeated?"

"It doesn't matter, I'll make a move when the time comes," Fang Cheng was very confident.

On the other hand, looking at Yan Yun, he said with a depressed face: "Caiqi, do you not believe in your own strength so much? The two of us control one and one assist, and the energy consumption is dead on the opposite side, what are you afraid of? "

I'm not cautious, I'm not afraid of 10,000, I'm afraid of what if," Cai Qi stuck out his little tongue and laughed.

Seeing her like this, Yan Yun also felt speechless for a while, and complained directly: "You, you really rely on the top, what should we do in the future if we keep going like this?" "

Got it..."Cai Qi showed a look of knowing his mistake.

Seeing this, Fang Cheng also smiled and said, "Yan Yun is right, you really can't rely on one person, sometimes you have to rely on yourself." This

sentence made Yan Yun and the two of them have an epiphany, and they nodded one after another.

Soon, the three of them came to the assessment area.

As soon as they arrived, they ushered in the first assessment of the day.

"The freshman class Fang Cheng team played against the freshman class seventh class Huang Chutian team, please come to the stage as soon as possible!"

As the referee's voice sounded, Fang Cheng and the three of them also walked to the battle platform with very relaxed steps.

After a while, their opponents also walked up.

"In Xia Huang Chutian, the one on the left is Lan Susu, and the one on the right is Lan Luoluo."

The first to speak was a teenager, and to his left and right stood twin sisters.

Seeing that the names on the other side were reported, Fang Cheng also smiled, and then retreated behind Yan Yun and Cai Qi, and said with a smile: "It's up to the two of you next." "

Well, I'm not in vain."

Yan Yun smiled and walked to the front, and Cai Qi was also ready for the battle.

Seeing this, the referee teacher didn't talk nonsense, and directly announced loudly:

"The assessment begins!"

With the referee's order, the personnel on both sides except Fang Cheng thought they were all ready for battle.

"First Soul Skill, Pro!"

Yan Yun directly lit up the first soul ring, and then a long sword engraved with the word "Lin" appeared behind him.

This is his martial soul, the Nine Swords, also known as the Nine-Character Mantra Sword.

Every time he gets a soul ring, he will be able to unravel a word, until the last nine characters are fully opened, and his strength will be very terrifying.

And the ability of his first soul technique is to make the nine-character mantra sword descend.

As for why he is a control system soul master, a big reason is that the word "array" will appear behind his martial soul, which can lay down a sword formation to contain the enemy, so he will choose the cultivation direction of the control system.

Huang Chutian saw that the other party had summoned the martial spirit, so naturally he would not stand still.

The two soul rings lit up, and the whole person shot out like cannonballs.

Not to be outdone, Yan Yun picked up the nine-character mantra sword and rushed forward.

The moment the two collided together, a puff of dust rolled up on the battle platform.

"It's hard," Yan Yun said with a smile.

Huang Chutian also smiled when he heard this, "That's not it, I'm a Hercules Ape Martial Soul, and my physical strength is very good!" As

soon as the words fell, he raised his foot and kicked directly at Yan Yun's head.

Yan Yun's reaction was not bad, and he leaned back to dodge this kick.

While dodging, he didn't forget to stab Huang Chutian with a sword.

Although Huang Chutian reacted and avoided it in time, he was unfortunately stabbed in the shoulder, and blood slowly flowed out.

Fortunately, the wound is not deep and does not affect anything.

But because of this, he is more cautious.

Seeing this, Caiqi in the distance was not idle, and directly summoned the martial soul and shouted: "The first soul skill, red!"

As the soul ring lit up, a beam of red light shot towards Yan Yun, and it shot at his body in the blink of an eye.

In an instant, Yan Yun felt that the strength in his body had been increased by a few points.

smiled and said to Caiqi behind him: "Thank you, you will be able to end the battle soon." As

soon as the words fell, he lit up the second soul ring.

"Second Soul Skill, Bing!"

For a moment, the sword body of the Nine-Character Mantra Sword in his hand lit up with a dazzling light.

Yan Yun's second soul skill can increase the sharpness of the martial soul and make it more lethal.

Seeing this scene, the twin sisters behind Huang Chutian also glanced at each other.

They understood that the long sword in Yan Yun's hand was dangerous at this time, and his movements had to be restricted.

So, the two hugged each other.

"Martial soul fusion, heaven and earth net!"

As the four soul rings emitted a dazzling light, countless blue strands of hair spread out directly, almost covering the entire battle platform.

Yun was also in a predicament at the moment, he was bound by his hair, and the long sword in his hand could not be wielded.

Not only him, but even Cai Qi and Fang Cheng were all restrained.

Huang Chutian was a little unhappy when he saw this, and said directly: "You don't need to use this trick. "

This is their team's hole card, and if you use it, it will be extremely easy to be deliberately targeted in the following games.

But Lan Susu said very calmly: "We can't help it, they haven't made a move against Fang Cheng yet, we can't give him a chance to make a move."

Hearing this, Huang Chutian was also relieved and didn't say more.

But at this moment, a cold voice knocked the three of them into the ice cave.

"It's a good idea, it seems to deal with Yanyun, but in fact, he wants to restrict me, okay."

The person who spoke was none other than Fang Cheng, although he was also restrained.

Huang Chutian didn't think so, he believed in the hole card of his team, as long as it wasn't the Soul Sect, it would be impossible to break free.

So he said: "Brother, admit defeat, you can't break free from the net."

But the next second the words fell, a cold light flashed, and everyone present was stunned.

"That's really embarrassing, I can break free," Fang Cheng said with a wicked smile on his face while holding the Soul Release Knife.

At the same time, strands of blue hair that had broken into several pieces were scattered around his feet.

The attribute of the Soul Liberation Knife was that it could cut through all the substances that Fang Cheng thought could not be cut.

Therefore, the martial soul fusion skills of Lan Susu and Lan Luoluo were as fragile as a blank sheet of paper in his eyes.

Without waiting for everyone to react, Fang Cheng's calves instantly exerted force, and the whole person disappeared directly in place.

By the time everyone reacted, he was already standing in front of the Lan sisters.

And the blue hair behind him, which almost covered the entire audience, was also scattered on the ground at this moment.

Huang Chutian just wanted to resist, but in the next second, a small amount of blood flowed from his neck.

"You'd better not mess around, otherwise next time it won't be as simple as scratching some skin," Fang Cheng said with his back to Huang Chutian.

Hearing this, all the people in the entire assessment area gasped.

Huang Chutian was scared, so he had no choice but to raise his hand and say, "Teacher, let's admit defeat..."

So he hurriedly announced: "The assessment is over, Fang Cheng's team wins!"

As the words fell, Fang Cheng also collected the Soul Release Knife.

Huang Chutian's face was full of loss, and just as he was about to step down, Fang Cheng patted him on the shoulder.

smiled: "You guys are still quite powerful, after all, you are the first team to let me take out a weapon since this assessment."

After saying that, he walked off the battle platform without looking back.

Huang Chutian, who heard this, was originally very disappointed, but he became energetic in the next second.

"We have been recognized by Fang Cheng!"


After this battle, Fang Cheng and they successfully advanced to the knockout round.

Originally, they should have to participate in four assessments, but after Huang Chutian, every team that was formed on the top chose to take the initiative to admit defeat.

Because they saw Fang Cheng's more terrifying strength, they all knew that they had no need to fight, so they simply admitted defeat.

In this way, Fang Cheng and the three directly advanced to the knockout round.


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