Gods of all people: Evolution starts from Zerg

Chapter 97 Don’t let any creature go, kill it!

Plane No. 1 is the upper plane that Lin Hua encountered in the Ancient City Military District before.

Before leaving, Lin Hua dropped five first-level Zerg queens into that plane.

It's been a long time coming.

The Zerg army led by the Zerg Queen has devoured 4% of that plane.

The number of the Zerg army also increased exponentially.

Even the number of Zerg queens has increased from 5 to more than 100.

Good guy.

In the future, no Zerg from other planes will become more powerful than me, the God of Zerg.

Think of this possibility.

The corners of Lin Hua's mouth couldn't help but twitch a few times.

Although it is impossible for the Zerg to rebel.

They are overtaken by their subordinates, and it is indeed a bit embarrassing for them to be leaders.

But it’s also embarrassing to be happy.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Hua looked at Plane 2 again.

[Plane Two]: Devouring Progress 1%

[Number of Zerg Queens]: One second-order Zerg Queen, one first-order Zerg Queen.

[Number of bugs]: five hundred springtails and one hundred cockroaches.

Oh? Did I see it wrong?

Making a strange amount made Lin Hua very confused.

The second plane is the Oracle Spirit Emperor of the god who originally attacked Lin Hua.

The divine realm of the gods is protected by the gods, and it is very difficult to swallow that plane.

It seems that the god is still very vigilant and has discovered that his territory has been infected by some alien species.

And he also killed three of the Zerg queens.

Therefore, the progress of devouring the second plane has been stagnant.

I really don’t know who the god who carried out the attack was on that day.

But Qinglong who can possess the seventh level is definitely not an ordinary person.

Could it be the Cui family?

In fact, Lin Hua thought about this possibility, but quickly rejected it.

The main reason is that he thinks too highly of the Cui family.

The Cui family was somewhat influential in the ancient city, but looking at the entire Eastern Alliance, they were nothing short of useless.

Even the head of the Cui family is not qualified to own a seventh-level blue dragon.

Forget it, if that's the case then let's not think about it so much.

After thinking for a long time, Lin Hua still couldn't figure out who he had enmity with.

Just don't think about it anymore.

After all, the most important thing is to improve your strength quickly.

No matter who the god was who attacked him in the first place.

As long as Lin Hua is strong enough, he will not be afraid of any enemy.

This night was the most peaceful night Lin Hua slept.

But some people may not sleep so peacefully.

Lin Hua's amazing performance today.

The contestants from other cities were greatly shocked.

If not curbed.

Lin Hua will take first place in the plane hunting battle with absolute victory.

And the kind that no one can stop.

The question is which one is the first in the plane hunting battle? It’s that simple.

Other mythical beast-level creatures will also be included in its bag.

Naturally, this is something that no one wants to see.

This time everyone was united and stayed up all night, discussing ways to deal with Lin Hua.

Some people suggest hunting mythical beast-level creatures in advance and grabbing them first.

Some directly suggest grouping together, after all, there is strength in numbers.

However, Lin Hua quickly told these opponents with practical actions.

In front of the Zerg army, all their preparations will be doomed to be in vain.

The next morning, the plane hunting battle started again.

As thousands of contestants entered the simulation cabin, the Godland connection was restarted.

Lin Hua's divine domain, in the sky of the territory.

The space wall opens again.

In the turbulent flow of the void, a huge and broken island emerged on the other side.

In the Plane Hunting War, except for the birth point on the first day being random.

For the remaining nine days, species are being teleported out.

Where was your last stop? That's where the birth point is.

When Lin Hua's Zerg army was teleported back to the God's Domain yesterday, it stayed on the island.

Therefore, the connection point between the Zerg’s divine territory and the plane hunting battlefield is also here.

It's just that this place can no longer be called an island, after a big battle yesterday.

The island has become broken into pieces, and the sea water is pouring in.

Lin Hua opened the map and took a look.

There are three mythical beasts and species left alive.

They are the blue dragon in the east, the phoenix in the south, and the white tiger in the west.

Let's fight the white tiger first.

Lin Hua made up his mind and decided to kill the white tigers in the west first.

Mainly because Qinglong's attack method is mainly lightning.

It is an extremely powerful magical damage.

And it also comes with a very strong power of heaven and earth.

Xuanwu's defense and defense against magic attacks are actually not strong.

Moreover, the magic resistance of the dragon gene cannot stop the attack of Qinglong, the ancestor of the dragon.

Although it is not a wise choice to fight for Qinglong first.

Lin Hua's Zerg army is currently in the northernmost part of the plane, and the Suzaku in the south is really too far away.

After all, this super giant plane is hundreds of millions of square kilometers in size.

Even if the Zerg moves very quickly, such a journey is very time-consuming.

White Tiger's strength as a pure physical damage body is extremely terrifying.

However, it was just restrained by the powerful physical defense of Xuanwu Special Defense.

The main reason is that the defense is not very strong, but it can also cause the Zerg to cause a lot of damage to the white tiger.

As the saying goes, if the method is correct, everything will be fine.

Your words also set the goal without hesitation.

The Zerg are heading west.

Liu Hua issued an attack order to the Zerg army.

At the place where yesterday ended, the Zerg army regrouped and began a new round of raging.

Just like yesterday, the Zerg army jumped into the sea and began to return to the land from the island.

No, did I forget something?

Looking at the sparkling lotus in the sea, what suddenly came to mind?

Remember when we were crossing the sea yesterday, some marine creatures that were not afraid of death took the opportunity to sneak attack us?

This time let them see what despair is.

Since fish gills have evolved, they can breathe in water.

So that’s the song to destroy these sea creatures.

The Zerg army will destroy all marine life in this ocean.

Lin Hua issued the attack order again.

As commanded.

After receiving the order, the Zerg army dived into the sea water and swam quickly.

The Zerg army was born in the hatching fluid and evolved in the hatching pool.

In fact, their affinity for water is no different than that of ordinary marine life.

I just can't breathe in the water.

Nowadays, the Zerg army has evolved fish gills, making them invincible in the water.

On the huge seabed, each group of wolf sharks was completely wiped out by the Zerg.

Even the underwater crystal palaces of the mermaid tribe were destroyed one by one.

No marine creature would be swallowed by the Zerg army.

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